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It is a running daemon that collects, aggregates, processes, and exports to influxdb information about running armada containers.

Collected data


ID           ID
service      name
addres       listen address
status       container status [0 - passing, 1 - warning, 2 - critical]
status_name  name of service status it's mapped to status
tags         container tags
uptime       uptime in seconds

cpu_percentage      average CPU usage ie. if host has 16 cores, max CPU usage will be 1600
cpu_core_percentage average CPU per core usage, in same case as above, max CPU per core will be 100
memory              memory usage, without cache, in bytes
memory_limit        momory limit in bytes
memory_percentage   percent memory usage
swap                swap usage in bytes
network_rx          total number of network Rx in bytes
network_tx          total number of network Tx in bytes
block_read          total number of BlockRead in bytes
block_write         total number of BlockWrite in bytes


  • total number of services grouped by status_name

How to start developing

  • Start vagrant vagrant up
  • Log into it vagrant ssh
  • Run influx armada run influxdb -r armada-stats-influxdb -v '<local dir>:/var/influxdb'
  • Create a custom.yml in the conf directory to override default configuration options. Especially armada_host
  • Build container cd /projects/armada-stats && armada build
  • Run container armada run --env dev -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
  • Log into armada ssh
  • Build armada-stats go build .
  • Restart armada-stats supervisorctl restart armada-stats

To see changes after developing run go build . && supervisorctl restart armada-stats

How to build package
