- 언택트 시대에 접어들면서 비대면 채용 제도를 사용하는 기업의 증가하면서
- 대면 면접에 비해 면접자의 얼굴에 집중되는 상황에 따라
Name | Contribution | Contact |
Jieun Park | Face Landmark, Facial Expression, Dataset, GUI Graph | jieunpark@inha.edu |
Yurim Kang | Face Detection, Gaze Estimation, Dataset, GUI Time Function | 12171745@inha.edu |
Cheating Detection Pipeline for Online Interviews and Exams”, Azmi Can Ozgen, 2021, IEEE
A Visual Analytics Approach to Facilitate the Proctoring of Online Exams”, HaotianLi, Min Xu, Yong Wang, Huan Wei, HuaminQu, 2021, arXiv:2101.07990
HLR-Net: A Hybrid Lip-Reading Model Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks’, AmanyM. Sarhanand Nada M. Elshennawyand Dina M. Ibrahim,Cmc-computers Materials & Continua, 2021, 68, 1531-1549
Real-Time Eye Blink Detection using Facial Landmarks”, TerezeSoukpovaand Jan Cech, Computer Science. (2016)
MeeyeonOh, YoosooJeong, Kil-HoumPark, "Driver Drowsiness Detection Algorithm based on Facial Features", Journal of Korea Multimedia Society Vol. 19, No. 11, November 2016 (pp. 1852 – 1861)
JeaheeLee, GoomanPark, "얼굴인식 기반 비대면 온라인 강의학습보조 시스템", 한국방송미디어 공학회 2020 추계학술대회 (pp. 346 - 348), 2020.11