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Account Kit (HMS)

Service Introduction

Account Kit provides you with simple, secure, and quick sign-in and authorization functions. Instead of entering accounts and passwords and waiting for authentication, users can just tap the Sign in with HUAWEI ID button to quickly and securely sign in to your app with their HUAWEI IDs.

Supported Devices

Platform Device Type OS version HMS Core(APK) version
Android Phone, tablet, HUAWEI Vision, and telematics device EMUI 3.0 or later, Android 4.4 or later or later
HarmonyOS (Java) Phone and tablet HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later
Telematics device HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later
HUAWEI Vision and smart watch HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later
HarmonyOS (JavaScript) Phone and tablet HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later
Telematics device HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later
HUAWEI Vision and smart watch HarmonyOS 2.0 or later or later

Supported Locations and Languages

Serves more than 190 countries and regions, and supports more than 70 languages.

Service Features

  • Quick and standard
    Connects your app to the Huawei ecosystem, allowing users to sign in to your app with their HUAWEI IDs from a range of devices, such as phones, tablets, HUAWEI Vision products, and telematics devices.

  • Secure, reliable, and compliant with international standards
    Complies with GDPR and industry-standard protocols such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect; supports two-factor authentication (password plus verification code) to ensure high security; notifies users of possible risks in real time.

Use Cases

Quick Sign-In to Apps

Users can quickly and conveniently sign in to apps with their HUAWEI IDs. When signing in to an app using a HUAWEI ID for the first time, a user needs to authorize the app. Then, the user can sign in to the app with one tap. With one HUAWEI ID, a user can sign in to all apps on all devices.


Using QR Code

With Account Kit, the user who has already signed in with his/her HUAWEI ID on a device can easily sign in with the same ID on other devices by scanning a QR code.


Privacy Statement

Before integrating Account Kit into your app, you will need to sign the HUAWEI Developers Service Agreement and Agreement on Use of Huawei APIs. You understand and accept that downloading or using the said kit will be deemed as you having agreed to all of the preceding agreements, and you will fulfill and assume the legal responsibilities and obligations in accordance with said agreements.

Integrating into Your Unreal Project

Register and get verified

Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.


Create an app

Create an app by referring to Creating a Project and Creating an App in the Project. Set the following parameters as described:

  • Platform: Select Android
  • Device: Select Mobile phone
  • App category: Select App or Game

Screenshots/Step2.png Screenshots/Preparation.png

Prepare for development

According to HMS integration process introduction, we still need to add some configurations to the gradle files for development preparations.


  1. Install the Plugin

    Copy and enable the Unreal Engine Plugin.

    If a <unreal_project_directory>/Plugins folder does not exist, create it.

    From the Huawei Account Unreal plugin, copy the HuaweiAccount folder and its contents to <unreal_project_directory>/Plugins. Screenshots/unreal-step1

    From your Unreal Editor, select Edit -> Plugins menu then enable the Huawei Account Plugin. Screenshots/unreal-step2

  2. Signing Certificate Fingerprint

    Please refer to Huawei preparation documentation step 4 for generating a SHA256 Certificate Fingerprint.


    And refer to Huawei preparation documentation step 5 to add Fingerprint to AppGallery Connect.


  3. Package name

    Set the package name in Edit -> Project Settings -> Android -> APK Packaging -> Android Package Name

    The package name is com.${Company Name}.${Product Name}.

    You can also complete the rest of the settings here, such as version number, icons, resolution, etc.


  4. Set up plugin

    • Sign in to AppGallery Connect and click My projects.
    • Find your app project and click the app that needs to integrate the HMS Core SDK.
    • Go to Project settings > General information. In the App information area, download the agconnect-services.json file. Screenshots/agc_json.png
    • You can put the json file under <unreal_project_directory>/Configs/AGC as default (create the Configs/AGC directory if not existed) or in your own favorite path
    • In your Unreal Editor, select Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> HuaweiAccount then set up the agconnect-services.json file path Screenshots/unreal-step4.png

Developing with the SDK


Using Blueprint

The below functions are supported with Blueprint

  • loginWithoutVerification
  • loginWithIdToken
  • loginWithAuthorizationCode
  • logOut
  • cancelAuthorization You can refer to the Blueprint sample. Screenshots/blueprint.png

Using C++ APIs

Access the Huawei Account APIs by including the header file Account.h in the related classes of your project.

#include "Account.h"
  • Log in without identity verification
  • Log in via ID Token(OpenID connect)

Sample code

  • Log in via Authorization Code(OAuth 2.0)

Sample code

  • Log out

Sample code

  • Cancel authorization

Sample code

  • Listen to callback events Implement a listener class to receive information in all the Account callback events

Action types table:

LOGIN_ACTION Login without ID verification
LOGIN_BY_ID_TOKEN_ACTION Login via ID token(OpenID connect)
LOGIN_BY_AUTH_CODE_ACTION Login via Authorization Code(OAuth 2.0)
CANCEL_AUTH_ACTION Cancel authorization

Sample code Header file

class YourAccountListener : public huawei::AccountListener {
    void onLoggedIn(const AccountInfo account);
    void onGetIdToken(const FString idToken, const AccountInfo account);
    void onGetAuthCode(const FString authCode, const AccountInfo account);
    void onLoggedOut();
    void onCancelledAuth();
    void onException(int action, const FString message);

Then set it with the setListener API

Sample code

huawei::Account::setListener(new YourAccountListener());

You can get the below account information

displayName user's nickname
avatarUriString user's profile picture URI
email user's email address if user authorizes, otherwise null will be returned
openId user's openID (identifies a user in a app)
unionId user's unionID (identifies a user accross all your apps)

If you use loginWithIdToken API, you have to verify the obtained ID token on your server. Please refer to this guide for more detailed.

If you use loginWithAuthorizationCode API, you have to verify the obtained Authorization code on your server. Please refer to this guide for more detailed.

Test & Release

Please refer to Huawei integration procedure for testing and releasing.

