Syntax highlighting for Drools Rules Language.
Steps to use
- Download SublimeText 3
- Install SublimeText's Package Control utility
- Install the PackageDev package
- While in SublimeText:
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Begin typing "Package Control: Install Package" and select that option
- Begin typing "PackageDev" and select that option (author is guillermooo)
- If the above doesn't work, you can try installing it directly from here
- While in SublimeText:
- Close SublimeText
- Do one of the following actions below within this folder: ".../SUBLIME_HOME/Packages/User/"
- Create a new syntax definition file in the proper folder and copy the contents of my file into it
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Begin typing "PackageDev: New JSON Syntax Definition" and select that option
- Copy my file directly into the proper folder
- Create a new syntax definition file in the proper folder and copy the contents of my file into it
- Open SublimeText & open the syntax definition file (Drools.JSON-tmLanguage)
- Convert the JSON-tmLanguage file to a plain tmLanguage
- Ctrl + Shift + P
- Begin typing "PackageDev: Convert (YAML, JSON, PList) to..." and select this option when it appears
- Set .drl files to open with this new syntax highlighter (if it doesn't automatically do it already)
- Open a .drl file
- View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as... > Drools
- If "Drools" does not appear in the list, the files are likely not in the proper directory