A C Compiler written in Multiplatform Kotlin (JVM, JS and Native).
It aims to generate Kotlin and potentially other targets from ANSI C code.
Use cases:
- Compile C libraries into multiplatform Kotlin projects (that works on the JVM, JS and Native)
- Convert C libraries into logical Kotlin code that can be modified
- Provided as JVM library and CLI tool.
- Provided as native executable (linux, mac and windows).
- Provided as docker image with the compiler native executable. Just run latest uploaded version with:
docker run --rm "-v$PWD:/data" soywiz/ktcc $*
- Provided as JavaScript library and pure client-side online service. It autocompletes and generates Kotlin code on the fly on your browser.
CLI usage:
./gradlew fatJar
java -jar build/libs/ktcc-all.jar samples/simple.c # outputs the kotlin code
Compile the c compiler with kotlin-native as a executable without dependencies:
./gradlew linkReleaseExecutableMacosArm64
./build/bin/macosArm64/releaseExecutable/ktcc.kexe samples/simple.c
Cross-compile the compiler native executable for windows or linux in a mac machine (requires docker):
./gradlew_linux linkReleaseExecutableLinuxX64 # linux
./gradlew_win linkReleaseExecutableMingwX64 # windows
Compile the docker image:
./ktcc_jvm samples/mp3dec.c --subtarget=jvm --runtime -o samples/mp3dec.kt
kotlinc samples/mp3dec.kt -include-runtime -d samples/mp3dec.jar
java -jar samples/mp3dec.jar samples/mp31.mp3 samples/mp32.mp3.out.pcm
While keeping the code using structures sane.
fun alloca(size: Int): CPointer<Unit> = CPointer<Unit>((STACK_PTR - size).also { STACK_PTR -= size })
inline fun <T> stackFrame(callback: () -> T): T {
val oldPos = STACK_PTR
return try { callback() } finally { STACK_PTR = oldPos }
inline class MyStruct2(val ptr: Int) {
companion object {
val SIZEOF = 4
val OFFSET_a = 0
var a: Int get() = lw(ptr + OFFSET_a); set(value) = run { sw(ptr + OFFSET_a, value) }
inline class MyStruct(val ptr: Int) {
companion object {
val SIZEOF = 12
val OFFSET_a = 0
val OFFSET_b = 4
val OFFSET_c = 8
var a: Int get() = lw(ptr + OFFSET_a); set(value) = run { sw(ptr + OFFSET_a, value) }
var b: MyStruct2 get() = MyStruct2(lw(ptr + OFFSET_b)); set(value) = run { sw(ptr + OFFSET_b, value.ptr) } // Pointer to MyStruct2
val c: MyStruct2 get() = MyStruct2(ptr + OFFSET_c); set(value) = run { /* memcpy */ }
fun test() = stackFrame {
val ms = MyStruct(alloca(MyStruct.SIZEOF))
ms.b = MyStruct2(10)
ms.b.a = 10