Comparing Java vs Golang in context of native support by taking IPC(Inter Process Communication) through POSIX message queue as an usecase
The linux manual page -, give us about how to interact/create posix message queues
To call any one of the methods in the manual page, the only possible way is through C language code. Core logic must be written in C and then have to wrap this C language code in Java / Golang
Let's compare by executing the methods
we have an option to use javah which can link the native methods in java to methods in C language using jni
- From, have to generate GetMessage.h and the command to be used (path-to-java)/bin/javah -jni GetMessage
- The above generated GetMessage.h is just like an interface in java where we need to write implementation in C which is GetMessage.c. This is where we call mq_receive()
- Now its time to generate, the command to execute is gcc -I (path-to-java)/include -I (path-to-java)/include/linux -o -shared -fPIC GetMessage.c -lrt
- In the runtime, we just need GetMessage.class and and the command for receiving messages from queue is java -Djava.library.path=(path-of-executable-files) GetMessage
- For usage of mq_open(3) and mq_close(3), check the files , PosixMQ.c
- To send messages to the queue , have a look on, SendMessage.c
- Golang comes with in-built C support and they call it as "CGO" . Due to this we can write directly C code in the go source file itself Unlike java, we don't need special binaries like javah / jni.
- wrapper.go contains C language code which contains logic related to mq_open(3), mq_send(3), mq_receive(3), mq_close(3)
- receiver.go / sender.go contains logic to receive/send messages to/from Posix queue through mq.go and wrapper.go
- To generate executable , in the go environment(command - "go env") we need to cross verify the properties CGO_ENABLED and CGO_LDFLAGS and the values should hold 1 and -g -O2 -lrt