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Configuration groups

Kurt Neo edited this page Jul 20, 2016 · 3 revisions


This is the main configuration group for the ksmppd system.

option meaning
id This is the system_id returned to ESME's when they bind successfully.
log-file Log file to use
log-level Level to log at (default 0, debug)
smpp-port Port to listen for SMPP ESME connections
database-type Currently only 'mysql' supported
database-config Database connection id to use (mysql-connection group id)
database-user-table Table name of user storage (default: 'smpp_user')
database-store-table Table name of bearerbox store (default: 'smpp_store')
database-enable-queue Whether to store excess queues in database (recommended always on)
database-pdu-table Table name of queued deliver_sm PDU's (default: 'smpp_queued_pdu')
database-route-table Table name for routing rules (default: 'smpp_route')
inbound-queue-threads Number of threads to start to deal with inbound SMPP PDU's
outbound-queue-threads Number of threads to start to deal with outbound SMPP PDU's
auth-method 1 = Database, 2 = HTTP (requires 'auth-url'), Default: 1
auth-url If auth-method = 2 then this URL is called to authorize users. See PHP examples for HTTP authentication


This group controls how the router behaves.

option meaning
routing-method 1 = database, 2 = http (requires 'http-routing-url')
http-routing-url If 2 is specified as routing-method, this URL is called to route messages. Please see PHP examples for how to route
http-num-callers How many outbound callers to use (default: 1), a thread is created for each caller
http-max-outstanding-requests In order to manage memory, outstanding requests (awaiting reply) are limited to this number, default: 512


This group is to manage the administration interface

option meaning
port Port for admin interface to listen on
password Password to authenticate requests
interface Interface to listen on (optional)


This configures the bearerbox connection(s). You can have multiple but be careful you know what you're doing.

option meaning
id smsbox reported to bearerbox
host host of the bearerbox to connect to
port port of the bearerbox to connect to
ssl (boolean) whether to use SSL to connect