Command line tool to lookup Foreign language words from multiple dictionaries and easily add them to an anki deck
(Originally developed for Spanish. SPanish + ANKI = SPANKI)
Spanki can use a variety of foreign language dictionaries from rapidapi and the user can pick a translation and immediately create a card in an Anki deck for future recall/study. API calls are threaded for faster response.
- Python installed.
- Either
- rest4dict running on the localhost ( AND/OR
- An account with AND
- A subscription within rapidapi to one or more translation API
- Currently 3 rapidapi services are supported, all of which have a free (or "freemium") tier:
- MyMemory Translation Memory:
- Long Translator:
- Rapid Translate Multi Traduction:
- Currently 3 rapidapi services are supported, all of which have a free (or "freemium") tier:
- A running instance of Anki with the AnkiConnect Add-In (
- A deck in Anki to add new cards to.
Spanki uses the following environment variables:
SPANKI_APIS - Mandatory A comma separated list of APIs to check (see Examples below)
SPANKI_KEY - Mandatory if using rapidapi. The key from rapidapi ("X-RapidAPI-Key") for your subscriptions
SPANKI_DECK_NAME - Mandatory. The deck name in Anki to add cards to.
SPANKI_NOTE_TYPE - Optional. If set Spanki will add fields for gender and part of speech, oherwise wil insert a
basic front/back card
SPANKI_SYNC_ON_ADD - Optional. If set (unless set to 0 or False), will sync with AnkiWeb after each add.
(Can add time for sync)
SPANKI_LANG - Optional. Language code to be translated. Ex. "es" for Spanish, "it" for Italian, etc.
(Defaults to Spanish. Only tested in Spanish, so YMMV)
SPANKI_ANKICONNECT_URL - Optional. If set will override the default AnkiConnect address http://localhost:8765
export SPANKI_KEY=0123456789abcdef123456789aabcdef123456789abcdef01
export SPANKI_APIS=mymemory,multi-traduction,long-translator,rest4dict
export SPANKI_DECK_NAME=Kenton\'s\ Spanish\ Words
export SPANKI_NOTE_TYPE=Spanish
export SPANKI_LANG=es
export SPANK_ANKICONNECT_URL=http://remotehost.local:8765
Run from the command line. Enter a word or phrase in Spanish. When translation is returned, spanki can create a card and add it to the Anki deck. You can enter the part of speech and gender (for nouns)
- Add other target languages besides English
- Add more API's
- Look up words in fd-spa-eng dictionary of linux
command (incorporate with rest4dict) - Parse the return from API call to AnkiConnect to be cleaner
Please submit pull requests! Before doing so, test code by adding a word to an anki deck and run pylint until it shows 10/10