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Making your VIM as your IDE


Fuzzy search for a file CTRL+g


Git blame for a file :Gblame


This Vim configuration is meant to make Vim feel more like an IDE than a simple console-based text editor. I love this configuration at my work & home


Clone with GIT

Run these commands to get this Vim configuration working on your GNU/Linux machine. You can run git pull inside of ~/.vim if you'd ever like to grab the latest version.

mkdir -p ~/my-old-vim-stuff/bkup.`date +%Y%m%d`; mv ~/.vim* ~/my-old-vim-stuff/bkup.`date +%Y%m%d`  #1 backing up your old vim
git clone git:// ~/.vim                                       #2 clone & install
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc                                                                         #3 needed for some VIM version


  • Plugins are not loaded by default.
    • Run :PlugInstall in first run. Clean the plugins with :PlugClean if need.
    • Check the Plugin health with :PlugSnapshot or :PlugStatus
  • Install ag, bat & rg for perfect Fuzzy activities over file operations
  • Install fzf for Fuzzy operations
  • Install dejavu-fonts-ttf and make it as default font, if you're using SSH clients PuTTY or it's forked version

Post Install Recommendations

  • MobaXterm will gives you better rendering
  • Create CTAG file and update in the .vimrc ( set tags=/path/to/src/tags ) Refer in the C-TAG section below

One Time Download

This method might be more sane. Simply downlaod the latest version, extract to ~/.vim, and configure to your liking.



  • Edit many files at the same time
  • File Browser on left side of screen
  • Move between files in center screen
  • View status of the current GIT repo, if applicable
  • Additional features when running under MacVIM
  • Quickly navigate to files using a fuzzy finder

Leader Key

As of v0.2.0, the Leader key is now bound to Space (used to be Comma)

Switching between files (Buffers)

  • Ctrl h Ctrl l to move between open files

  • <Leader>q to close the current file (a different file will appear in its pane/window)

  • :Bufferlist - summary of open buffers.Easy way to manage buffers

  • :buffers or :ls - lists open buffers

  • :b<number> - open the specified buffer in the current pane.

  • :e ~/path/to/file - Opens the file as a buffer.

  • :sp ~/path/to/file - Opens the file in a new (Window) view port.

  • :Bclose - Close the particular buffer. :q should be avoided unless need.

  • :tabe ~/path/to/file - Opens for edit in a tab. Use :tabclose once done.

  • :Sex ~ or :Sexplore - Opens a quick (split) explorer of the argument (Home dir ~ , in this case)

  • :Tex & :Vex - Native vim options beside :Sex (Vertical & Tabbed mode)


  • :tabnew - New tab to start with
  • :tab sp - Convert the current buffer into Tab
  • :sball - All buffers into splitted . I don't recommend this :(
  • :tab sball - If you accidently made the above command & locked in splitted mode :)
  • :tab ball - All buffers into Tabs
  • :tabo - All tabs into buffers
  • gt & gT - Switch tabs back and forth
  • F6 - Toggle command to convert all opened files between buffers & tabs

Viewports (Windows/Splits)

  • <Leader>h <Leader>j <Leader>k <Leader>l to navigate between viewports(panes)
  • Ctrl-W h/j/k/l - Port direction will allow you to move among the panes.
  • Ctrl-w w to switch between windows
  • Ctrl-w s - Horizontal split for current buffer(s).
  • Ctrl-w v - Vertical split.
  • Ctrl-w c - Close the buffer/window/tab - Native command
  • <Leader>q to close the current file (you probably won't ever need to do this)
  • <Leader>n to toggle the file browser

File Browser (NERDTree)

  • Use <Leader>n to toggle the file browser

  • Use standard movement keys to move around

  • Use Ctrl j and Ctrl k to move between siblings (aka skip over children in expanded folders)

  • Use C to make the highlighted node the current working directory

  • Use <Leader>n to toggle the file browser

  • Use standard movement keys to move around

  • Use Ctrl j and Ctrl k to move between siblings (aka skip over children in expanded folders)

  • Use C to make the highlighted node the current working directory

  • Use :Bookmark BookmarkName to bookmark the current selection

  • Use B to toggle the bookmark menu

  • Use ? if you'd like some NERDTree documentation

  • Use o to open the selected file in a new buffer

  • Use t to open the selected file in a new tab

  • Use I (shift + i) to list hidden files.

  • Use s to vsplit the current window and open the selected file.

  • Use i to split the current window and open the selected file.

  • Use t to open file in new tab.

  • Use m to modify the file/directory to rename, move, delete or create a file/directory.

  • Use shift + c to move into the selected directory.

  • Use u to move back one level in the directory tree.

  • Use x to close the opened directory tree in which you’re in.

  • Use return to open a directory or file.

  • Use j and k or the cursor keys to move up and down in the list.

Themes (ColorSchemes)

There is a very large collection of colorschemes in this repository. Many of them can be seen here.

  • :colorscheme or :color <theme-name> - Theme at buffer
  • <Leader>x or F8 - Random buffer theme
  • :AirlineTheme <theme-name> Theme at VI level

Ctrl-P FizzyFinder

  • Ctrl-p to perform a recursive fuzzy filename search
  • Ctrl-d to switch modes [To Dir search]
  • Ctrl-f/b/m to switch between files/buffers/MUF (Most Used Files)


  • Install CTAG
$ wget
$ tar zxf ctags-5.8.tar.gz
$ cd ctags-5.8
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
$ make && make install
  • Generate the tags file to hold all your project info
ctags -R --languages=php .	# you can ignore languages option as well
  • g Ctrl-]aka :tag - is very useful. It opens a quick dialog to select one between multiple definitions.

  • ctrl-t - goes to previous spot where you called :tag

  • ctrl-] - calls :tag on the word under the cursor

  • :tag / <pattern>

  • :stag / <pattern>

  • :ptag / <pattern>

  • :tselect / <pattern>

  • :tjump / <pattern>

  • :ptselect / <pattern>

  • :ptjump / <pattern>

  • :tag TAB - list the known tags

  • :tag function_name - jump to that function

  • :ptag - open tag in preview window (also ctrl-w })

  • :pclose - close preview window

Search for a pattern

  • :vimgrep pattern **/*php ~/path/to/project - Native vimgrep. Searching php files under ~/path/to/project. ** stands for recursively from the current directory. Also :grep and more avail.
  • :vim - Alias for :vimgrep
  • F3 - Start searching
  • :Rgrep :Grep - recursive grep and grep . More at

The following help you to filter over search results.

  • <Leader>g - input pattern to do further filtering
  • <Leader>v - input pattern to do further inverted filtering (like grep -v)
  • <Leader>r - restore the Quickfix/location-list with original entries

Quick Fix window

  • Use backtick (`) - Toggle between Quicklist window
  • :copen - Opens quick fix window
  • :cclose - Closes the quick fix window
  • :Run <command> - Run the command and send the output to Quick fix window

Text Navigation

Other than the myriad of built-in methods for navigating text...

  • Use <Leader><Leader>b to highlight and jump to previous words
  • Use <Leader><Leader>w to highlight and jump to following words

Copying and Pasting between OS

  • Use <Leader>c to copy the highlighted text into the OS clipboard
  • Use <Leader>v to paste the OS clipboard into the document


  • :se - shortcut for :set
  • :set mouse=a - set vim in mouse mode ; No right click , quick paste
  • :set mouse= - set vim in quick edit mode F4 - Alias for the mouse mode - toggle

F5 - Alias for the :Run :R - Execute a system command and send the outcome to QuickFix window F7 - Show current date/time

  • gg Goto line #1

  • G Goto EOF

  • N| Goto column N

  • \* or \# to jump around between files and variables.

  • Ctrl f – Jump forward one full screen.

  • Ctrl b – Jump backwards one full screen

  • Ctrl d – Jump forward (down) a half screen

  • Ctrl u – Jump back (up) one half screen

Action over all Buffers

bufdo! %s/pattern/replace/ge - Subsuiting the replace with pattern on all buffers

Closing Windows/Tabs/VIM

  • :Bclose :Bc - Buffer close , emptying buffer
  • :bd - Buffer delete
  • :tabclose - Tab close
  • :wa - Write all
  • :qa :qall - Quit all
  • <Leader>q to close the current file (a different file will appear in its pane/window) (you probably won't ever need to do this)

Key Shortcuts - Quick Reference

Key Action Notes
F1 VIM - Help VIM Online Help for your installed version
F2 PASTE setting Toggle PASTE setting in NORMAL Mode (set :paste)
F3 Find pattern Search for a pattern string inside your project files
F4 Mouse mode toggle Toggle between Mouse mode On and Off (:set mouse=a)
F5 Run command Execute an external command and populate the outcome in QuickFix window (:Run)
F6 Tab Buffer Switch Toggle command to convert all opend files between buffers & tabs
F7 Current Date/Time Show current date/time on Status
F8 Theme changer Reload a new Theme
F9 Function explorer Open Class/Method/Function/Variable definitions in Right side pane
` QuickFix Toggle Toggle on QuickFix window

Commands for Quick Reference

Command Shortcut Action Category Notes
:open ~/foo.txtor
:edit ~/foo.txt
:o ~/foo.txtor
:e ~/foo.txt
File open File Operation Opens file for edit in a new buffer
:write :w File write File Operation Writes buffer/tab content into file
:<command>! Force it File Operation Do it by force. Ex. :w! Write into file by force
:vsplit ~/ :vsp ~/ File edit File Operation Opens file for edit in (new) splited window (Vertical)
CTRL+g File lookup File Operation Populate results from fzf lookup
<space>+n NERDTree File Explorer Toggles on NERDTree explorer on/off
I NERDTree File Explorer list hidden files
u NERDTree File Explorer Move one level up
<space>+h/j/k/l CTRL+w w Switch Window Window Mgmt* Switch to window (Left/Down/Up/Right).
:copen & :cclose `` ` Open/Close QuickFix Window Mgmt Opens/Closes QuickFix window
:Bdelete :bd Buffer Delete Window Mgmt* (Recommended)Deletes current buffer;Keeps the layout.
:bdelete :bd Buffer Delete Window Mgmt* (Messy/Avoid)Deletes current buffer; Closes window if need.
:Bufferlist Buffer List Window Mgmt* Easy way to manage your open buffers/tabs
:quitall :qa Quit All Window Mgmt* Quit (Exits) all window. Bye-Bye !!!
:tag or :ptag CTRL+] Goto definition CTAG Takes to exact definition. Useful to find the Method/Function/Class origin
g+CTRL+] Search definitions CTAG Where are this Method/Function/Class used in project files?
CTRL+t Back to usage CTAG Back to original file Method/Function/Class
CTRL+x CTRL+o Init OMNI Search Search VIM Native auto-complete feature
:GrepBuffer <pattern> Search pattern from buffers Search Populate in QuickFix

Commands for Full Reference

Command(Original)  Shortcut(Alternative) Action Category/Operation Notes
~:open ~/foo.txtor
:edit ~/foo.txt
:o ~/foo.txtor
:e ~/foo.txt
File open File Operation Opens file for edit in a new buffer
:view File view File Operation View file (read-only) in a new buffer
:write :w File write File Operation Writes buffer/tab content into file
:write ~/ :w ~/ File write File Operation Writes buffer/tab content into new file
:<command>! Force it File Operation Do it by force. Ex. :w! Write into file by force
:split ~/ :sp ~/ File edit File Operation Opens file for edit in (new) splited window (Horizontal)
:vsplit ~/ :vsp ~/ File edit File Operation Opens file for edit in (new) splited window (Vertical)
:tabnew File edit File Operation Opens a new tab for edit/write
:tabedit :tabe File edit File Operation Opens file for edit in new tab
:tabo F6 File edit File Operation All tabs into buffers
:tab ball F6 File edit File Operation All buffers into Tabs
<space>+n NERDTree File Explorer Toggles on NERDTree explorer on/off
CTRL+w w Switch Window Window Mgmt* Switch to next window.
u NERDTree File Explorer Move one level up
C <CR> NERDTree File Explorer Just press ENTER to Move into the directory
F NERDTree File Explorer Show/Hide files
o or t NERDTree File Operation Opens file for edit in new buffer/tab
s or i NERDTree File Operation Opens file for edit in splited buffer (vertical/horizontal)
I NERDTree File Explorer list hidden files
<space>+h/j/k/l CTRL+w w Switch Window Window Mgmt* Switch to window (Left/Down/Up/Right).
:copen & :cclose `` ` Open/Close QuickFix Window Mgmt Opens/Closes QuickFix window
:Bclose <space>+q Buffer Close Window Mgmt Closes current buffer ; Next buffer loaded in current window
:Bdelete :bd Buffer Delete Window Mgmt* (Recommended)Deletes current buffer;Keeps the layout.
:bdelete :bd Buffer Delete Window Mgmt* Deletes current buffer ; Closes window if need.
:quit :q Quit window Window Mgmt Quit (Exits) current window
:quitall :qa Quit All Window Mgmt* Quit (Exits) all window. Bye-Bye !!!
:bprevious :bp or CTRL+h Goto Buffer - Left Window Mgmt Take you to next left/previous buffer
:bnext :bn or CTRL+l Goto Buffer - Right Window Mgmt Take you to next right/next buffer
:Sexplore ~ :Sex ~ VIM Explorer File Explorer Opens (split) explorer (Home dir ~ , in this case)
:Vexplore :Vex VIM Explorer File Explorer Opens (vertical) explorer (Current dir , in this case)
:Texplore [arg] :Tex [arg] VIM Explorer File Explorer Opens explorer in TAB
:tag or :ptag CTRL+] Goto definition CTAG Takes to exact definition.
Useful to find the Method/Function/Class origin
:stag Goto definition CTAG Takes to exact definition in Horizontal split window.
Quick ref on Method/Function/Class origin
:tselect or :ptselect List definitions CTAG List other definition(s).
Useful to find similar Method/Function/Class definitions
g+CTRL+] Search definitions CTAG Where are this Method/Function/Class used in project files?
CTRL+t Back to usage CTAG Back to original file Method/Function/Class
:vimgrep :vim VIM Native search Search Syntax::vimgrep <pattern> **/*php ~/path/to/project.
Searching php files under ~/path/to/project. ** stands for recursively
:grep GNU search Search Search using GNU regex pattern style
<space>+g Filtering within search Search Filter the search results with pattern
<space>+v Inverse filtering on search Search Inverse filter the search results with pattern
<space>+r Restore search results Search Restore the original search results
CTRL+x CTRL+o Init OMNI Search Search VIM Native auto-complete feature. Check for other opts on CTRL+x
:GrepBuffer <pattern> Search pattern from buffers Search Populate in QuickFix


  • :tabe|read !git blame #
  • :tabe|read !ps -ef #
  • :Shell ls -a


  • Buffer is the real representation of File in memory.
  • Buffer Operation is final direct impact to actual file
  • Last Buffer can't made as Tab
  • Tab is another view of Buffer. Buffer commands (:Bclose , :bd still works in Tab View)

Credits & Thanks


  • Open (previous) session even when starting vi with argument


VimL: Opinionated VIM Configuration






No packages published


  • Vim Script 98.9%
  • CSS 0.4%
  • Makefile 0.2%
  • Ruby 0.2%
  • JavaScript 0.1%
  • Python 0.1%
  • Other 0.1%