Vite + Vuetify, Opinionated Admin Starter Template
vitify-nuxt - with Nuxt 3, the best DX π₯π₯π₯
vitify-next - Lightweight Vue 3 version of this template
vitify-electron - Vuetify 3 + Electron starter
π¦Ύ Full TypeScript Support and intellisense for Vuetify 2 components, powered by Volar
π Vue 2.7 - Composition API and
<script setup>
ποΈ File based routing
π Layout system
π I18n ready
π₯ APIs auto importing - use Composition API and others directly
βοΈ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
π§ͺ Unit/Component Testing with Vitest + Testing Library, E2E Testing with Cypress on GitHub Actions
πͺ Layout with drawer, header, footer(status bar) and login page
π§ Auto generated navigation drawer and breadcrumbs based on routes
π€‘ Mock API in dev and testing with Mock Service Worker
π Notification store
π§βπΌ Route authority based on user role
π Data visualization with vue-echarts
π Communicate with backend with REST API powered by axios
π¨ Theme color customization and dark mode
π± Responsive layout
- Vuetify 2 - Material Design Framework
- Vue Router
- File system based routingvite-plugin-vue-layouts
- Layouts for pages
- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the Composition API
- Auto import Vuetify 2 componentsunplugin-auto-import
- Directly use Vue Composition API and others without importing- PortalVue - Use
of Vue 3 in Vue 2 - Vue I18n - Internationalization
- Backport Composition API and message format syntax to Vue 2unplugin-vue-i18n
- Prebundle Vue I18n messages and support SFC i18n custom block
- VueUse - Collection of useful composition APIs
- Mock Service Worker - Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js
- Load SVG files as Vue components, and auto register as Vuetifyv-icon
- Generate polyfills with@babel/preset-env
in production bundlepostcss-preset-env
- Convert modern CSS into what most browsers understand, determining polyfills based onbrowserslist
- TypeScript
- Vitest - Unit testing powered by Vite
- Cypress - E2E testing
- pnpm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- Netlify - zero-config deployment
- VS Code Extensions
- Volar - TypeScript support inside Vue SFCs
- i18n Ally - All in one i18n support
- ESLint - Find and fix problems in your code
- Prettier - Code formatter
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Material Design Icons Intellisense
Vitify Admin requires Node >=16.6.0
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history
npx degit kingyue737/vitify-admin my-vitify-app
cd my-vitify-app
pnpm i
Vitify Admin requires
pnpm patch
for bug fixing in dependencies before maintainers release them. If you are usingyarn
, you can useyarn patch
. Fornpm
is required asnpm
has no built-in patching functionality.
When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly
- Change the author name in
- Change the title in
, navigation drawer and login page - Change the hostname in
- Change the favicon in
- Clean up the
and remove routes - Change the copyright in navigation drawer and login page
- Change default locale of
- Change or remove Cypress Cloud related ID in ci.yml
And, enjoy :)
Just run and visit http://localhost:9527
pnpm dev
To build the App, run
pnpm build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.
pnpm typecheck
pnpm test:unit
For E2E test, you need to build the project first
pnpm build
pnpm test:e2e
Go to Cypress Cloud, create a new project and add its projectId
, its record key
in your repositry secrets (
If you don't want to use Cypress Cloud, remove record: true
and the entire env
block from .github/workflows/ci.yml
- name: Cypress
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
install-command: echo
build: pnpm run build
start: pnpm run preview
record: true
command-prefix: '--'
# pass the Dashboard record key as an environment variable
# pass GitHub token to allow accurately detecting a build vs a re-run build
# pass the project ID from the secrets through environment variable
Go to Netlify and select your clone, OK
along the way, and your App will be live in a minute.
The documentation of this template is powered by VitePress and DocSearch
Inspired by vitesse and vue-element-admin π. Thanks for every developer for making frontend community better.
I made this starter template for promptly scaffolding admin projects of my company, along with some good practices I've learned during making these apps.
Currently, plenty of awesome Vue 2 librarys have not migrated to Vue 3 ecosystem, maybe never π. There is still a long way to go before Vuetify 3 includes all the features of Vuetify 2. So I struggle with bridging perfect DX of Vue 3 to my Vuetify 2 projects. It's strongly opinionated, but hope it can help you to avoid detours.
Don't hesitate to open an issue or a discussion if you meet any problem.