Share ownership over a project using Github issues
Split uses a fictional point based system to determine shares/ownership over project. These points are split among the contributors and are gained by completing GitHub issues tagged with a split points value. The ownership percentage is calculated by amount of points each contributor has over the total sum of points in the project.
For example, if there are a total of 1000
pts in the project and a contributor has 500
pts they would own 50%
of the project.
Issues are tagged with points indicating their value and complexity. There are guidelines for how many points an issue should be worth but these can be over written by the contributor creating the issue. When an issue is completed the points can be awarded by another contributor with push permissions.
(This guide is a copy of the one present on
- Bug fixes, Feedback1000
- Mockups, Small features, Homepage copy2100
- Design assets, Front-end styling, Styleguide4200
- Rebranding, Full stack features, Performance tuning8400
- Entire site redesign, Execute marketing plan
Split does not enforce any distributon of profit and is meant to be a guide.