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An upcoming library addon for 'The Elder Scrolls Online' that implements a ShifterBox (Dual-ListBox) component


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LibShifterBox, a library add-on for 'The Elder Scrolls Online'


You can always download the latest version here:

Quick Start Example

This is a full example of how to use the LibShifterBox. alt text

In your MyAddon.txt file, make sure you defined LibShifterBox as a dependency:

## DependsOn: LibShifterBox

Optionally, you can also define a specific min-version:

## DependsOn: LibShifterBox>=000500

Then the initial setup of the ShifterBox needs to be done:

-- prepare the list of entries; in this case a list of item qualities in matching colour
local leftListEntries = {
-- Reminder: When you use colorized texts as values, please be aware that the color-coding becomes part of the value and thus may prevent from sorting in (visualy) alphabetical order!

-- optionally, we can override the default settings
local customSettings = {
    sortBy = "key",
    leftList = {
        title = "Lefties",
        emptyListText = "None",
        rowHeight = 48,
        fontSize = 24
    rightList = {
        title = "Righties",
        emptyListText = "None",
        rowHeight = 28,
        fontSize = 14

-- create the shifterBox and anchor it to a headerControl; also we can change the dimensions
local itemQualitiesShifterBox = LibShifterBox("MyNewAddon", "ItemQualities", parentControl, customSettings)
itemQualitiesShifterBox:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, headerControl, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 20)
itemQualitiesShifterBox:SetDimensions(300, 200)

-- finally, the previously defined entries are added to the left list

alt text

Additional entries can be added, or existing ones replaced:

-- this adds a new entry to the right list
itemQualitiesShifterBox:AddEntryToRightList(10, "HelloWorld")
-- this replaces the existing [Epic] entry from the left and adds it with a new value to the right list
itemQualitiesShifterBox:AddEntryToRightList(ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT, "Epic-Replacement", true)

alt text

Entries can be selected by their key:


alt text

The whole ShifterBox is set to disabled:


alt text

API Reference


Returns a new instance of ShifterBox with the given control name. customSettings can optionally be provided (with individual values), otherwise the default settings are used. Furthermore the optional anchorOptions, dimensionOptions, leftListEntries, and rightListEntries can shortcut the separate calling of shifterBox:SetAnchor, shifterBox:SetDimensions, shifterBox:AddEntriesToLeftList and shifterBox:AddEntriesToRightList respectively.

local shifterBox = LibShifterBox(uniqueAddonName, uniqueShifterBoxName, parentControl, customSettings, anchorOptions, dimensionOptions, leftListEntries, rightListEntries)


local shifterBox = LibShifterBox.Create(uniqueAddonName, uniqueShifterBoxName, parentControl, customSettings, anchorOptions, dimensionOptions, leftListEntries, rightListEntries)

is the same as:

local shifterBox = LibShifterBox.Create(uniqueAddonName, uniqueShifterBoxName, parentControl, customSettings)


Optionally custom settings can be passed on when the ShifterBox is created.
The following values can be set:

customSettings = {
    showMoveAllButtons = true,  -- the >> and << buttons to move all entries can be hidden if set to false
    dragDropEnabled = true,     -- entries can be moved between lsit with drag-and-drop
    sortEnabled = true,         -- sorting of the entries can be disabled
    sortBy = "value",           -- sort the list by value or key (allowed are: "value" or "key")
    leftList = {                -- list-specific settings that apply to the LEFT list
        title = "",                                         -- the title/header of the list
        rowHeight = 32,                                     -- the height of an individual row/entry
        rowTemplateName = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate",        -- an individual XML (cirtual) control can be provided for the rows/entries
        emptyListText = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY),     -- the text to be displayed if there are no entries left in the list
        fontSize = 18,                                      -- size of the font
        rowDataTypeSelectSound = SOUNDS.ABILITY_SLOTTED,    -- an optional sound to play when a row of this data type is selected
        rowOnMouseRightClick = function(rowControl, data)   -- an optional callback function when a right-click is done inside a row element (e.g. for custom context menus)
            d("LSB: OnMouseRightClick: "..tostring(data.tooltipText))   -- reading custom 'tooltipText' from 'rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback'
        rowSetupCallback = function(rowControl, data)       -- function that will be called when a control of this type becomes visible
            d("LSB: RowSetupCallback")                      -- Calls self:SetupRowEntry, then this function, finally ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow
        rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback = function(rowControl, data) -- data can be extended with additional data during the 'rowSetupCallback'
            d("LSB: SetupAdditionalDataCallback")
            data.tooltipText = data.value
            return rowControl, data                         -- this callback function must return the rowControl and (enriched) data again
        rowResetControlCallback = function()                -- an optional callback when the datatype control gets reset
            d("LSB: RowResetControlCallback")
    rightList = {               -- list-specific settings that apply to the RIGHT list
        title = "",                                         -- the title/header of the list
        rowHeight = 32,                                     -- the height of an individual row/entry
        rowTemplateName = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate",        -- an individual XML (cirtual) control can be provided for the rows/entries
        emptyListText = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY),     -- the text to be displayed if there are no entries left in the list
        fontSize = 18,                                      -- size of the font
        rowDataTypeSelectSound = SOUNDS.ABILITY_SLOTTED,    -- an optional sound to play when a row of this data type is selected
        rowOnMouseRightClick = function(rowControl, data)   -- an optional callback function when a right-click is done inside a row element (e.g. for custom context menus)
            d("LSB: OnMouseRightClick: "..tostring(data.tooltipText))   -- reading custom 'tooltipText' from 'rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback'
        rowSetupCallback = function(rowControl, data)       -- function that will be called when a control of this type becomes visible
            d("LSB: RowSetupCallback")                      -- Calls self:SetupRowEntry, then this function, finally ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow
        rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback = function(rowControl, data) -- data can be extended with additional data during the 'rowSetupCallback'
            d("LSB: SetupAdditionalDataCallback")
            data.tooltipText = data.value
            return rowControl, data                         -- this callback function must return the rowControl and (enriched) data again
        rowResetControlCallback = function()                -- an optional callback when the datatype control gets reset
            d("LSB: RowResetControlCallback")
    callbackRegister = {                                    -- directly register callback functions with any of the exposed events
        [LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER] = function(rowControl, shifterBox, data)
            d("LSB: LeftListRowOnMouseEnter")
        [LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER] = function(rowControl, shifterBox, data)
            d("LSB: RightListRowOnMouseEnter")

For rowDataTypeSelectSound, you may look at the overview of Sounds in the ESOUI Wiki.


Optionally anchorOptions can be passed on when the ShifterBox is created. This replaces the separate call of shifterBox:SetAnchors().
The following values can be set:

anchorOptions = {
    number whereOnMe,
    object anchorTargetControl,
    number whereOnTarget, 
    number offsetX, 
    number offsetY


Optionally dimensionOptions can be passed on when the ShifterBox is created. This replaces the separate call of shifterBox:SetDimensions().
The following values can be set:

dimensionOptions = {
    number width,
    number height


Optionally leftListEntries can be passed on when the ShifterBox is created to directly populate the left listBox. This replaces the separate call of shifterBox:AddEntriesToLeftList(). Note though that this way no categoryId can be provided for the entries.
The leftListEntries must either be a table with the following format, or a function return such table:

    [key] = value,
    [key] = value


Optionally rightListEntries can be passed on when the ShifterBox is created to directly populate the right listBox. This replaces the separate call of shifterBox:AddEntriesToRightList(). Note though that this way no categoryId can be provided for the entries.
The rightListEntries must either be a table with the following format, or a function return such table:

    [key] = value,
    [key] = value


Returns the (first to be created) ShifterBox instance based on the uniqueAddonName and uniqueShifterBoxName.

local shifterBox = LibShifterBox.GetShifterBox(uniqueAddonName, uniqueShifterBoxName)


Returns the CT_CONTROL object of the (first to be created) ShifterBox based on the uniqueAddonName and uniqueShifterBoxName. This can be used to e.g. anchor other controls to the ShifterBox. Additionally, as second return parameter the instance of the shifterBox itself is returned.
It is preferred to use the :GetControl() function of your instantiated shifterBox (see below).

local shifterBoxControl, shifterBox = LibShifterBox.GetControl(uniqueAddonName, uniqueShifterBoxName)


Returns the CT_CONTROL object of the instantiated shifterBox. This can be used to e.g. anchor other controls to the ShifterBox. Additionally, as second return parameter the instance of the shifterBox itself is returned.

local shifterBoxControl, shifterBox = shifterBox:GetControl()


Sets the anchor of the ShifterBox to any other control of your UI. Only one anchor is supported and any previous anchors will first be cleared.

shifterBox:SetAnchor(whereOnMe, anchorTargetControl, whereOnTarget, offsetX, offsetY)


Sets the dimensions of the overall ShifterBox (across both listBoxes and including header titles if applicable). The provided width is distributed to the two listBoxes and the space in between (for the buttons). There is a minimum height/width of 80x80.

shifterBox:SetDimensions(width, height)


Sets the whole ShifterBox to enabled or disabled state. It is no longer possible to select entries or to shift them between the two listBoxes if disabled.



Sets the whole ShifterBox to hidden or shows it again.



Shows all entries that have been added to the shifterBox under the provided categoryId.



Shows all entries that have been added to the shifterBox under the provided categoryId. All entries with a different categoryId will be hidden.



Shows all entries that have been hidden with shifterBox:HideCategory(categoryId).



Hides all entries that have been added to the shifterBox under the provided categoryId.



Selects (or deselects if already selected) an entry on either listBox based on the provided key.



Selects (or deselects if already selected) a list of entries on either listBox. The provided keys must be a table with keys such as keys = {1, 2, 3}.



Deselects all entries on either listBox.



Removes an entry on either listBox based on the provided key.



Removes a list of entries on either listBox. The provided keys must be a table with keys such as keys = {1, 2, 3}.



Register your own callbackFunction that is executed upon various shifterBox events.

shifterBox:RegisterCallback(shifterBoxEvent, callbackFunction)

The following values for shifterBoxEvent are currently supported:


This event is triggered when an entry is highlighted (i.e. clicked on with the mouse, or by calling ShifterBox:SelectEntryByKey and ShifterBox:SelectEntriesByKey).

-- @param control object referencing the entry/row that has been highlighted
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param key string with the key of the highlighted entry
-- @param value string with the (displayed) value of the highlighted entry
-- @categoryId string with the category of the highlighted entry (can be nil)
-- @isLeftList boolean whether the highlighted entry is in the left listBox
local function myEntryHighlightedFunction(control, shifterBox, key, value, categoryId, isLeftList)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_ENTRY_HIGHLIGHTED, myEntryHighlightedFunction)


This event is triggered when an entry is un-highlighted (i.e. clicked on a highlighted entry with the mouse)

-- @param control object referencing the entry/row that has been un-highlighted
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param key string with the key of the highlighted entry
-- @param value string with the (displayed) value of the un-highlighted entry
-- @categoryId string with the category of the un-highlighted entry (can be nil)
-- @isLeftList boolean whether the un-highlighted entry is in the left listBox
local function myEntryUnhighlightedFunction(control, shifterBox, key, value, categoryId, isLeftList)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_ENTRY_UNHIGHLIGHTED, myEntryUnhighlightedFunction)


This event is triggered when an entry is moved from one list to another, either with the [<] and [>] buttons, by drag-and-drop or with any of the library functions.
Note that when you move multiple entries, this event is also triggered multiple times (once per moved entry).

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param key string with the key of the moved entry
-- @param value string with the (displayed) value of the moved entry
-- @categoryId string with the category of the moved entry (can be nil)
-- @isDestListLeftList boolean whether the entry is is moved to the left listBox
-- @fromList object a list of all entries from the source list, AFTER the move
-- #toList object a list of all entries from the destination list, AFTER the move 
local function myEntryMovedFunction(shifterBox, key, value, categoryId, isDestListLeftList, fromList, toList)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_ENTRY_MOVED, myEntryMovedFunction)


This event is triggered when the left list has been cleared from all (shown) entries, i.e. the entries have been moved to the right list, or got deleted from it.
It does not check for entries that are part of a category that is currently hidden, only entries from shown categories are considered when evaluating if the left list is cleared or not. The event however can be triggered when ShifterBox:HideCategory or ShifterBox:ShowOnlyCategory are called and the left list does not have any entries left.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
local function myLeftListClearedFunction(shifterBox)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_CLEARED, myLeftListClearedFunction)


This event is triggered when the right list has been cleared from all (shown) entries, i.e. the entries have been moved to the left list, or got deleted from it.
It does not check for entries that are part of a category that is currently hidden, only entries from shown categories are considered when evaluating if the right list is cleared or not. The event however can be triggered when ShifterBox:HideCategory or ShifterBox:ShowOnlyCategory are called and the right list does not have any entries left.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
local function myRightListClearedFunction(shifterBox)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_CLEARED, myRightListClearedFunction)


This event is triggered whenever a new entry is added to the left list with ShifterBox:AddEntryToLeftList (once) or ShifterBox:AddEntriesToLeftList (multiple times).
It is NOT triggered when items are moved from the right list to the left list.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param list object referencing the left ShifterBoxList (subclass of ZO_SortFilterList)
-- @param entryAdded table containing details about the added entry
local function myLeftListEntryAddedFunction(shifterBox, list, entryAdded)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ENTRY_ADDED, myLeftListEntryAddedFunction)

The returned entryAdded has the following structure:

entryAdded = {


This event is triggered whenever a new entry is added to the left list with ShifterBox:AddEntryToRightList (once) or ShifterBox:AddEntriesToRightList (multiple times).
It is NOT triggered when items are moved from the left list to the right list.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param list object referencing the left ShifterBoxList (subclass of ZO_SortFilterList)
-- @param entryAdded table containing details about the added entry
local function myRightListEntryAddedFunction(shifterBox, list, entryAdded)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ENTRY_ADDED, myRightListEntryAddedFunction)

The returned entryAdded has the following structure:

entryAdded = {


This event is triggered whenever an existing entry is removed from the left list with ShifterBox:RemoveEntryByKey (once) or ShifterBox:RemoveEntriesByKey (multiple times). It can also be triggered by ShifterBox:AddEntryTo___List (once) and ShifterBox:AddEntriesTo___List (multiple times) when replace=true and an entry with the same key already exists. In that case it will first be removed, and then a new entry is added.
It is NOT triggered when items are moved from the left list to the right list.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param list object referencing the left ShifterBoxList (subclass of ZO_SortFilterList)
-- @param entryRemoved table containing details about the removed entry
local function myLeftListEntryRemovedFunction(shifterBox, list, entryRemoved)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ENTRY_REMOVED, myLeftListEntryRemovedFunction)

The returned entryRemoved has the following structure:

entryRemoved = {


This event is triggered whenever an existing entry is removed from the right list with ShifterBox:RemoveEntryByKey (once) or ShifterBox:RemoveEntriesByKey (multiple times). It can also be triggered by ShifterBox:AddEntryTo___List (once) and ShifterBox:AddEntriesTo___List (multiple times) when replace=true and an entry with the same key already exists. In that case it will first be removed, and then a new entry is added.
It is NOT triggered when items are moved from the right list to the left list.

-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param list object referencing the left ShifterBoxList (subclass of ZO_SortFilterList)
-- @param entryRemoved table containing details about the removed entry
local function myRightListEntryRemovedFunction(shifterBox, list, entryRemoved)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ENTRY_REMOVED, myRightListEntryRemovedFunction)

The returned entryRemoved has the following structure:

entryRemoved = {


This event is triggered when the left list has been created and thus is accessible now to other functions such as for adding new entries to it.

-- @param leftListControl object referencing the left list control that has been created
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
local function myLeftListCreatedFunction(leftListControl, shifterBox)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_CREATED, myLeftListCreatedFunction)


This event is triggered when the right list has been created and thus is accessible now to other functions such as for adding new entries to it.

-- @param rightListControl object referencing the right list control that has been created
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
local function myRightListCreatedFunction(rightListControl, shifterBox)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_CREATED, myRightListCreatedFunction)


This event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters the control of a row in the left list. When the mouse cursors leaves the control of the row again, a different event LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_EXIT is triggered.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor has entered
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myLeftListRowMouseEnterFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER, myLeftListRowMouseEnterFunction)


This event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters the control of a row in the right list. When the mouse cursors leaves the control of the row again, a different event LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_RIGHT_ROW_ON_MOUSE_EXIT is triggered.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor has entered
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myRightListRowMouseEnterFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER, myRightListRowMouseEnterFunction)


This event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the control of a row in the left list.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor has left
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myLeftListRowMouseExitFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_EXIT, myLeftListRowMouseExitFunction)


This event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the control of a row in the right list.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor has left
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myRightListRowMouseExitFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_EXIT, myRightListRowMouseExitFunction)


This event is triggered when a mouse button is pressed and released again while hovering over a row in the left list.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor clicked on
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param isInside boolean indicating whether the mouse cursor was still hovering the control when release (TO-BE-CONFIRMED)
-- @param altKey boolean indicating whether the ALT key modifier was pressed
-- @param shiftKey boolean indicating whether the SHIFT key modifier was pressed
-- @param commandKey boolean indicating whether the CMD key modifier was pressed (macOS)
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myLeftListRowMouseUpFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, isInside, altKey, shiftKey, commandKey, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_UP, myLeftListRowMouseUpFunction)


This event is triggered when a mouse button is pressed and released again while hovering over a row in the right list.

-- @param rowControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor clicked on
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param isInside boolean indicating whether the mouse cursor was still hovering the control when release (TO-BE-CONFIRMED)
-- @param altKey boolean indicating whether the ALT key modifier was pressed
-- @param shiftKey boolean indicating whether the SHIFT key modifier was pressed
-- @param commandKey boolean indicating whether the CMD key modifier was pressed (macOS)
-- @param rawRowData object with the raw data from the row
local function myRightListRowMouseUpFunction(rowControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, isInside, altKey, shiftKey, commandKey, rawRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_UP, myRightListRowMouseUpFunction)


This event is triggered when either one row in the left list was clicked on and then started to drag it out while still holding down the mouse key. It can also be triggered for multiple entries if they get selected before.

-- @param draggedControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor started to drag
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param rawDraggedRowData object with the raw data from the row, enriched with additional data
local function myLeftListRowDragStartFunction(draggedControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, rawDraggedRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_DRAG_START, myLeftListRowDragStartFunction)

The returned rawDraggedRowData is additionally enriched with the following attributes:

_sourceListControl          CT_CONTROL
_sourceDraggedControl       CT_CONTROL
_isSelected                 boolean
_hasMultipleRowsSelected    boolean
_numRowsSelected            number
_isFromLeftList             boolean
_draggedText                string
_draggedAdditionalText      string


This event is triggered when either one row in the right list was clicked on and then started to drag it out while still holding down the mouse key. It can also be triggered for multiple entries if they get selected before.

-- @param draggedControl object referencing the row control that the mouse cursor started to drag
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param rawDraggedRowData object with the raw data from the row, enriched with additional data
local function myRightListRowDragStartFunction(draggedControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, rawDraggedRowData)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_DRAG_START, myRightListRowDragStartFunction)

The returned rawDraggedRowData is additionally enriched with the following attributes:

_sourceListControl          CT_CONTROL
_sourceDraggedControl       CT_CONTROL
_isSelected                 boolean
_hasMultipleRowsSelected    boolean
_numRowsSelected            number
_isFromLeftList             boolean
_draggedText                string
_draggedAdditionalText      string


This event is triggered when the mouse key is let go again after dragging a row from the left list. Entries can only be dragged to a list that belongs to the same shifterBox as the source list; the event gets triggered in all cases though.

-- @param draggedOnToControl object referencing the control that the mouse cursor stopped to drag
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param rawDraggedRowData object with the raw data from the row, enriched with additional data
-- @param hasSameShifterBoxParent boolean indicating if the target list is of the same shifterBox
-- @param wasDragSuccessful boolean indicating whether the dragged data was successfully moved to the right list
local function myLeftListRowDragEndFunction(draggedOnToControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, rawDraggedRowData, hasSameShifterBoxParent, wasDragSuccessful)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_DRAG_END, myLeftListRowDragEndFunction)

The returned rawDraggedRowData is additionally enriched with the following attributes:

_sourceListControl          CT_CONTROL
_sourceDraggedControl       CT_CONTROL
_isSelected                 boolean
_hasMultipleRowsSelected    boolean
_numRowsSelected            number
_isFromLeftList             boolean
_draggedText                string
_draggedAdditionalText      string


This event is triggered when the mouse key is let go again after dragging a row from the left list. Entries can only be dragged to a list that belongs to the same shifterBox as the source list; the event gets triggered in all cases though.

-- @param draggedOnToControl object referencing the control that the mouse cursor stopped to drag
-- @param shifterBox object referencing the shifterBox that triggered this event
-- @param mouseButton number referencing the mouse button that was pressed and release
-- @param rawDraggedRowData object with the raw data from the row, enriched with additional data
-- @param hasSameShifterBoxParent boolean indicating if the target list is of the same shifterBox
-- @param wasDragSuccessful boolean indicating whether the dragged data was successfully moved to the left list
local function myRightListRowDragEndFunction(draggedOnToControl, shifterBox, mouseButton, rawDraggedRowData, hasSameShifterBoxParent, wasDragSuccessful)
    -- do something
shifterBox:RegisterCallback(LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_DRAG_END, myRightListRowDragEndFunction)

The returned rawDraggedRowData is additionally enriched with the following attributes:

_sourceListControl          CT_CONTROL
_sourceDraggedControl       CT_CONTROL
_isSelected                 boolean
_hasMultipleRowsSelected    boolean
_numRowsSelected            number
_isFromLeftList             boolean
_draggedText                string
_draggedAdditionalText      string


Unregisters the before set callbackFunction for the given shifterBoxEvent. The same events as for RegisterCallback are valid.

shifterBox:UnregisterCallback(shifterBoxEvent, callbackFunction)



Returns a table with all visible entries in the left listBox that are not part of a hidden category. If withCategoryId is omitted or set to false, only key/value pairs are returned. If set to true then also the categoryId is returned per entry.



Returns a table with all entries in the left listBox, including ones that are part of a hidden category. If withCategoryId is omitted or set to false, only key/value pairs are returned. If set to true then also the categoryId is returned per entry.



Adds one additional entry into the left listBox. If the key already exists in either listBox, the entry will not be added; unless if replace is set to true, then the entry with the same key in either listBox will be replaced.
Optionally a categoryId can be provided to assign the entry to a specific category. These then can be shown/hidden with ShowCategory(categoryId) and HideCategory(categoryId). If not provided, the default categoryId is used (LibShifterBox.DEFAULT_CATEGORY)

shifterBox:AddEntryToLeftList(key, value, replace, categoryId)


Adds a list of entries into the left listBox. If any of the keys already exists in either listBox, the entry will not be added; unless if replace is set to true, then the entry with the same key in either listBox will be replaced.
The entries can either be a table with entries, or a function that returns a table. The format must be like: { [key] = value, [key] = value }
Optionally a categoryId can be provided to assign the entries to a specific category. These then can be shown/hidden with ShowCategory(categoryId) and HideCategory(categoryId). If not provided, the default categoryId is used (LibShifterBox.DEFAULT_CATEGORY)

shifterBox:AddEntriesToLeftList(entries, replace, categoryId)


Moves a single entry from the right listBox into the left listBox.



Moves a list of entries from the right listBox into the left listBox. The provided keys must be a table with keys such as keys = {1, 2, 3}.



Moves all entries (including hidden ones) from the right listBox into the left listBox.



Removes all entries from the left listBox.




Returns a table with all visible entries in the right listBox that are not part of a hidden category. If withCategoryId is omitted or set to false, only key/value pairs are returned. If set to true then also the categoryId is returned per entry.



Returns a table with all entries in the right listBox, including ones that are part of a hidden category. If withCategoryId is omitted or set to false, only key/value pairs are returned. If set to true then also the categoryId is returned per entry.



Adds one additional entry into the right listBox. If the key already exists in either listBox, the entry will not be added; unless if replace is set to true, then the entry with the same key in either listBox will be replaced.
Optionally a categoryId can be provided to assign the entry to a specific category. These then can be shown/hidden with ShowCategory(categoryId) and HideCategory(categoryId). If not provided, the default categoryId is used (LibShifterBox.DEFAULT_CATEGORY)

shifterBox:AddEntryToRightList(key, value, replace, categoryId)


Adds a list of entries into the right listBox. If any of the keys already exists in either listBox, the entry will not be added; unless if replace is set to true, then the entry with the same key in either listBox will be replaced.
The entries can either be a table with entries, or a function that returns a table. The format must be like: { [key] = value, [key] = value }
Optionally a categoryId can be provided to assign the entries to a specific category. These then can be shown/hidden with ShowCategory(categoryId) and HideCategory(categoryId). If not provided, the default categoryId is used (LibShifterBox.DEFAULT_CATEGORY)

shifterBox:AddEntriesToRightList(entries, replace, categoryId)


Moves a single entry from the left listBox into the right listBox.



Moves a list of entries from the left listBox into the right listBox. The provided keys must be a table with keys such as keys = {1, 2, 3}.



Moves all entries (including hidden ones) from the left listBox into the right listBox.



Removes all entries from the right listBox.


Addons using LibShifterBox

Here you can find an (incomplete) list of Addons using LibShifterBox.


Disclaimer: This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.


An upcoming library addon for 'The Elder Scrolls Online' that implements a ShifterBox (Dual-ListBox) component







No packages published
