Python wrapper for semicomplete's Grok library.
Grok allows you to easily parse logs and other files and turns the unstructured log and event data into structured data.
You will need libgrok installed in other to use libgrok-py. On MacOSX, Grok is available via Homebrew:
Install Grok Dependencies
brew install tokyo-cabinet pcre libevent
Install Grok
brew install grok
Install libgrok-py
python test/
python install
>>> import libgrok
>>> grok = libgrok.Grok()
>>> grok.add_patterns_from_file('test/patterns/base')
>>> grok.compile('%{URI:foo}')
>>> match = grok("")
>>> match.captures.items()
[('USERNAME', ''), ('HOSTNAME', ''), ('URIPATH', '/test/'), ('IPORHOST', ''), ('POSINT:port', ''), ('URIPROTO', 'http'), ('IP', ''), ('URIHOST', ''), ('URIPATHPARAM', '/test/'), ('URI:foo', ''), ('URIPARAM', ''), ('USER', '')]
>>> match["foo"]