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Siva Rajamanickam edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 13 revisions

Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem: Math Kernels - Provides BLAS, Sparse BLAS and Graph Kernels

KokkosKernels implements local computational kernels for linear algebra and graph operations, using the Kokkos shared-memory parallel programming model. "Local" means not using MPI, or running within a single MPI process without knowing about MPI. "Computational kernels" are coarse-grained operations; they take a lot of work and make sense to parallelize inside using Kokkos. KokkosKernels can be the building block of a parallel linear algebra library like Tpetra that uses MPI and threads for parallelism, or it can be used stand-alone in your application.

Computational kernels in this subpackage include the following:

  • (Multi)vector dot products, norms, and updates (AXPY-like operations that add vectors together entry-wise)
  • Sparse matrix-vector multiply and other sparse matrix / dense vector kernels
  • Sparse matrix-matrix multiply
  • Graph coloring
  • Gauss-Seidel with coloring (generalization of red-black)
  • Other linear algebra and graph operations

KokkosKernels is licensed under standard 3-clause BSD terms of use. For specifics, please refer to the LICENSE file contained in the repository or distribution.

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