Escrow Task Board is a simple board where clients can create tasks. Clients propose ERC20 token for payment. Workers can place bids on the tasks and if they will be selected for task implementation amount of tokens of their bid will be deposited to the task board contract. Task should be finished during implementation time period, otherwise client can mark task as expired and get back his\her tokens. As soon as task finished worker should mark it as finished. Client can accept or reject the task. If client accept the task an appropriate amount of tokens will be sent to the worker address. If client reject the task, arbiter should decide what to do with this task. Arbiter also can accept or reject the task. If arbiter accept the task an appropriate amount of tokens will be sent to the worker address. If arbiter reject the task an appropriate amount of tokens will be sent to the client address.
- test: Runs your Truffle tests
- build: Compiles your contracts
- start: Runs your app locally
- deploy: Deploys your app smart contract to a local chain
- publish: Publishes a new version of your app
- @aragon/os: Aragon interfaces
- @aragon/client: Wrapper for Aragon application RPC