College assignment: Create a bash script that let a user pack multiple files to archive / unpack archive to a specific directory. Use dialog program for GUI
The script lets u choose between 3 options: pack, unpack, exit.
Pack: you can choose multiple files and name your archive. The archive will be created in script main directory.
Unpack: you can choose betweeen two options: choose existing directory or create a new one. The archive will be unpacked to it.
Available extensions: zip,rar,tar,gz,bz2
The script is translated to Polish.
[Tested on Fedora 36]
Download the ZIP with all the scripts and unpack them in directory of your choice. Use terminal inside the directory and input ./
Use arrows or numbers to switch between options in main menu. Switch between Ok/Anuluj using TAB. Select Option using SPACE
Use TAB to switch focus between directories, files and DODAJ/UTWORZ options in files selection window. Select a directory/file using SPACE. Select DODAJ/UTWORZ using ENTER. Next choose extension and input the archive name.
Choose between Nowy folder/Istniejacy folder option. Input a directory name or choose an existing directory and then choose archive to unpack. Controls are the same as in main menu and pack.