Library for sending notifications to Telegram from a device to ESP32. There is a built-in queue of outgoing messages for delayed sending (for example, when there is no Internet)
- libraries starting with the re prefix are only suitable for ESP32 and ESP-IDF
- libraries starting with the ra prefix are only suitable for ARDUINO compatible code
- libraries starting with the r prefix can be used in both cases (in ESP-IDF and in ARDUINO)
The module is configured using macros located in the general project configuration file "project_config.h":
// Allow Telegram notifications (general flag) #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_ENABLE 1 #if CONFIG_TELEGRAM_ENABLE // TLS certificate for Telegram API #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_TLS_PEM_START "_binary_api_telegram_org_pem_start" #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_TLS_PEM_END "_binary_api_telegram_org_pem_end" // Telegram API bot token #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_TOKEN "99999999:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" // Chat or group ID #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID "-100123456789" // Device name (published at the beginning of each message) #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_DEVICE "🌦 THS-DEMO" // Time format at the end of the notification #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_TIME_FORMAT "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" // Use static memory allocation for the task and queue. CONFIG_FREERTOS_SUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION must be enabled! #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_STATIC_ALLOCATION 1 // Stack size for the task of sending notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_STACK_SIZE 3072 // Queue size for the task of sending notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_QUEUE_SIZE 16 // Priority of the task of sending notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_PRIORITY 3 // The processor core for the task of sending notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_CORE 1 // Number of attempts to send notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_MAX_ATTEMPTS 3 // The interval between attempts to send notifications to Telegram #define CONFIG_TELEGRAM_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL 3000 #endif // CONFIG_TELEGRAM_ENABLE