Select photos to keep, share, and archive.
apple - extract favorites from Apple Photos, add metadata, archive to S3, and sync with Ente
site - generate static site from photos and their metadata
Copy favorited photos from Photos to ~/Pictures/staging:
make apple-setup
Review photos in ~/Pictures/staging and delete unwanted.
Copy to S3:
make apple-generate
Export photos from all sources to ~/Pictures/trips/yyyy-mm-dd/all. Review and copy good ones to ~/Pictures/trips/yyyy-mm-dd/album.
Add captions as EXIF description. Add pages to site.yml.
Create directory layout, resize, render HTML, and create GeoJSON.
make site-setup
Run local serer and review http://localhost:8000
python -m http.server
Update EXIF descriptions, edit photos, a nd change selections in ~/Pictures/trips/yyyy-mm-dd/album.
Resize, merge HTML, and write GeoJSON.
make site-update
mogrify -format jpg *.heic
- Video: uncheck Show video within the main window
- Interface | Main interface: uncheck Resize interface to the native video size
- Playlist: check Play and pause
Re-encode, drop audio, and resize:
ls *.mov | awk -F '.' '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I {} ffmpeg -i {}.mov -an -s 768x576 {}.mp4
Tag for LivePhotos
<video loop muted playsinline autoplay>
<source src="img/IMG_1561.mp4">