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Repository files navigation


A declarative router for effector and react. It is inspired by react-router-dom and effector gates. Routes are independent from each other and do not rely on React tree. Url manipulations are fully abstracted out, you only need to set path when creating a route.

Basic ideas

Each route is independent.

Probably still need to have router to pass history and domain, probably will look like this

const router = createRouter({

const HomeRoute = router.createRoute("/");

Url string manipulations are completely hidden by router API

const MyRoute = createRoute("/whatever");


<Link to={MyRoute} />;

Using params from current route

const PlayerRoute = createRoute("/:locale/games/:gameId/players/:playerId");

// current url: /en/games/fortnite/players/ivan
PlayerRoute.navigate({ playerId: "john" }); // new url: /en/games/fortnite/players/john (no need to provide `locale` and `gameId`)
PlayerRoute.navigate({ gameId: "gta", playerId: "john" }); // new url: /en/games/gta/players/john
PlayerRoute.navigate({ locale: "ru", gameId: "gta", playerId: "john" }); // new url: /ru/games/gta/players/john
PlayerRoute.navigate({ gameId: "gta" }); // new url: /en/games/gta/players/ivan

// current url: /en/something/else
PlayerRoute.navigate({ gameId: "fortnite", playerId: "ivan" });
// new url: /en/games/fortnite/players/ivan

Replacing params but keeping the whole url (not implemented yet)

const LocaleRoute = createRoute("/:locale");

// current url: /en/users/ivan/friends/john
LocaleRoute.navigate({ locale: "ru" }); // new url: /ru (not what is needed, need to keep url)

Can add an extra param to Route.navigate

// current url: /en/users/ivan/friends/john
LocaleRoute.navigate({ locale: "ru", soft: true }); // new url: /ru/users/ivan/friends/john

Or can use pathToRegex functionality (don't like, ideally i would remove it completely)

cosnt LocaleRoute = createRoute("/:locale/(.*)");

// current url: /en/users/ivan/friends/john
LocaleRoute.navigate({ locale: "ru" }); // new url: /ru/users/ivan/friends/john

You can rely on event even when opening the page for a first time.

related issue: #4

Guards for routes

There should be a way to add guards to rotes. Not clear what could be the API. Currently we can add redirects, but all actions of Route will still fire.

related issue: #9

Use cases:

  • Show 404 if page is completely hidden (url stays the same)
  • Show no access dialog (url stays the same)
  • User is not logged in, show login dialog, ask to login and then show content (url says the same)
  • Redirect to some page

Search string handling

Not clear if need to handle search strings internally somehow. It will simplify the basic usage, but add a lot of edge cases and complexity. Could be something like this

const MyRoute = createRoute({
  path: "/users",
  searchParams: {
    q: SearchParam.string(""),
    page: SearchParam.number(1),

Route.searchParams: Store<{ q: string, page: number }>

// current url: /users
Route.navigate({ searchParams: { q: "hello" }}); // new url: /users?q=hello
Route.navigate({ searchParams: { q: "hello", page: 2 }}); // new url: /users?q=hello&page=2



const HomeRoute = createRoute("/");
const UsersRoute = createRoute("/users");
const UserRoute = createRoute(`${UsersRoute.path}/:userId`);

const loadUsersFx = createEffect();

const $users = restore(loadUsersFx.doneData, []);

sample({ clock:, target: loadUsersFx });

const $currentUser = combine($users, UserRoute.match, (users, match) =>
  users.find((user) => === match.params.userId)

const UsersPage = () => {
  const list = useList($users, ({ name, id }) => (
      <Link to={UserRoute} params={{ userId: id }}>

  return (
      <h1>List of users</h1>

const UserPage = () => {
  const user = useStore($currentUser);

  if (!user) {
    return null;

  const { name, avatar, email } = user;

  return (
      <img src={avatar} alt={name} />
      <a href={`mailto:${email}`}>{email}</a>
      <hr />
      <Link to={UsersRoute}>Back</Link>

const App = () => {
  return (
        <Link to={HomeRoute}>Home</Link>
        <Link to={UsersRoute}>Users</Link>
          <UsersPage />
          <UserPage />


Route could be created using createRoute.

const MyRoute = createRoute("/my/path");
const RelativeRoute = createRoute(`${MyRoute.path}/something/else`);
const RouteWithParams = createRoute<"id">("/users/:id");

createRoute return React element, that you can use to conditionally render content.

<MyRotute>Page content</MyRoute>
// Or
<MyRoute exact>Will render only when exact match</MyRoute>

Route.match: Store<Match<PathParamKeys> | null>

Store with current match of the route. Similar with Gate.state.

url                  RouteWithParams.match
/users/abc           { params: { id: "abc" }, isExact: true }
/users/abc/friends   { params: { id: "abc" }, isExact: false }
/somewhere/else      null Event<Match<PathParamKeys>>

Triggers when route is matched. Similar with

Route.close: Event<null>

Triggers when route is leaving the route. Similar with Gate.close.

Route.status: Store<boolean>

Boolean store which shows if given route is currently matched. Similar with Gate.status.

Route.navigate: Event<void | NavigateOptions<PathParamKeys>>

Event to navigate to the route. Accepts NavigateOptions.

  // params?: Partial<PathParams<PathParamKeys>>;
  params: {id: "xyz"},
  // search?: boolean | string;
  search: "query=newValue", // will update value
  search: true, // will keep the current search value
  // hash?: boolean | string;
  hash: "hello", // will update value
  hash: true, // will keep the current hash value
  // method?: HistoryMethod;
  method: "push", // default, will push to the history
  method: "replace", // will replace the location in the history

You don't need to provide all the params if some of them are already in the url.

cosnt LongUserRoute = createRoute("/:locale/teams/:teamId/users/:userId");
// current url: /en/teams/123/users/abc
LongUserRoute.navigate({params: {userId: "xyz"}})
// new url: /en/teams/123/users/xyz


Renders a tag, accepts NavigateOptions as props.

<Link to={LongUserRoute} params={{ teamId: "456", userId: "abc" }}>


Once rendered, it will navigate to a new location. By default it will replace the location in the history. You can pass to Redirect same props as to Link.

if (!hasAccess) {
  return <Redirect to={HomeRoute} />;


CurrentRoute is a helper for such cases when you want to only update search or hash. It implements only one event from the original Route. It's CurrentRoute.navigate(options: NavigateOptions).

CurrentRoute.navigate({search: "query=newValue", hash: "hello"})
// Or using `Link`
<Link to={CurrentRoute} search="query=newValue" hash="hello">Update query</Link>


Renders the first matched route. If you provide component which is not Route, it will be treated as match. It could be usefull to render 404 pages.

  <UsersRoute exact>List of users</UsersRoute>
  <UserRoute>User info</UserRoute>
  <NotFoundPage />

$search: Store<string>

A store with current search.

$hash: Store<string>

A store with curernt hash