Releases: kpfaulkner/azurecopy
updated AWS SDK
Updated AWS SDK so can now handle Canada central.
0 byte blobs
Can now handle 0 byte blobs. Turns out there is a use case for that (place holders).
BlobCopy flag and virtual directories
Using the blobcopy flag will now maintain virtual directory structures.
Azure Target Configuration fix.
There was a bug where the TargetAzureAccountKey was mistakenly being read as TargetAWSAccessKeyID.
This is now fixed.
Thanks to Ian Bates for the find!
Extra debugging
Merely the same as 1.4.1 with extra debugging. This is just a pre-release to help solve some issues.
Don't download this unless told to :)
S3 dot in bucketname
S3 bucket names with a period in it will now work.
eg. is now valid.
Skip destination!
When the destination is Azure Blob Storage (not files) and you're not using the -blobcopy flag then you can specify the -skip flag. The -skip flag will allow blobs to be skipped if a blob with the same name already exists at the target destination.
The limitations of Azure being the target (and not using -blobcopy) will soon be removed.
continue on error
When encountering errors while trying to copy to Azure using the BlobCopy flag, any errors will be reported but coping will continue.
Fix -dm flag
-dm flag is now fixed so it is possible to stop monitoring async copying to Azure.
S3 Upgrade
Have upgraded S3 library (technically the old lib has been replaced with a different lib from Amazon). Have also added in missing region support