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An integration of typing with Socket.IO and message queue

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socketio-mq is a library that combines typing with Socket.IO and message queues to provide a structured and efficient way of handling real-time communication and event-driven architecture. It allows you to define typed events and messages, ensuring type safety and improving the development experience.


  • Typed events and messages: Define events and messages with specific types, enabling type checking and autocompletion.
  • Integration with Socket.IO: Seamlessly integrate with Socket.IO for real-time communication between clients and servers.
  • TypeScript support: Written in TypeScript, providing type safety and enhanced developer productivity.


With npm:

npm install socketio-mq

With yarn:

yarn add socketio-mq



Use StaticClient when you want to build something in class and use OOP features like inheritance

import { RemoteHandler, StaticClient, Server } from "socketio-mq"

const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

class ServiceA extends StaticClient {
 static id = "service-a"
 static url = "http://localhost:3000"

 // Use @RemoteHandler for register method as "remote-able" or else these methods will be recognize as not "remote-able" and throw error if trying to use remote
 async getPosts(userID: number) {
  await delay(1000)
  return ["post1", "post2", "post3"]

class ServiceB extends StaticClient {
 async getUser(id: number) {
  await delay(1000)
  return { id, name: "John Doe" }

const server = new Server(3000)

const serviceA = ServiceA.getInstance() // Singleton support (ip and url is defined in class)
const serviceB = new ServiceB("service-b", "http://localhost:3000") // Construct new instance (will override "ip" or "url" if you specific in constructor params)

const remoteB = serviceA.use(ServiceB, "service-b") // Create remote service B

;(async () => {
 const user = await remoteB.getUser(1) // remote call
 const post = await serviceA.getPosts(1) // normal call

 console.log(`user: ${JSON.stringify(user)}, post: ${post}`)


Use DynamicClient when you want to build something flexible, register handler anywhere, anytime

import { DynamicClient, Server } from "socketio-mq"

const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

// Define events map first

type EventMapA = {
 getPosts: (userID: number) => Promise<string[]>

type EventMapB = {
 getUser: (id: number) => Promise<{ id: number; name: string }>

const server = new Server(3000)
const serviceA = new DynamicClient<EventMapA>(
const serviceB = new DynamicClient<EventMapB>(

serviceB.on("getUser", async (id: number) => {
 await delay(1000)
 return { id, name: "John Doe" }

// We will not register handler for "getPosts" here to see error!
// a.on("getPosts", async (userID: number) => {
//  await delay(1000)
//  return ["post1", "post2", "post3"]
// })
;(async () => {
 const remoteB = serviceA.use<EventMapB>("service-b")

 const user = await remoteB.getUser(1)
 const post = await serviceA.useSelf().getPosts(1)
 console.log(`user ${JSON.stringify(user)}, post: ${post}`)
})().catch((e) => {
 console.log("We got an error: ", e)
 // Error: Client "service-a" does not have a handler for event "getPosts". Make sure to call the "on" method to register the handler!


Just a server for the clients

import { Server } from "socketio-mq"
const server = new Server(3000) // server will lift at http://localhost:3000


This package is "message queue" but still has lacks of features to be a full-featured message queue. It's more like a "message broker" for now, would be the best if you guys can help me to improve this package. Thanks! 🙏


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