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Compute Shader Powered Game of Life

Scene view of the camera pointing towards the Game of Life plane, (black because it has been run once)

Ingame view of the first step of the Game of Life process, the chosen image being loaded in (my dog) Ingame view of the first image after being converted to black and white, with some pixels still being gray (idk) Ingame view of a bunch of iterations later of the starting image

Scene view closeup of the "processed" Game of Life image

I saw a bunch of Unity videos by Sebastion Lague, he uses compute shaders a lot to process or pre-process data. So i wanted to try something similar

Editor settings menu to control the Game of Life Compute Shader Editor settings menu like above, but ingame. So with default values filled in and readonly values also filled in

Above is the editor view of the Game of Life controller script
You can set the starting texture and how big the canvas should be
You can pause it and change how long it should wait before doing the next step
And lastly you can see the framerate of the shader