Python version - 3.8.0
- BitVector
- pycryptodome==3.4.3
Open three terminals or terminal tabs
- In first terminal, run Bank function
- In second terminal, run Customer function
- In the third, run Merchant function
Follow steps in the terminal for Customer Function. (No user inputs are needed for Bank and Merchant Functions)
On generating a new money order, the signed money order details are stored in file SIGNED_MO.txt in Customer directory. On Successfully debiting a Money Order the details of money order (unique_id and identity informations) are stored in bank_database.csv in Bank Directory.
To create a cheating scenario, this file can be edited to duplicate MO information or to corrupt money order. If any-errors are seen during the usage of signed money order, please clean all data in SIGNED_MO.txt and execute all three programs again.