Scott Adams, the genious creator of Dilbert, deleted all his content from the website and turned to X and other paid communities.
This plugon no longer works! That's why it is archived.
This FreshRSS extension allows you to directly enjoy the daily Dilbert comic within your FreshRSS installation.
To use it, upload the xExtension-Dilbert
directory to the FreshRSS ./extensions
directory on your server and enable it on the extension panel in FreshRSS.
This extension supports both feed addresses:
- the oldest one at
- the newer one at
- and the newest one at
But this extension will ONLY work on new added feed items as it manipulates them while fetching new items.
Please note that they deactivated the images in their RSS feed years ago, I suspect mainly to get more visitors to their website. So please play fair and visit them on a daily base instead of using this extension ;-) as we all want to keep their feed alive!
This FreshRSS extension uses the PHP extension DOM and XML.
As those are requirements by FreshRSS itself, you should be good to go.
The first step is to put the extension into your FreshRSS extension directory:
cd /var/www/FreshRSS/extensions/
mv freshrss-dilbert-master/xExtension-Dilbert .
rm -rf freshrss-dilbert-master/
Then switch to your browser https://localhost/FreshRSS/p/i/?c=extension and activate it.
FreshRSS is a great self-hosted RSS Reader written in PHP, which is can also be found here at GitHub.
More extensions can be found at FreshRSS/Extensions.
0.3.1 and 0.3:
- Fixed broken image due to new Dilbert CDN and image URLs not working with missing protocol (in Apps via API)
- Fixed hash calculation for FreshRSS 1.9
- fixed translation issue for FreshRSS 1.10
0.1: First release