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NetDesign core module


This module serves as the base for all other modules.

It also ensures that we can have multiple websites running on a single CMS Made Simple installation for development. Switching sites is available in the module admin page.

Coding conventions

If a child module needs to have files in the site directory it should do it like in the following example used by the Mapper module:


Files uploaded by the user should be put in the uploads directory as in the following example used by the PhotoGallery module:

<docroot>/uploads/.PhotoGallery/<gallery id>/uploadedfile1.jpg
<docroot>/uploads/.PhotoGallery/<gallery id>/uploadedfile2.jpg
<docroot>/uploads/.PhotoGallery/<gallery id>/uploadedfile3.jpg

As you can see, all files are in a hidden directory so the end user doesn't see them in his file manager, but they can be easily copied to a new installation if/when needed.

See the methods GetModuleUploadsPath() and GetModuleUploadsUrl().

Developer functions

Several methods are made available through this module. These methods are the ones that are documented in the source code.

Module settings

Child modules can register with this module to have their settings shown in the admin interface of NetDesign CMS. For an example, see PhotoGallery::__construct(). Associated methods for this are:

  • GenerateSetting
  • RegisterSetting
  • GetSetting

Module actions


The default action should be called on top of every page template as it does the following basic tasks:

  1. It serves the browser the X-UA-Compatible header to make sure Internet Explorer always runs in standards mode for the latest version.
  2. It executes the CMS Made Simple "process_pagedata" tag.

An optional argument "template" can be given to render that Smarty template (residing in docroot/netdesign/site_id/templates directory).

Site actions

Custom actions can be put in the site directory The default action is written so that if a parameter site_action is set, it doesn't perform the above-mentioned default action, but simply passes everything through to the site action. Some example code below:

<!-- netdesign/ -->
<p>Hello, {$who}!</p>
// netdesign/
/** @var NetDesign $this */
if (!isset($gCms)) exit;
$this->smarty->assign('who', $params['who']);
echo $this->smarty->fetch($this->GetSiteResource('helloword.tpl'));

Now somewhere in a page just include {NetDesign site_action="helloword" who="world"}.


Renders the site template given by the argument "template". The template should reside in docroot/netdesign/site_id/templates directory.

Assigned variables

When showing a template both with the default or template action the following variables get assigned:


Add default metadata to the HTML head.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>{title} | {sitename}</title>
{if isset($canonical)}<link rel="canonical" href="{$canonical}" />{elseif isset($content_obj)}<link rel="canonical" href="{$content_obj->GetURL()}" />{/if}
{cms_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
{cms_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
{cms_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


Base module on which all other modules are built.






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