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The News server



The News REST API server.

Personal goals

  • Asynchronous logger
  • Servant-like type-level routing implementation
  • Using TH in favor of Type Driven Development
  • Effect tracking system
  • As a result - testable code and extensibility

Setup on NixOS

Clone current repository:

git clone
cd news-server

Create and start NixOS container provided by flake.nix:

nixos-container create news-server --flake .#nixos-container
nixos-container start news-server

Then you should be able to ping news-server service:

$ curl <container_ip>:7980
{"messages":["Hello, World!"]}

Done! Service is ready to use.

You can also tweak configuration parameters at service declaration.

All available configuration options listed here.

To run tests, use can use:

nix run .#"server:test:server-test"


All migrations are located at server/migrations/ folder.


There are four levels of logging verbosity:

  • Error - critical errors that lead to program or request handling halting
  • Warn - recoverable errors
  • Info - notifications about current actions
  • Debug - debug information


CURL scripts are located at scripts/ folder.

Project structure

  • server-lib

    • src/
      • DB.hs - contains DB related helper functions
      • Errors.hs - contains server error definitions
      • Router.hs - contains type-level routing implementation
      • Infrastructure.hs - namespace with all necessary server-lib functions
      • Utils.hs - contains project utility functions.
      • Types/
        • TH.hs - contains Template Haskell macros for specialized type creation
        • Router.hs - contains router related types
        • DB.hs - contains DB related types
        • Lenses.hs - contains some lens helpers
        • Infrastructure - namespace with all necessary server-lib types
        • TH/
          • Classes.hs - contains Template Haskell macros for typeclass definition and instances creation
  • server

    • src/
      • Utils.hs - contains some utility functions
      • Migration.hs - contains applyMigrations function
      • Logger.hs - contains asynchronous logger implementation
      • Effects.hs - namespace with all effect typeclasses
      • Effects/ - contains entity-specific effects definitions using typeclasses
        • <entity>.hs
      • Server.hs - contains top level server API definition
      • Server/ - contains API method implementations
        • Auth.hs - contains implementation of authentication and "/auth" API
        • Errors.hs - contains API method errors
        • User.hs - contains API definition for users
        • User/ - contains API for users implementation
          • <entity>.hs
        • Admin.hs - contains API definitions
        • Admin/ - contains API for admins implementation
          • <entity>.hs
      • Database/ - contains entity-specific database functions
        • <entity>.hs
      • Types/
        • Auth.hs - contains types used for authentification
        • Environment.hs - contains config, environment and base monad stack definitions
        • Logger.hs - contains logger implementation-related types
        • Utils.hs - contains types for utility functions
        • <entity>.hs - contains entity-specific type definitions

API endpoints

Request examples may be found at folder scripts/.

Route agnostic responses

For auth endpoints:

Code Description
400 Bad request: can't parse request body, present query parameter or capture id
404 Not found

For User protected endpoints:

Code Description
400 Bad request: can't parse request body, present query parameter or capture id
401 No authorization header, no such token present or token violates format
403 Token expired or not enough rights
404 Not found

For Admin protected endpoints:

Code Description
404 In case of any authorization errors
400 Bad request: can't parse request body, capture id or present query parameter (if authorized)

Every response with error code is accompanied by explanatory messages.


POST /auth/register

Permission: None

Endpoint for user creation.

Request body implements an interface:

interface ICreateUserRequest {
  name: string;
  surname: string;
  login: string;
  avatar: string?;      // ID of the picture in database
  password: string;

Response body implements an interface:

interface ICreateUserResponse {
  token: string;
  refreshToken: string;
  expires: timestamptz;
Code Description
200 Created successfully
404 Picture does not exist


POST /auth/login

Permission: None

Endpoint for token retrieval.

Request body implements an interface:

interface ILoginRequest {
  login: string;
  password: string;

Response body implements an interface:

interface ILoginResponse {
  token: string;
  refreshToken: string;
  expires: timestamptz;
Code Description
200 Successful login
404 User not found


GET /auth/refresh

Permission: User

Authorization header must contain refresh token.

Response body implements an interface:

interface IRefreshResponse {
  token: string;
  refreshToken: string;
  token: string;
Code Description
200 Token refreshed successfully



GET /users

Permission: User

Endpoint for getting current authenticated user.

Response body implements an interface:

interface IUserPayloadResponse {
  userId: string;
  name: string;
  surname: timestamptz;
  login: string;
  avatar?: string;
  createdAt: timestamptz;
  privileded: bool;
Code Description
200 Returns user payload successfully


DELETE /users/<user_id>

Permission: Admin

Endpoint for deleting users. Returns empty response body with the following codes:

Code Description
204 Removed successfully
404 User not found
403 Not enough rights (attempt to delete an admin)

Warning: Deleting user also deletes all entities related to deleted user.



POST /pictures

Permission: User

Endpoint for posting picture to server. Accepts raw bytes request body with corresponding content-type header.

interface IPicturePayloadResponse {
  pictureId: string;
Code Description
200 Picture uploaded successfully



GET /categories/<category_id>

Permission User

Endpoint for getting category information. Method accepts query parameters:

  • recursive: bool, default true

Response body implements an interface:

interface IGetCategoryResponse {
  categoryId: string;
  title: string;
  parent?: string;

With recursive=true, response body implements an interface: Response body implements an interface:

interface IGetCategoryResponse {
  categoryId: string;
  title: string;
  parent?: IGetCategoryResponse;
Code Description
200 Returns category payload successfully
404 Category not found


POST /categories

Permission User

Endpoint for category creation. Omitted parent field means root category becomes parent.

Request body implements an interface:

interface ICreateCategoryRequest {
  title: string;
  parent?: string;

Response body implements an interface:

interface ICreateCategoryResponse {
  categoryId: string;
  title: string;
  parent?: string;
Code Description
200 Returns category payload successfully
406 Title is not unique error


DELETE /categories/<category_id>

Permission Admin

Endpoint for deleting categories. Returns empty response body with the following codes:

Code Description
200 Removed successfully
403 Attempt to remove root category
404 Category not found


PUT /categories/<category_id>

Permission Admin

Endpoint for updating categories.

Method accepts query parameters:

  • title: string
  • parent: string (parent category ID)

Response body implements an interface:

interface IUpdateCategoryResponse {
  categoryId: string;
  title: string;
  parent?: string;
Code Description
200 Updated successfully
404 Category not found
404 Rebase destination not found
406 Rebase destination incorrect (forms a cycle)
406 Title is not unique



GET /authors/<author_id>

Permission Admin

Response body implements an interface:

interface IGetAuthorResponse {
  userId: string;
  description: string;
Code Description
200 Returns author payload successfully
404 Author not found


POST /authors

Permission Admin

Request body implements an interface:

interface IPromoteUserRequest {
  userId: string;
  description: string;

Response body implements an interface:

interface IPromoteUserResponse {
  userId: string;
  description: string;
Code Description
200 Returns author payload
404 User not found
406 Current user is already an author


PUT /authors/<author_id>

Permission Admin

Request body implements an interface:

interface IUpdateAuthorRequest {
  description: string;

Response body implements an interface:

interface IUpdateAuthorResponse {
  userId: string;
  description: string;
Code Description
200 Returns updated author payload
404 Author not found


DELETE /authors/<author_id>

Permission Admin

Endpoint for downgrading author to regular user.

Code Description
204 Downgraded author successfully
404 Author not found



REST-service written in Haskell






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