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BLAS 1::rotg

Luc Berger edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 1 revision


Header File: KokkosBlas1_rotg.hpp

Usage: KokkosBlas::rotg(space, a, b, c, s); KokkosBlas::rotg(a, b, c, s);

Computes the Givens rotation coefficients c and s such that vector (a, b) once rotated becomes (r, 0)


template <class execution_space, class SViewType, class MViewType>
void rotg(execution_space const& space, SViewType const& a, SViewType const& b,
          MViewType const& c, SViewType const& s)

Template parameters:

  • execution_space: the backend that will be used to run this kernel
  • SViewType: the type of the input views a, b and s
  • MViewType: the type of the input view c


  • space: the execution space instance passed to the Kokkos execution policy to run the kernel on
  • a: On input, the first entry of vector (a, b), on output the value r
  • b: On input, the second entry of vector (a, b)
  • c: cosine of the rotation matrix
  • s: sine of the rotation matrix


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