React/Node.js Express application for a competitive rating system for e.g. sports.
The 'production' version is deployed here (requires 42 Intra credentials to access) and an anonymous development version is here.
Note: This assumes a "development" version build with only guest account functionality and your Node.js package manager is npm
git clone
cd rating-service
./ # Installs required packages with npm
npm --prefix client run build-dev # Builds development version of the front-end and moves it to server/public
export DATABASE_URL=$PostgresConnectionString # The server gets the database address from the environment variable DATABASE_URL in the form:
# postgres://user:password@host:post/database
npm --prefix server run dev # Runs development version of the server
Set up your database. Currently there is no automated method, so you'll have to manually source server/dbSchema.sql
into Postgres.
Finally, navigate to http://localhost:3001
(or PORT