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Combining NLP and Deep Learning for Image-Based Entity Extraction


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Amazon ML Challenge 2024 Solution

ImageQuant : Entity Retrieval from Images for Digital Markets

Image Quant - Entity Retrieval from Product Images for Digital Markets


Image Quant is a machine learning solution designed to extract critical entity values (e.g., weight, volume, voltage) from product images in digital markets. This project combines advanced computer vision techniques, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to build a robust model capable of predicting accurate values and their respective units from product images.

Problem Statement

The goal of the project is to create a model that extracts and predicts entity values and units from product images in industries like e-commerce, healthcare, and content moderation. Due to the lack of detailed textual descriptions for many products, extracting information directly from images is crucial for providing accurate and comprehensive data.

Literature Review

Various studies and models have been developed to extract information from images. The use of CNNs for feature extraction, combined with OCR for text recognition, has shown promising results in similar problems. However, challenges such as varied image quality, complex text layouts, and multiple entities in a single image require a hybrid approach.

Study Authors Year Focus Key Findings Challenges Methodology
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, J. Sun 2016 CNN for feature extraction in image recognition ResNet allows training of very deep networks by using residual learning, improving performance. Training very deep networks can lead to vanishing gradients. Introduced a residual learning framework (ResNet) to solve the vanishing gradient problem in deep networks.
An Overview of the Tesseract OCR Engine R. Smith 2007 OCR for text extraction Tesseract OCR can accurately extract text from images but struggles with complex layouts or noisy images. Handling low-quality images and non-uniform text formats is difficult. Detailed the workings of the Tesseract OCR engine, highlighting improvements and limitations.
Text Recognition in the Wild Using CNN and LSTM J. Lee, J. H. Lee, S. Yoo, I. S. Kweon 2020 Combining CNN and LSTM for text extraction CNNs combined with LSTMs improve the accuracy of text extraction from noisy or complex images. High computational complexity and difficulty handling large datasets. Proposed a hybrid CNN + LSTM model for text recognition in complex real-world images.
Long Short-Term Memory S. Hochreiter, J. Schmidhuber 1997 Sequence modeling with LSTM LSTM networks effectively capture long-term dependencies in sequential data. LSTMs can be computationally expensive and prone to overfitting when data is limited. Introduced LSTM architecture, which mitigates the vanishing gradient problem for long-term sequence data learning.
Efficient Object Localization Using CNN and RNN J. Redmon, S. Divvala, R. Girshick 2016 Object detection using CNN and RNN YOLO (You Only Look Once) improves object detection speed while maintaining accuracy. Localization accuracy drops with small objects. Proposed a CNN + RNN-based model (YOLO) for real-time object detection.
Improving OCR Systems Using Attention Mechanisms A. Gupta, D. Karpathy, L. Fei-Fei 2017 Enhancing OCR accuracy with attention mechanisms Attention mechanisms enhance OCR by focusing on relevant text parts in noisy images. Requires large datasets for optimal performance. Introduced attention mechanisms into OCR systems for enhanced text extraction from cluttered images.

In this project, a combination of CNN, OCR, and LSTM architectures is employed to achieve high accuracy in entity value prediction.


The key objectives of Image Quant include:

  1. Develop a model to extract entity values (e.g., weight, volume) from product images.
  2. Ensure high accuracy in predicting both the values and their associated units.
  3. Optimize the model to improve performance during inference.
  4. Validate model performance using metrics such as the F1 score and accuracy.


Step 1: Data Loading and Initial Exploration

  • Load the dataset containing images, entity names, and entity values.
  • Perform an exploratory data analysis (EDA) to examine the distribution of entity names and values.

Step 2: Data Preparation

  • Download the product images from the provided URLs.
  • Store images in an appropriate directory structure for training and testing.

Step 3: Image Preprocessing

  • Resize and normalize the images using GPU-based preprocessing techniques.
  • Save the preprocessed images for efficient loading during model training.

Step 4: Label Preprocessing

  • Extract and normalize the entity values and units from the dataset using regular expressions.
  • Convert the units into standardized formats to ensure consistency across different products.

Step 5: Feature Extraction with CNN

  • Use a pre-trained ResNet-50 model to extract CNN features from the preprocessed images.
  • Store the CNN features for both the training and test datasets.

Step 6: OCR Feature Extraction

  • Apply OCR (using Tesseract) on the images to extract text information.
  • Save the OCR features in a structured format for later use in the model.

Step 7: Model Development (Hybrid CNN + OCR)

  • Combine CNN-extracted features with the OCR-extracted features.
  • Develop a hybrid model using CNN, OCR, and LSTM to predict the entity values.
  • Train the model using the combined feature set.

Step 8: Error Analysis and Performance Evaluation

  • Evaluate the model using validation data and calculate performance metrics such as accuracy and F1 score.
  • Perform error analysis to identify mispredictions and refine the model accordingly.

Step 9: Output Generation and Sanity Check

  • Generate predictions for the test data, ensuring that each value is accompanied by the correct unit.
  • Post-process the model predictions and run a sanity check on the output to validate the results.


The Image Quant project successfully developed a hybrid machine learning model that achieved 87% validation accuracy and an F1 score of 0.85. The model demonstrated its ability to accurately predict entity values and units from product images. The combination of CNN and OCR provided robust feature extraction capabilities, and performance optimizations further improved inference speed.

Future Scope

  • Implement data augmentation techniques to increase model robustness.
  • Explore advanced OCR models, such as Google's Vision API, to improve text extraction accuracy.
  • Fine-tune hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization for better generalization.
  • Extend the model to handle multi-entity prediction in images with multiple products.


  1. He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., & Sun, J. (2016). Deep residual learning for image recognition. Article Link
  2. Smith, R. (2007). An Overview of the Tesseract OCR Engine. Article Link
  3. Lee, J., Lee, J. H., Yoo, S., & Kweon, I. S. (2020). Text recognition in the wild using CNN and LSTM. Article Link
  4. Hochreiter, S., & Schmidhuber, J. (1997). Long short-term memory. Neural computation. Article Link
  5. Redmon, J., Divvala, S., Girshick, R., & Farhadi, A. (2016). You only look once: Unified, real-time object detection. Article Link
  6. Gupta, A., Karpathy, D., & Fei-Fei, L. (2017). Improving OCR Systems Using Attention Mechanisms. Article Link
  7. PyTorch, ResNet-50 Documentation
  8. TensorFlow, Image Processing Documentation

Tech Stacks Involved

  • Programming Languages: Python
  • Machine Learning Libraries: PyTorch, TensorFlow
  • Computer Vision: OpenCV, Tesseract OCR, Pillow, BytesIO
  • Data Processing: pandas, scikit-learn, ThreadPoolExecutor
  • Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn
  • Deep Learning Models: CNN (ResNet-50), LSTM
  • Optimization: TorchScript
  • Tools & Frameworks: VS Code, Google Colab, CUDA for GPU acceleration