- This project is part of Udacity Data Science Nanodegree for developing and deploying a data dashboard using Bootstrap, Plotly, Flask and Heroku.
- The project is to create a web app for simple visulations of Airbnb data about Oslo listing market.
- Web app can be accessed here: https://udacity-dsnd-webapp-airbnb.herokuapp.com/
- data: Include two csv files that are retrieved from Inside Airbnb, that are used for visualization of Oslo listing market.
- myapp: Include index.html, which is a HTML file for front-end development
- wrangling_scripts: Include wrangle_data.py, which is a Python code for data wrangling using pandas and plotly
- csv files in data folder are retrieved from Inside Airbnb (http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html)