This is a Koop output plugin that transforms datasets from the ArcGIS Hub Search API into a DCAT-US 1.1 feed encoded in JSON. It currently only supports exporting a search catalog from an entire Hub Site.
Here is an example feed:
"@context": "",
"@type": "dcat:Catalog",
"conformsTo": "",
"describedBy": "",
"dataset": [
"@type": "dcat:Dataset",
"identifier": "",
"license": "No license provided. Request permission to use.",
"landingPage": "",
"title": "Tahoe places of interest",
"description": "Description. Here be Tahoe things. You can do a lot here. Here are some more words. And a few more.<div><br /></div><div>with more words</div><div><br /></div><div>adding a few more to test how long it takes for our jobs to execute.</div><div><br /></div><div>Tom was here!</div>",
"keyword": [
"Data collection",
"just modified"
"issued": "2021-01-29T15:34:38.000Z",
"modified": "2021-07-27T20:25:19.723Z",
"publisher": {
"name": "QA Premium Alpha Hub"
"contactPoint": {
"@type": "vcard:Contact",
"fn": "thervey_qa_pre_a_hub"
"accessLevel": "public",
"distribution": [
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "ArcGIS Hub Dataset",
"format": "Web Page",
"mediaType": "text/html",
"accessURL": ""
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "ArcGIS GeoService",
"format": "ArcGIS GeoServices REST API",
"mediaType": "application/json",
"accessURL": ""
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "GeoJSON",
"format": "GeoJSON",
"mediaType": "application/vnd.geo+json",
"accessURL": ""
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "CSV",
"format": "CSV",
"mediaType": "text/csv",
"accessURL": ""
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "KML",
"format": "KML",
"mediaType": "application/",
"accessURL": ""
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"title": "Shapefile",
"format": "ZIP",
"mediaType": "application/zip",
"accessURL": ""
"spatial": "-121.118,38.7754,-119.009,39.359",
"theme": [
See the DCAT-US specification for more information.
Visit the KoopJS docs for instructions on building and deploying a Koop app.
This package relies on the config package for specifying configurations. Configure your ArcGIS Online environment by adding a file at your-project/config/default.json
"arcgisPortal": "" // or qaext or devext depending on which env you want
Important! This plugin requires the @koopjs/koop-provider-hub-search
provider to function.
# clone and install dependencies
git clone
cd koop-output-dcat-ap-201
npm i
# starts the example Koop app found in ./example-app.
npm run dev
Run the npm t
commmand to spin up the automated tests.