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Releases: kpfaulkner/azurecopy

updated AWS SDK

27 Feb 21:04
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Updated AWS SDK so can now handle Canada central.

0 byte blobs

18 Jan 19:49
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Can now handle 0 byte blobs. Turns out there is a use case for that (place holders).

BlobCopy flag and virtual directories

10 Jul 09:05
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Using the blobcopy flag will now maintain virtual directory structures.

Azure Target Configuration fix.

31 May 16:07
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There was a bug where the TargetAzureAccountKey was mistakenly being read as TargetAWSAccessKeyID.
This is now fixed.

Thanks to Ian Bates for the find!

Extra debugging

26 May 09:21
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Extra debugging Pre-release

Merely the same as 1.4.1 with extra debugging. This is just a pre-release to help solve some issues.
Don't download this unless told to :)

S3 dot in bucketname

24 Mar 11:45
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S3 bucket names with a period in it will now work.
eg. is now valid.

Skip destination!

03 Mar 23:08
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When the destination is Azure Blob Storage (not files) and you're not using the -blobcopy flag then you can specify the -skip flag. The -skip flag will allow blobs to be skipped if a blob with the same name already exists at the target destination.

The limitations of Azure being the target (and not using -blobcopy) will soon be removed.

continue on error

09 Feb 08:39
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When encountering errors while trying to copy to Azure using the BlobCopy flag, any errors will be reported but coping will continue.

Fix -dm flag

11 Jan 18:25
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-dm flag is now fixed so it is possible to stop monitoring async copying to Azure.

S3 Upgrade

06 Dec 12:04
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S3 Upgrade Pre-release

Have upgraded S3 library (technically the old lib has been replaced with a different lib from Amazon). Have also added in missing region support