"A toolkit to handle everything related in developing a full-featured WordPress site"
- Add meta boxes to posts, terms, users, and menu items
- Register custom post types and custom taxonomies
- Create options pages and add custom admin columns
- Frontend markup cleaner with a clean navwalker
- Fully compatible with the new block editor: Gutenberg
- Work similarly to native WordPress function/methods
- Look seamlessly beautiful to WordPress pages/panels
- Easy, simple, and straightforward as much as possible
if ( class_exists( 'ThemePlate' ) ) :
ThemePlate( array(
'title' => 'Project Name',
'key' => 'project_prefix'
) );
require_once 'post-types.php';
require_once 'settings.php';
require_once 'meta-boxes.php';
- Initialize with an array consisting of a title and a key to be used as:
- page and menu title in the pre-created options page
- prefix to the registered option names and in every meta key
- Require files containing the definition of
ThemePlate()->post_type( $args );
ThemePlate()->taxonomy( $args );
ThemePlate()->settings( $args );
ThemePlate()->post_meta( $args );
ThemePlate()->term_meta( $args );
ThemePlate()->user_meta( $args );
ThemePlate()->menu_meta( $args );
ThemePlate()->page( $args );
ThemePlate()->column( $args );
See the Wiki section
Check generator-themeplate to kickstart a ThemePlate powered WP site.