- Composer
- Kiwari Account for Bot
- ngrok (for running the example)
- Please add this SDK to your Bot PHP usng composer
$ composer require kiwari/kiwari-bot-sdk
- Get your
of Kiwari Bot Account, you can find in Kiwari Dashboard - Init Kiwari Bot SDK
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$bot = new \Kiwari\Kiwari('your-access-token-here');
$bot->enableLog(true); // you can enable log, the log file is inside your tmp
//now you need to run the bot
- After you init Kiwari Bot, you can get
, andmyaccount
//and now you can get the incomming data by using :
$sender = $bot->getSender();
* to get the sender
* example data for method : $bot->getSender()
* {
* "id": 287,
* "phone_number": "+6285123123123",
* "fullname": "Jarjit Singh",
* "qiscus_email": "jarjitid@kiwari-prod.com",
* "qiscus_id": 11
* }
$myAccount = $bot->getMyAccount();
* to get the my account or the bot
* example data for method : $bot->getMyAccount()
* {
* "id": 22,
* "phone_number": "+628681234567",
* "fullname": "Cuti Bot",
* "qiscus_email": "cutibot_id@kiwari-prod.com"
* }
$room = $bot->getChatRoom();
* to get chatroom
* example data for method : $bot->getChatRoom()
* {
* "id": 1510,
* "qiscus_room_name": "Name of Chat Room",
* "qiscus_room_id": 8777,
* "is_group_chat": false,
* "created_at": "2017-06-02T01:33:12.233Z",
* "updated_at": "2017-06-02T01:33:12.233Z",
* "application_id": 3,
* "group_avatar_url": "",
* "is_official_chat": false,
* "target_user_id": 443,
* "is_public_chat": false,
* "is_channel": false,
* "users": [
* {
* "id": 287,
* "phone_number": "+6285123123123",
* "fullname": "Jarjit Singh",
* "qiscus_email": "jarjitid@kiwari-prod.com",
* "qiscus_id": 784
* },
* {
* "id": 22,
* "phone_number": "+628681234567",
* "fullname": "Cuti Bot",
* "qiscus_email": "cutibot_id@kiwari-prod.com",
* "qiscus_id": 2039
* }
* ],
* "chat_name": "Group Chat Name",
* "chat_avatar_url": ""
* }
$message = $bot->getMessage();
* to get the message
* example data for method : $bot->getMessage()
* {
* "payload": {},
* "text": "halo bro",
* "type": "text"
* }
Now you can send the message into the opponent user by call the method that provided like below
Send Message Text
$response = $bot->sendText($room['qiscus_room_id'], 'Hello, this is from Kiwari Bot SDK PHP');
var_dump($response); //you can see the response if you need to debug or something to handle in your bot
- Send Button
More example, please see the test here
$response = $bot->sendButton($room['qiscus_room_id'], 'This is message Example', [
- Send Document
If you want to send document message, you need to upload the document or file first by using $bot->upload()
$path = '/Users/andhikayuana/Downloads/wav_wav_wavv.mp3';
$upload = $bot->upload($path);
var_dump($upload->body->data->url); // you can get the file url here
//now you can send the document like below
$response = $bot->sendDocument($room['qiscus_room_id'], $upload->body->data->url);
- Send Card
use Kiwari\Model\Card;
$bot->sendCard($room['qiscus_room_id'], 'ini teks',
->setText('Ini contoh textnya')
->setTitle('ini contoh judulnya')
->setDescription('ini contoh deskripsi')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
- Send Carousel
use Kiwari\Model\Carousel;
->setText('Ini contoh textnya')
->setTitle('ini contoh judulnya')
->setDescription('ini contoh deskripsi')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
->setText('Ini contoh textnya')
->setTitle('ini contoh judulnya')
->setDescription('ini contoh deskripsi')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
->setLabel('Jarjit Singh')
- Send Custom
use Kiwari\Model\Custom;
'product' => [
'id' => 123,
'name' => 'sandal mahal',
'price' => 5000000
'discount' => 0.1
- Send Location
use Kiwari\Model\Location;
$name = "Mirota Kampus 2 Simanjuntak";
$address = "Jalan C Simanjuntak No.70 ; Terban ; Gondokusuman ; Kota Yogyakarta ; Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223" ;
$latitude = -7.776235;
$longitude = 110.374928;
$mapUrl = "http://maps.google.com/?q=-7.776235 ;110.374928" ;
$location = Location::create()
$bot->sendLocation($room['qiscus_room_id'], $location);
use Kiwari\Model\Reply;
->setText('ini contoh reply')
You can try example by using this example
- Run webhook example by executing
$ make run-example
- After you run webhook in the local, you need to bring online using ngrok
$ ngrok http 3000
- Now you can access your webhook url online in the internet like below
Forwarding https://xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io -> localhost:3000
- Register the url in the Kiwari dashboard
- Now you can chat with your Bot
$ make test