Kort Native is the next iteration of the known Kort webapp. It was first released end of september 2017 (as promised :-)). See iOS and Android stores.
Kort is a serious game aimed to improve OpenStreetMap data using the concepts of crowdsourcing and gamification.
react-native run-android
- shake device in order to debug remotely
react-native run-ios
- shake device in order to debug remotely
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
- provide password of key and keystore
- open project in XCode
- switch scheme from 'debug' to 'release'
Currently the following mission types are available:
Mission Description | Source | OSM Tag |
Motorway without reference | Keepright | ref |
Object without a name | Keepright | name |
Missing speed limit | Keepright | maxspeed |
Type of track unknown | Keepright | tracktype |
Place of worship without religion | Keepright | religion |
Language of the name unknown | Keepright | name:XX |
Street without a name | Keepright | name |
Restaurant without a cuisine | Overpass | cuisine |
Place without opening hours | Overpass | opening_hours |
Missing Levels | Overpass | building:levels |