First of all, huge thanks to the people behind Myrient for the fantastic service they're providing!
With this tool it is not necessary to download terabytes worth of complete ROMsets, just to delete most of it afterwards. Instead, with this tool you can download only the ROMs in your filtered DAT-file from Myrient.
Resuming downloads after an interruption should work, however this functionality isn't fully tested.
I've also tested this only on Linux, but I suppose it should work on Windows also.
The script uses external Beautiful Soup, Progress Bar and Requests -libraries, which can be installed using:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -i romset.dat -o /data/roms
Argument | Definition |
-i romset.dat | Input DAT-file containing wanted ROMs |
-o /path | Output path for ROM files to be downloaded |
Argument | Definition |
-c | Choose catalog manually, even if automatically found |
-s | Choose system collection manually, even if automatically found |
-l | List only ROMs that are not found in FTP-server (if any) |
-h | Display help message |