KISSmetrics tracking API wrapper for Python
Support for:
- Python 3.5, 3.6
Also tested against:
- PyPy (Generally the latest release)
>>> import KISSmetrics
>>> KM = KISSmetrics.Client(key='mySuperSecretApiKey')
>>> KM.record('', 'Viewed Homepage')
<urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object at 0x...>
>>> KM.record('', 'Signed Up', {'Plan' : 'Pro', 'Amount' : 99.95})
<urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object at 0x...>
>>> KM.record('', 'Signed Up', timestamp=1234567890)
<urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object at 0x...>
>>> KM.set('', {'gender': 'male'})
<urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object at 0x...>
A compatibility client is provided which is intended to act like the previous generation of Python library here
This interface is provided for compatibility only, and will not be supported in the future.
>>> from KISSmetrics import KM
>>> km = KM("this is your API key")
>>> km.key
'this is your API key'
>>> km.identify('')
>>> km.identity
>>> km.check_id_key() # this will throw exception if key or identity is None
>>> km.record('Viewed Homepage')
>>> km.record('Signed Up', {'Plan' : 'Pro', 'Amount' : 99.95})
>>> km.record('Signed Up', {'_d' : 1, '_t' : 1234567890})
>>> km.set({'gender' : 'male'})
git clone
cd py-KISSmetrics
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
If you'd like to run tests against all of our declared supported Pythons, you can do so using tox
pip install tox