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One-time scripts for repairing a building import with corrupted addresses in OpenStreetMap


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One-time scripts for repairing a building import with corrupted addresses in OpenStreetMap

One-sentence problem statement:

A majority of buildings mapped in Herkimer County, New York (and some buildings elsewhere in New York) have corrupted street addresses.

Examples: has its addr:street value set to 'Washington'. It should be 'North Washington Street'. has its addr:street value set to '5'. It should be 'State Route 5 West' or some variant thereof. has an addr:city value of 'Road'. It should be 'Stony Creek'. (This one is in Warren County rather than Herkimer.)

What appears to have happened:

A great number of building footprints appear to have been imported by numerous OSM accounts, all of which appear to be pseudonyms of miluethi.

As of 2022-03-31, the OSM accounts known to be involved in the import include:

    AlexCleary    JoelManagua   Nia-gara     RI-Improve
    BrianDillman  JOetlikers    NYbuildings  RickMaldonado
    BobKelly      JoseDeSilva   Northfork    RobertReynolds
    JimTracy      miluethi      PeterKing

The import source is not given in the tags or changeset comments, but Michael Luethi reports that the footprints were derived from Lewis County building footprints That is one possible data source, but the problem extends far beyond Lewis County. I suspect that some of the remaining footprints are from either the Microsoft building footprints or the NYSERDA Building Footprints with Flood Analysis. The address points are reported to have derived from NYS Address Points.

There appears to have been a systemic error in the conversion of street names from whatever source gave the importer the street addresses. Further confusion ensued because the NYS GIS SAM import added tagging to the buildings in the area. It was (responsibly!) coded in such a way that it would not overwrite any address tagging that an earlier mapper had added, so buildings likely bear corrupted address fields together with perhaps a few correct ones and corresponding address point ID's from the later import.

It would appear that the issue of the corrupted addresses was first raised with the importer on 2021-07-13 in a comment on changeset 86613422. There was no reply, possibly because the commenter also fixed the specific ways that he mentioned. Apparently, the importer did not attempt to determine whether there might have been a systemic issue with the import.

All changesets from the import user must be suspect. I've seen corrupted addresses as early as changeset 86590260 and as late as changeset 88885072.

I personally raised the issue (without having done the full research needed to make this report) on 2022-03-13, in comments on (changeset 86639030)[]. I did finally get a reply, and there has been further conversation indicating that the importer is at least aware that there is a genuine problem here.

So, where do we go from here?

The problem affects a large number of ways - roughly 130,000 at last count. 2,631 are repaired in OSM by the sample changesets described below. While the MS building footprints are pretty sketchy, I think that rolling forward with address corrections is still the best way to go, rather than the collateral damage that will inevitably result from attempting to revert an import that's been in place for two years.

A sketch of the process might be.

  • Examine the 180 changesets committed by NYbuildings. Identify the building ways with addr:* values. Discard at this point any buildings that have had their addresses modified since the import by any user other than the NYS GIS SAM import. (_Update 2022-03-29:_The various users have nearly four thousand changesets among them. Many relate to other projects than the NY building import, but all must be examined at least mechanically. The process of retrieving them alone will likely take several days.)

  • For any building that has been conflated with an address point from NYS GIS SAM, replace all addr:* fields with the ones from the state.

  • For any remaining building that contains one or more address points from NYS GIS SAM, if all of the contained points agree on addr:state, addr:city, addr:postcode, addr:housenumber or addr:street, replace any addr:* key for which all the contained points agreed with the agreed-on value.

  • Flag any remaining building in a local database for manual analysis. It is possble that the manual analysis will reveal more opportunities for streamlining the remaining recovery with further mechanical edits. (Update 2022-03-29: This step is on indefinite hold - the project has simply grown bigger than I can handle with manual review of this material.)

  • Group modified buildings into batches, clustered geographically. Push the key changes into JOSM using the remote control API one batch at a time and upload. (I have code to do the clustering, which I used on earlier import work.)

There's committed code in the repositoryy that carries out the first two steps and forms the changesets (the last step). This code should be enough to 'stop the bleeding', and the process will likely take several weeks. Following that, we can go back and assess how much we can harvest from the rest of the botched import. Manual review of the remaining imported addresses may be easy (there may, in fact, be none!), onerous, or not worth doing.

Obviously, I'll follow the mechanical edit guidelines when doing this: announce the edit in advance on imports-us and talk-us; prepare OSM XML showing the results on a small subset of the points and make it available for community review; and document the process (this message would be a good start toward that documentation) on the Wiki. Following that, I'll pull the trigger only if it appears that I have community buy-in.

Current status: 2022-04-16

The last of about 130,000 buildings have had their addresses altered by this mechanical process. All of the 700 or so changesets (including one tranche that was mistakenly uploaded as user ke9tv rather than ke9tv_NYbuildings_repair) were subjected to at least a cursory 'sanity check' inspection.

Until and unless additional alias users are identified, this project may be considered closed.

Current status: 2022-03-31

Beyond the 2,631 building addresses that have been repaired by the sample changesets, 127,559 remain. They are not distributed geographically in anything like a homogeneous fashion. New York City has only one affected address, for instance. The hardest-hit areas are the suburban counties of Nassau and Suffolk, while the equally suburban Westchester County has only a handful, In general, the lower Hudson Valley was spared, with Washington, Columbia, Albany, Rensselaer, Greene, Ulster, Dutchess, Rockland, Sullivan and Delaware Counties needing only a few sporadic corrections. (Orange County, by contrast, needs thousands.) The Adirondacks, Southern Tier and Niagara Frontier are all in need of considerable work.

The changes fall into two main categories, plus about 1,110 sporadic changes. The counts of changes (the 2.601 changes already applied are not counted here) are:

  • 78,270 cases where addr:city is incorrect. These all appear to be cases where a building is served by a post office whose name differs from the surrounding municipality. These might be villages without a post office of their own, unincorporated Hamlets that do have their own post offices, or simply buildings that are served by a post office in a neighbouring community. They also include a few thousand changes that are respellings of the city name, in all cases to a version that OSM would prefer, for example, expanding 'St. James' to 'Saint James'.

  • 56,159 cases where addr:street is changed. Virtually all of these result from inappropriate discarding of name qualifiers. The source data had separate columns for the proper noun in a street name and the prefix and suffix qualifiers, which in turn were grouped into categories: directions, common nouns such as 'Street' and adjectival words such as 'Old' or 'Extension' are all broken out separtely. Thus, an address such as '37 Old State Route 29 West' would show up incorrectly as addr:housenumber=37 addr:street=29.

The 611 changes to addr:housenumber and 510 changes to addr:postcode all appear to be changes related to the fact that I'm using a newer version of the NYS address point data to do the repair. Updating imported data to the current version should be mostly harmless. There appear to be perhaps 200 addresses that also lost a qualifier in the original import: '122A Main Street' and '122B Main Street' could both show up as just 122.

These numbers add up to more than the total of 127,559 remaining affected buildings, because many buildings have more than one problem.

Early study on changed city names - Suffolk County

(This commentary is out of date, because a much larger tranche of questionable edits was discovered since this study. It should give a good view, though, of the process used to analyze the data.)

The changed city names in Suffolk County fall into specific, dense geographic clusters. The largest single cluster, of 2281 points, is a simple respelling of the postal city name, from 'St. James' (abbreviated - deprecated) to 'Saint James' (spelt out in full - as OSM prefers). The following two maps show the other clusters. Select the links in the captions to view them at a readable scale.

City name changes - western Suffolk County

Map 1 City name changes in western Suffolk County

City name changes - eastern Suffolk County

Map 2. City name changes in eastern Suffolk County

In both maps, the clusters of address points are shown as shaded regions. The color of a region is a rough indication of how many addresses that would change in it, gradated from few=blue to many=yellow. The labels give the count of points in the cluster, the proposed change to the city name, and the ZIP code that applies.

All of the larger clusters (I've examined a few dozen) look reasonable to me. An example can be seen on the northwest corner of Map 1. The villages of Eatons Neck (1076 addresses) and Asharoken (531 addresses) do not have their own post offices, and the post office explicitly deprecates using those city names with ZIP code 11768, requiring Northport instead - exactly what the data from the NYSGIS import give us.

Farther east, the post office with ZIP code 11733 spans multple villages. It serves Setauket and East Setauket, and allows both names for city names. It also serves the village of Old Field, and a small corner of the village of Stony Brook, but those names are deprecated; once again, NYSGIS is showing correct postal cities.

On the southwest corner of that map, there are patches all along the south shore where the postal service boundaries don't coincide with the village lines, so that some residents of Copiague have their mailing address show Amityville while others show Lindenhurst. The Lindenhurst post office also claims some residents of West Babylon, and a strip where the postal service boundary between West Babylon and Babylon follows a canal rather than the village line has residents on both sides of the canal with postal addresses in the other village.

The same sort of situations crop up all over the county. On Map 2, on the South Fork, the villages of Shinnecock Hills, Tuckahoe and North Sea all lack their own post offices and are served by Southampton, as is the westernmost corner of Water Mill. Bridgehampton has residents served by the Water Mill, Sag Harbor and Sagaponack post offices; Noyack and North Haven are served out of Sag Harbor, and so on.

The Census-Determined Place (CDP) of Greenport West, on the North Fork, is not a municipality, nor does it have a strong local identity. All its addresses need to be assigned to nearby Southold or Greenport, which the NYSGIS data does.

If addr:city is to represent the postal city, then I don't see any changes on Long Island that I disagree with, particularly in light of the fact that the building addresses arrived on an import to begin with.


Completion of the first-round code

On 2022-03-21, I pushed commits that appear to make the entire pipeline work, and announced on imports-us, talk-us, and talk-us-newyork that the import was ready for peer review. I uploaded a directory, sample_changesets, that contains a bunch of randomly-selected changesets from the process in support of the review. It also has a file, changedesc.txt, which is a machine-generated description of the sample changesets, together with a few notes of mine about what's going on.

My personal assessment of the sample changes is that they're surely no worse than what's there, and generally much better. Only a handful of changes appear questionable, and they generally relate to address normalisation. 'Mt. Washington' should be spelt out, as possibly should names like '2nd Street' or '4th Avenue' (the latter is questioned: surely spelliing out One Hundred Ninety-Sixth street in New York City would be silly, but where do whe draw the line?). I noticed one house with an address on the wrong street - but it was wrong in both datasets, and all that the repair program did was to change to the correct spelling of the wrong street.

Obviously, more eyeballs are needed before going forward.

Application of sample changesets

Having heard no complaints about the proposed edit, on 2022-03-28 I carefully vetted and uploaded ten changesets, and put the project on pause for another week to await any changeset comments that might appear, with a plan to commence the full repair two weeks later on 2022-04-09.

A detailed summary of what has been uploaded so far:

  • addr:street=West Water Street (11 buildings)

    Buildings appear to front on a street with a matching name and have housenumbers running in sequence with ones that are unaffected by the changeset. The changeset adds the 'West' direction prefix.

  • addr:city=Sag Harbor (291 buildings)

    All buildings have addr:postcode=11963 and are located in the municipality of North Haven. USPS shows 'North Haven' as an unacceptable city for ZIP code 11963.

  • addr:street=South Memantic Road (16 buildings)

    Buildings appear to front on a street with a matching name and have housenumbers running in sequence with ones that are unaffected by the changeset. Changeset adds the 'South' direction prefix.

  • addr:street=Simpson Road (1 building)

    Building at 1 Simpson Road is adjacent to an unchanged building at 3 Simpson Road. Changeset alters the street name from 'Gibbs Road', a nearby street that the house is not adjacent to.

  • addr:street=Gibbs Avenue (1 building)

    Changeset changes house number 4 from 'Gibbs Road' to 'Gibbs Avenue'. The adjacent street in OSM is 'Gibbs Road' and there is one other address point on it. NYSGIS shows the street name for that address point also altered to Gibbs Avenue. The associated building, if there is one, is not mapped.

  • addr:street=Bay Avenue (8 buildings)

    OSM shows the adjacent street as 'Bay Avenue', matching the former value of addr:street, but NYSGIS shows it as 'Bay Road' in both street segments and E911 addresses. The street name should probably be changed in OSM, but that's out of scope for the mechanical edit.

  • addr:street=South Ferry Road (1 building)

  • addr:street=Sunshine Road (1 building)

  • addr:street=Cove Drive (1 building)

  • addr:street=Whalers Walk(1 building)

  • addr:street=Ridge Drive (2 buildings)

  • addr:street=Cliff Drive (1 building)

  • addr:street=Windermere Drive (1 building)

  • addr:street=Sunset Drive (1 building)

  • addr:street=Harbor Drive (3 buildings)

    Changeset alters the street name of corner lots. All changes make the housenumber run in correct sequence on the cross street, so appear correct.

  • addr:street=Bay View Drive East (21 buildings)

    : Changeset adds a correct direction suffix.

  • addr:city=Shelter Island (59 buildings)

    OSM had had 'Greenport' for the city name. These address points are easily identified as being on Shelter Island, which matches the addr:postcode.

  • addr:city=Shelter Island Heights (196 buildings)

    These address points are in Shelter Island Heights, with the correct ZIP code. Previous OSM data had had the adjacent community, Shelter Island.

  • addr:street=Wiggins Street (14 buildings)

    Assigns the correct cross street to a corner lot.

Note: The OSM data for the buildings at the north end of Shelter Island also bears the tag addr:place=Dering Harbor. This tag is not present in the later NYSGIS import. It is the name of a nearby village, but the buildings in question are not in that village. The tag probably ought to be removed, but I consider that out of scope for the mechanical edit.

  • addr:city=Lake Grove (329 buildings)

    Clusters of addresses in the neighbouring communities of Centereach, Lake Ronkonkoma, and Saint James that are served from the Lake Grove post office. Here, I have local knowledge that 'Lake Grove' is the correct postal city.

  • addr:street=Coates Avenue North (84 buildings)

    Change spells out the 'North' suffix, which previously appeared as just 'N' in the OSM data.

  • addr:city=Holbrook + addr:street=All Points Terrace (19 buildings)

    Change unabbreviates 'All Points Ter' to 'All Points Terrace' and assignes the correct city of 'Holtsville' in place of 'Holbrook'.

  • addr:city-Holbrook + addr:street=Expressway Drive North (1 building)

    Change unabbrviates 'Expressway Drive N' and assigns the postal city of Holbrook in place of Holtsville. The postal city and ZIP code match the adjacent buildings.

  • addr:city=Greenlawn (206 buildings)

    Clusters of buildings in adacent communities of Huntington, Elwood and East Northport served from the Greenlawn post office. Postal city and ZIP code appear correct.

  • addr:street=Main Street (64 buildings)

    63 buildings had previously been just 'Main' and one had been '28'. 'Main Street' appears correct.

  • addr:street=Park Avenue (13 buildings)

    Previously had been just 'Park'. Change appears correct

  • addr:street=State Route 28 (23 buildings)

    Previously, 22 buildings had been just '28' and one, peculiarly, was 'West Canada Valley Central School'. Change appears correct.

I begin to abberviate here, since all the changes in the changeset follow the same pattern. All the names match facing streets in OSM, except for the one exception noted .

From To Count Notes
School School Street 8
Cole Cole Road 5
Main South Main Street 32
Twin Ponds Twin Ponds Drive 1
East East Street 31
West West Street 37
Main North Main Street 37
Newport Newport Road 9
Gould Gould Road 8
White Creek White Creek Road 41
Mechanic Mechanic Street 21
Hillside Terrace Hillside Terrace Drive 1
Norway Norway Street 9
Bridge Bridge Street 4
Harris Harris Avenue 8
First First Street 3 (a)
North North Street 23
Woodchuck Hill Woodchuck Hill Road 11
Summit Summit Road 29
Fishing Rock Fishing Rock Road 22
Farrington Farrington Road 4
City Old City Road 4
Huyck Huyck Avenue 18
Herkimer Herkimer Street 18
Kanata Kanata Street 11
Farrington Farrington Road North 1

(a) OSM has '1st Street' as the name of the facing street. I am unaware of a uniform consensus about when a numbered street should have its name spelt out. Abbreviating 'Fifth Avenue' is possibly wrong, but spelling out '261st Street' also appears to be undesirable. I suspect that data consumers already implement some sort of normalization process for these.

  • addr:city=Southampton (500 buildings)

    Buildings in the communities of Hampton Bays, Shinnecock Hills, and Tuckahoe that are served from the Southampton post office.

Among these 500 buildings are the following street name corrections, all of which match the facing street:

From To Count Notes
Neck Lane West Neck Lane 2
Neck Cir West Neck Circle 13
Neck Point Road West Neck Point Road 10
Parrish Pond Court W Parrish Pond Court West 2
Parrish Pond Court E Parrish Pond Court East 6
Inlet Road W Inlet Road West 2
North Highway Old North Highway 1
  • addr:city=Sagaponack (253 buildings)

    Cluster of buildings in Bridgehampton served from the Sagaponack post office. Postal city matches the ZIP code.

plus the following street name corrections, all of which match facing streets in OSM:

From To Count Notes
Narrow Lane E Narrow Lane East 14
Gibson Lane Row Off Gibson Lane 3
Highland Ter Highland Terrace 18

Just a handful of street name corrections:

From To Count Notes
Snyder Snyder Road 5
Black Creek Black Creek Road 16
Dairy Hill Dairy Hill Road 18
Guideboard Guideboard Road 5

Housenumbers 4265 and 4277 are transposed from the way they appear in OSM data. This change appears to make them run out of sequence. I suspect that may have something to do with the fact that both buildings are off the highway on a service way named 'Rixs Lane' but have addresses on 'Town Line Road', so they may be numbered in order of construction or something.

Three housenumber changes. All appear to have been typos in an earlier version of the NYSGIS data.


One-time scripts for repairing a building import with corrupted addresses in OpenStreetMap







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