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iComfort WiFi Binding

This is a Open HAB 2 Binding for Lennox iComfort WiFi system / thermostat (Note this will not work with newer system S30/E30).

Supported Things

This binding supports two things:

  1. Thermostat display (currently under development, only Alarm Channels currently supported for the thing)
  2. Heating / Cooling Zone (multiple zones supported).


All the Gateway systems and zones can be discovered automatically upon binding initialization and listed as things.

Binding Configuration

No binding configuration is required.

Thing Configuration

Configuration of the Bridge thing is required:

Username - your iComfortWiFi username used to logon to online or mobile system (
Password - your iComfortWiFi password.

Optional refresh time, default set to 30 seconds.

Bridge icomfortwifi:account:demoaccount "Demo name" @ "Demo location" [ userName = "yourusername", password = "yourpassword", refreshInterval = 60] {}

Thing "Thermostat display" - no configuration required.

Thing thermostat thing_id "Demo thermostat name" @ "Demo thermostat location" [id = "your_gateway_id", name = "Thermostat Name"]


Alarm_Description - Description of the current alarm (Known valuse "Filter 1", "Humidifier Pad") (Read Only)
Alarm_Code - Code of the alarm (Read Only)
Alarm_Type - Type of the alarm (Read Only)
Alarm_Status - Status of the alarm (Read Only)
Alarm_DateTimeSet - Date and Time alarm was set (Read Only)
Alarm_Number - Curent alarm number to display (up to 20) (Read / Write)

Thing "Zone" - no configuration required, can be added manually or through PaperUI.
For manual addition you need to know your Gateway ID:

Thing zone thing_id "Demo zone name" @ "Demo zone location" [ id = "your_zone_id", name = "Main Zone" ]

Zone ID is a combination of Gateway ID and particular Zone ID in the way "Gateway ID_Zone ID", it is constructed automatically and you can get it from PaperUI.


Temperature - Current zone temperature (Read Only)
Humidity - Current zone humidity (Read Only)
SystemStatus - Current system status (Read Only)
OperationMode - Current operation mode (Read / Write)
UnifiedOperationMode - Similar to OperationMode, compatible with Google Assistant (Read / Write)
AwayMode - Current away status (Read / Write)
FanMode - Current fan mode (Read / Write)
CoolSetPoint - Cool set point for the zone (Read / Write)
HeatSetPoint - Heat set point for the zone (Read / Write)
SetPoint - Heat or Cool set point for the zone (Read / Write)

Full Example

Thing example:

Bridge icomfortwifi:account:demoaccount "My Acoount" @ "My House" [ userName = "johndoe", password = "supersecret", refreshInterval = 60] {
    Thing zone home_zone_1 "Zone 1" @ "Whole House" [ id = "WS12A34567_0", name = "Main Zone" ]
    Thing thermostat thermostat_1 "My Thermostat" @ "Whole House" [id = "WS12A34567", name = "My Thermostat"]

Items example:

//Zone items
Number:Temperature Thermostat_Temperature "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:Temperature"}
Number:Dimensionless Thermostat_Humudity "Humidity [%.1f %unit%]" <humidity> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:Humidity"}
String Thermostat_Status "System Status [%s]" <heating> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:SystemStatus"}
String Thermostat_Mode "Operation Mode [%s]" <heating> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:OperationMode"}
String Thermostat_Away_Mode "Away Mode [%s]" <heating> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:AwayMode"}
String Thermostat_Fan_Mode "Fan Mode [%s]" <fan> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:FanMode"}
Number:Temperature Thermostat_Cool_Point    "Cool Set Point [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:CoolSetPoint"}
Number:Temperature Thermostat_Heat_Point    "Heat Set Point [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:HeatSetPoint"}
//Thermostat items:
String Alarm_Description "Alarm Description [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#AlarmDescription"}
Number Alarm_Code "Alarm Code [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#AlarmNbr"}
String Alarm_Type "Alarm Type [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#AlarmType"}
String Alarm_Status "Alarm Status [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#AlarmStatus"}
String Alarm_DateTimeSet "Alarm Date Time Set [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#DateTimeSet"}
Number Alarm_Number "Alarm Number [%s]" <alarm> (gWholeHouse) {channel="icomfortwifi:thermostat:demoaccount:thermostat_1:alertsAndReminders#AlertNumber"}

Sitemap example:

Text item=Thermostat_Temperature
Text item=Thermostat_Humudity
Text item=Thermostat_Status
Selection  item=Thermostat_Mode mappings=[IDLE=System is idle", HEATING="System is heating", COOLING="System is cooling", WAITING="System is waiting", EMERGENCY_HEAT="System is emergency heating"]
Switch item=Thermostat_Away_Mode mappings=[AWAY_ON="Away", AWAY_OFF="Not Away"]
Selection  item=Thermostat_Fan_Mode mappings=[AUTO="Auto", ON="On", CIRCULATE="Circulate"]
Setpoint item=Thermostat_Cool_Point
Setpoint item=Thermostat_Heat_Point

Text item=Alarm_Description
Text item=Alarm_Code
Text item=Alarm_Type
Text item=Alarm_Status
Text item=Alarm_DateTimeSet

Setpoint item=Alarm_Number

Items example for Google Assistant (for more details see Google Assistant for OpenHAB 2 documentation):

Group gHomeThermostatGA "House Thermostat" { ga="Thermostat" [modes="off,heat,cool,heatcool,eco", roomHint="Living Room"] } 
  String Thermostate_Mode_GA "Thermostat Mode" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatMode", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:UnifiedOperationMode"} //Available modes listed on the Group item
  Number Thermostate_Temp_GA "House Temperature" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatTemperatureAmbient", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:Temperature"}
  Number Thermostate_Humid_GA "House Humidity" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatHumidityAmbient", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:Humidity"} //Won't be shown in Google Home App, but will be return with voice responce
  Number Thermostate_Setpoint_GA "House Setpoint" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatTemperatureSetpoint", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1:SetPoint"} //Temperature Set Point for Cool or Heat mode  
  Number Thermostate_Setpoint_High_GA "House Setpoint High" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatTemperatureSetpointHigh", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1::CoolSetPoint"} //Temperature high (cooling) set point in auto-select Cool/Heat mode
  Number Thermostate_Setpoint_Low_GA "House Setpoint Low" (gHomeThermostatGA) {ga="thermostatTemperatureSetpointLow", channel="icomfortwifi:zone:demoaccount:home_zone_1::HeatSetPoint"} //Temperature low (heating) set point in auto-select Cool/Heat mode

Foot note!

This binding is based on Nest binding and EVO Home binding, all the credits for original code goes to the original authors.
I also used a lot of reversed engineering done by other programmers on Internet and I have to Thank them here!