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This repo defines a subgraph which is used by Linguo - The First Decentralized Translation Platform.


Kleros Linguo allows users to request translations of documents or other text, and translators can then get assigned for these requests to provide the translation services. The platform uses smart contracts to manage the bidding process and ensure that translators are fairly compensated for the conducted work.

In the event of a dispute, Kleros Linguo uses the Kleros arbitration to resolve any disagreements. This allows for fair and impartial resolution of disputes, ensuring that both requesters and translators are treated fairly.


Currently Linguo provides service for 9 language pairs:

  • en-es - Spanish
  • en-fr - French
  • en-zh - Chinese
  • en-pt - Portuguese
  • en-ja - Japanese
  • en-ko - Korean
  • en-ru - Russian
  • en-tr - Turkish
  • de-en - German


Currently the subgraph is deployed on:

Gnosis (Hosted Service)

Goerli (Hosted Service)

The subgraph defintion

The subgraph codebase consists of

  • schema.graphql - a GraphQL schema that defines what data is stored for Linguo subgraph, and how to query it via GraphQL.

    This file specifies the data structure for each entity and its relationships with other entities.


    • Task
    • Round
    • Evidence
    • MetaEvidence
    • Contribution

    The whole data model is structured and organized around the main entity - Task - to enable a quick and easy access to the current state of an individual translation instances or a collection of those.

  • linguo.ts - AssemblyScript code that translates from the event data to the entities defined in the schema.


    // linguo.ts
    export function handleTaskCreated(event: TaskCreatedEvent): void {
      const lang = getLangFromAddress(event.address);
      if (lang === null) {
        log.error("Language for Linguo deployment is not found. lang {}; contract {}", [
      const taskId = `${lang}-${event.params._taskID}`;
      const task = Task.load(taskId);
      if (!task) {
        log.error("HandleTaskCreated: Task not found. taskID {}; contract {}", [taskId, event.address.toHexString()]);
      task.requester = event.params._requester;
      task.creationTime = event.params._timestamp;
      const evidenceGroup = new EvidenceGroup(`${event.params._taskID}-${event.address.toHexString()}`);
      evidenceGroup.task =;

    This mapping and such will handle events related to the creation, assignment, challenge, and resolution of translation tasks. When these events fire, the mapping will save the relevant data into the subgraph. This will ensure that the subgraph is always up-to-date and reflects the latest state of the tasks.


  1. Install depependencies
$ yarn
  1. To use the entities that are defined in the mappings, you will need to generate them locally. The CLI will take entity definitions and generate the necessary files and code inside /generated folder in the root directory to enable the entities to be used in the mappings. This can be done using the command line
$ yarn codegen


  • It is important to note that whenever you make changes to the GraphQL schema or the ABIs included in the manifest, you will need to run code generation again. This will update the generated code to reflect the changes, ensuring that it is correct and will not cause issues when building or deploying the subgraph. Additionally, code generation must be performed at least once before building or deploying the subgraph, as the generated code is required for these tasks.

In general, it is a good idea to run code generation regularly to ensure that the generated code is up-to-date and matches the current state of your subgraph.

  1. Run a build command to check your code for syntax errors.
$ yarn build

If the build command is successful, a new /build folder will be created in the root directory.

Deploy to the Graph Explorer (Hosted Service)


To deploy your subgraph to the Graph Explorer, use the Graph CLI's deploy command. Before running this command, you will need to copy the Access token for your account from the Graph Explorer. This token will be used to authenticate your deployment and allow you to deploy your subgraph to the Graph Explorer.

$ yarn run graph auth --product hosted-service <access-token>


$ yarn deploy