Microframework used to simplify Apache Kafka based Ruby applications development.
- Table of Contents
- How does it work
- Installation
- Setup
- Usage
- Concurrency
- Sidekiq Web UI
- Integrating with other frameworks
- Articles and other references
- Note on Patches/Pull Requests
Karafka is a microframework to work easier with Apache Kafka incoming messages.
Karafka does not have a full installation shell command. In order to install it, please follow given steps:
Create a directory for your project:
mkdir app_dir
cd app_dir
Create a Gemfile with Karafka:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'karafka', github: 'karafka/karafka'
and run Karafka install CLI task:
bundle exec karafka install
Karafka has following configuration options:
Option | Required | Value type | Description |
max_concurrency | true | Integer | How many threads maximally should we have that listen for incoming messages |
name | true | String | Application name |
redis | true | Hash | Hash with Redis configuration options |
wait_timeout | true | Integer (Seconds) | How long do we wait for incoming messages on a single socket (topic) |
monitor | false | Object | Monitor instance (defaults to Karafka::Monitor) |
logger | false | Object | Logger instance (defaults to Karafka::Logger) |
zookeeper.hosts | true | Array | Zookeeper server hosts |
zookeeper.chroot | false | String | Zookeeper chroot if used (Zookeeper namespace for Kafka settings) |
zookeeper.brokers_path | false | String | Zookeeper brokers path (defaults to 'brokers/ids') |
kafka.hosts | false | Array | Kafka server hosts - if not provided Karafka will autodiscover them based on Zookeeper data |
To apply this configuration, you need to use a setup method from the Karafka::App class (app.rb):
class App < Karafka::App
setup do |config|
config.zookeeper.hosts = %w( )
config.zookeeper.chroot = '/kafka_cluster'
config.redis = {
url: 'redis://redis.example.com:7372/1'
config.wait_timeout = 10 # 10 seconds
config.max_concurrency = 10 # 10 threads max
config.name = 'my_application'
config.logger = MyCustomLogger.new # not required
Note: You can use any library like Settingslogic to handle your application configuration.
Karafka contains WaterDrop gem which is used to send messages to Kafka. It is autoconfigured based on the Karafka config.
If you want to do some configurations after all of this is done, please add to config directory a proper file (needs to inherit from Karafka::Config::Base and implement setup method) after that everything will happen automatically.
Example configuration class:
class ExampleConfigurator < Base
def setup
ExampleClass.logger = Karafka.logger
ExampleClass.redis = config.redis
There are several env settings you can use:
ENV name | Default | Description |
KARAFKA_ENV | development | In what mode this application should boot (production/development/test/etc) |
KARAFKA_BOOT_FILE | app_root/app.rb | Path to a file that contains Karafka app configuration and booting procedures |
Karafka supports Kafka brokers auto-discovery during both startup and runtime. It means that zookeeper_hosts option allows Karafka to get all the details it needs about Kafka brokers, first during boot and after each failure. If something happens to a connection on which we were listening (or if we cannot connect to a given broker), Karafka will refresh list of available brokers. This allows it to be aware of changes that happen in the infrastructure (adding and removing nodes) and allows it to be up and running as long as Zookeeper is able to provide it all the required information.
Karafka has a simple CLI built in. It provides following commands:
Command | Description |
help [COMMAND] | Describe available commands or one specific command |
console | Start the Karafka console (short-cut alias: "c") |
info | Print configuration details and other options of your application |
install | Installs all required things for Karafka application in current directory |
routes | Print out all defined routes in alphabetical order |
server | Start the Karafka server (short-cut alias: "s") |
topics | Lists all topics available on Karafka server (short-cut alias: "t") |
worker | Start the Karafka Sidekiq worker (short-cut alias: "w") |
All the commands are executed the same way:
bundle exec karafka [COMMAND]
Prior to version 0.4 Karafka framework didn't have routing. Group, topic and all other "controller related" options were being either taken or initialized directly from the controller. Unfortunately this solution was insufficient. From version 0.4 there's a routing engine.
Routing engine provides an interface to describe how messages from all the topics should be handled. To start using it, just use the draw method on routes:
App.routes.draw do
topic :example do
controller ExampleController
The basic route description requires providing topic and controller that should handle it (Karafka will create a separate controller instance for each request).
There are also several other methods available (optional):
- group - symbol/string with a group name. Groups are used to cluster applications
- worker - Class name - name of a worker class that we want to use to schedule perform code
- parser - Class name - name of a parser class that we want to use to parse incoming data
- interchanger - Class name - name of a interchanger class that we want to use to format data that we put/fetch into/from #perform_async
App.routes.draw do
topic :binary_video_details do
group :composed_application
controller Videos::DetailsController
worker Workers::DetailsWorker
parser Parsers::BinaryToJson
interchanger Interchangers::Binary
topic :new_videos do
controller Videos::NewVideosController
See description below for more details on each of them.
- topic - symbol/string with a topic that we want to route
topic :incoming_messages do
# Details about how to handle this topic should go here
Topic is the root point of each route. Keep in mind that:
- All topic names must be unique in a single Karafka application
- Topics names are being validated because Kafka does not accept some characters
- If you don't specify a group, it will be built based on the topic and application name
- group - symbol/string with a group name. Groups are used to cluster applications
Optionally you can use group method to define group for this topic. Use it if you want to build many applications that will share the same Kafka group. Otherwise it will just build it based on the topic and application name. If you're not planning to build applications that will load-balance messages between many different applications (but between one applications many processes), you may want not to define it and allow the framework to define it for you.
topic :incoming_messages do
group :load_balanced_group
controller MessagesController
Note that a single group can be used only in a single topic.
- worker - Class name - name of a worker class that we want to use to schedule perform code
Karafka by default will build a worker that will correspond to each of your controllers (so you will have a pair - controller and a worker). All of them will inherit from ApplicationWorker and will share all its settings.
To run Sidekiq you should have sidekiq.yml file in config folder. The example of sidekiq.yml file will be generated to config/sidekiq.yml.example once you run bundle exec karafka install.
However, if you want to use a raw Sidekiq worker (without any Karafka additional magic), or you want to use SidekiqPro (or any other queuing engine that has the same API as Sidekiq), you can assign your own custom worker:
topic :incoming_messages do
controller MessagesController
worker MyCustomController
Note that even then, you need to specify a controller that will schedule a background task.
Custom workers need to provide a #perform_async method. It needs to accept two arguments:
- topic - first argument is a current topic from which a given message comes
- params - all the params that came from Kafka + additional metadata. This data format might be changed if you use custom interchangers. Otherwise it will be an instance of Karafka::Params::Params.
Keep in mind, that params might be in two states: parsed or unparsed when passed to #perform_async. This means, that if you use custom interchangers and/or custom workers, you might want to look into Karafka's sources to see exactly how it works.
- parser - Class name - name of a parser class that we want to use to parse incoming data
Karafka by default will parse messages with JSON parser. If you want to change this behaviour you need to set custom parser for each route. Parser needs to have a #parse method and raise error that is a ::Karafka::Errors::ParserError descendant when problem appears during parsing process.
class XmlParser
class ParserError < ::Karafka::Errors::ParserError; end
def self.parse(message)
rescue REXML::ParseException
raise ParserError
App.routes.draw do
topic :binary_video_details do
controller Videos::DetailsController
parser XmlParser
Note that parsing failure won't stop the application flow. Instead, Karafka will assign the raw message inside the :message key of params. That way you can handle raw message inside the Sidekiq worker (you can implement error detection, etc - any "heavy" parsing logic can and should be implemented there).
- interchanger - Class name - name of a interchanger class that we want to use to format data that we put/fetch into/from #perform_async.
Custom interchangers target issues with non-standard (binary, etc) data that we want to store when we do #perform_async. This data might be corrupted when fetched in a worker (see this issue). With custom interchangers, you can encode/compress data before it is being passed to scheduling and decode/decompress it when it gets into the worker.
Warning: if you decide to use slow interchangers, they might significantly slow down Karafka.
class Base64Interchanger
class << self
def load(params)
def parse(params)
topic :binary_video_details do
controller Videos::DetailsController
interchanger Base64Interchanger
Controllers should inherit from ApplicationController (or any other controller that inherits from Karafka::BaseController). If you don't want to use custom workers (and except some particular cases you don't need to), you need to define a #perform method that will execute your business logic code in background.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
# Method execution will be enqueued in Sidekiq
# Karafka will schedule automatically a proper job and execute this logic in the background
def perform
You can add any number of before_enqueue callbacks. It can be method or block. before_enqueue acts in a similar way to Rails before_action so it should perform "lightweight" operations. You have access to params inside. Based on it you can define which data you want to receive and which not.
Warning: keep in mind, that all before_enqueue blocks/methods are executed after messages are received. This is not executed in Sidekiq, but right after receiving the incoming message. This means, that if you perform "heavy duty" operations there, Karafka might significantly slow down.
If any of callbacks throws :abort - perform method will be not enqueued to the worker (the execution chain will stop).
Once you run consumer - messages from Kafka server will be send to a proper controller (based on topic name).
Presented example controller will accept incoming messages from a Kafka topic named :karafka_topic
class TestController < ApplicationController
# before_enqueue has access to received params.
# You can modify them before enqueue it to sidekiq queue.
before_enqueue {
params.merge!(received_time: Time.now.to_s)
before_enqueue :validate_params
# Method execution will be enqueued in Sidekiq.
def perform
# Define this method if you want to use Sidekiq reentrancy.
# Logic to do if Sidekiq worker fails (because of exception, timeout, etc)
def after_failure
# We will not enqueue to sidekiq those messages, which were sent
# from sum method and return too high message for our purpose.
def validate_params
throw(:abort) unless params['message'].to_i > 50 && params['method'] != 'sum'
If you want send messages from karafka you need to use waterdrop gem.
Example usage:
message = WaterDrop::Message.new('topic', 'message')
message = WaterDrop::Message.new('topic', { user_id: 1 }.to_json)
Please follow WaterDrop README for more details on how to use it.
Karafka provides a simple monitor (Karafka::Monitor) with a really small API. You can use it to develop your own monitoring system (using for example NewRelic). By default, the only thing that is hooked up to this monitoring is a Karafka logger (Karafka::Logger). It is based on a standard Ruby logger.
To change monitor or a logger assign new logger/monitor during setup:
class App < Karafka::App
setup do |config|
# Other setup stuff...
config.logger = MyCustomLogger.new
config.monitor = CustomMonitor.new
Keep in mind, that if you replace monitor with a custom one, you will have to implement logging as well. It is because monitoring is used for both monitoring and logging and a default monitor handles logging as well.
Here's a simple example of monitor that is used to handle errors logging into Airbrake/Errbit.
class AppMonitor < Karafka::Monitor
def notice_error(caller_class, e)
Here's a simple example of monitor that is used to handle events and errors logging into NewRelic. It will send metrics with information about amount of processed messages per topic and how many of them were scheduled to be performed async.
# NewRelic example monitor for Karafka
class AppMonitor < Karafka::Monitor
# @param [Class] caller class for this notice
# @param [Hash] hash with options for this notice
def notice(caller_class, options = {})
# Use default Karafka monitor logging
# Handle differently proper actions that we want to monit with NewRelic
return unless respond_to?(caller_label, true)
send(caller_label, options[:topic])
# @param [Class] caller class for this notice error
# @param e [Exception] error that happened
def notice_error(caller_class, e)
# Log that messages for a given topic were consumed
# @param topic [String] topic name
def consume(topic)
record_count metric_key(topic, __method__)
# Log that message for topic were scheduled to be performed async
# @param topic [String] topic name
def perform_async(topic)
record_count metric_key(topic, __method__)
# Log that message for topic were performed async
# @param topic [String] topic name
def perform(topic)
record_count metric_key(topic, __method__)
# @param topic [String] topic name
# @param action [String] action that we want to log (consume/perform_async/perform)
# @return [String] a proper metric key for NewRelic
# @example
# metric_key('videos', 'perform_async') #=> 'Custom/videos/perform_async'
def metric_key(topic, action)
# Records occurence of a given event
# @param [String] key under which we want to log
def record_count(key)
NewRelic::Agent.record_metric(key, count: 1)
Karafka uses Celluloid actors to handle listening to incoming connections. Since each topic and group requires a separate connection (which means that we have a connection per controller) we do this concurrently. To prevent Karafka from spawning hundred of threads (in huge application) you can specify concurency level configuration option. If this number matches (or exceeds) your controllers amount, then you will listen to all the topics simultaneously. If it is less then number of controllers, it will use a single thread to check for few topics (one after another). If this value is set to 1, it will just spawn a single thread to check all the sockets one after another.
Karafka comes with a Sidekiq Web UI application that can display the current state of a Sidekiq installation. If you installed Karafka based on the install instructions, you will have a config.ru file that allows you to run standalone Puma instance with a Sidekiq Web UI.
To be able to use it (since Karafka does not depend on Puma and Sinatra) add both of them into your Gemfile:
gem 'puma'
gem 'sinatra'
bundle and run:
bundle exec rackup
# Puma starting...
# * Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
# * Environment: development
# * Listening on tcp://localhost:9292
You can then navigate to displayer url to check your Sidekiq status. Sidekiq Web UI by default is password protected. To check (or change) your login and password, please review config.ru file in your application.
Want to use Karafka with Ruby on Rails or Sinatra? It can be done!
Add Karafka to your Ruby on Rails application Gemfile:
gem 'karafka', github: 'karafka/karafka'
Copy the app.rb file from your Karafka application into your Rails app (if you don't have this file, just create an empty Karafka app and copy it). This file is responsible for booting up Karafka framework. To make it work with Ruby on Rails, you need to load whole Rails application in this file. To do so, replace:
ENV['RACK_ENV'] ||= 'development'
Bundler.require(:default, ENV['KARAFKA_ENV'])
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
and you are ready to go!
Sinatra applications differ from one another. There are single file applications and apps with similar to Rails structure. That's why we cannot provide a simple single tutorial. Here are some guidelines that you should follow in order to integrate it with Sinatra based application:
Add Karafka to your Sinatra application Gemfile:
gem 'karafka', github: 'karafka/karafka'
After that make sure that whole your application is loaded before setting up and booting Karafka (see Ruby on Rails integration for more details about that).
- Karafka – Ruby micro-framework for building Apache Kafka message-based applications
- Benchmarking Karafka – how does it handle multiple TCP connections
- Karafka – Ruby framework for building Kafka message based applications (presentation)
- Karafka example application
- Karafka Travis CI
- Karafka Code Climate
Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix. Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull). Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Each pull request must pass our quality requirements. To check if everything is as it should be, we use PolishGeeks Dev Tools that combine multiple linters and code analyzers. Please run:
bundle exec rake
to check if everything is in order. After that you can submit a pull request.