An online paltform to play checkers with friends.
Still looking for friend? Play with us!
- Login/SignUp
- Propose Draw/Accept Draw option:
- If one of the users closes the window, the game is terminated.
- Opponent for the game:
- Inviting friend via Link of the current game.
- Match based on currently active-and-free users in the same league.
- Playing against bot.
- Chat system
- Video call while playing (only for registered users).
- Rating System
- Screen recording (saved for user to watch later)
- Site tour.
- Website Frontend: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript
- Website Backend: Python Django Framework,Web Socket (Django Channels)
- Database: PostgreSQL
Clone this Repository on your local machine by running the following command on your terminal -
git clone
OR download the zip folder.
Create a virtual environment in python
virtualenv checkers
pip install -r requirement.txt
To run server, run the following command:
python runserver
- open one terminal window and run python runserver for connecting local host
- open another terminal window and run node server.js for connecting the websocket
NOTE: For video call please use only chrome and incognito mode chrome server for game creator and game opponent or you can use microsoft edge and its private window for the same purpose ##