This is an exemplary project to support an article on my blog. It's about running PHP unit tests inside Docker during daily development, check it here.
This is simple web app in PHP that has a single entrypoint where it displays an awesome integer from a 1 to 100 range.
If you want to just see the app running and have awesome numbers to be generated then run a "production" image with all the code packed inside already:
docker run -p "80:80" --rm kmotrebski/blog-app-1:prod
Docker will download an image from Docker Hub and start the app. Then visit localhost in your browser.
If you want to play with the project type the following commands:
git clone kmotrebski-blog-app-1
cd kmotrebski-blog-app-1
The above will clone the project and start a script that will:
- create a config file
- download all Composer dependencies
- start the app
If you are going to fork this repository then it will run fine in Travis. If you want Travis to automatically push Docker image to Docker Hub then you have to set environment variables in Travis:
with your Docker Hub login.TRAVIS_ART1_DOCKER_REG_PASSWORD
encrypted value with your Docker Hub password. One more time, don't forget to set it up as encrypted value! See here for how to do it.