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collection-views Javadoc CircleCI Maintainability

lambda version compatibility

The current version of collection-views has been certified to be compatible with the following lambda versions:

  • 5.3.0
  • 5.2.0
  • 5.1.0
  • 5.0.0
  • 4.0.0

Table of Contents

collection-views is a Java library that facilitates creating protected views over collections and arrays with as little overhead as possible. It provides the interfaces Vector<A> and Set<A>, and some variations of these that provide additional guarantees.

It builds on enhanced-iterables and is intended to be used in conjunction with lambda.

For more details, check out the javadoc.

collection-views is not a persistent data structures library. Collections are wrapped as is; no methods are provided for updating or adding to collections.

It differs from Guava Immutable Collections in that it acts as a shield over existing collections rather than being collections themselves.

Sometimes you might want all of the following:

  • To provide (or require) read-access to the essential operations of a collection (e.g., 'get by index' for arrays or lists, or 'contains' for sets).
  • Protection from mutation to the collection without making defensive copies.
  • To retain the performance and locality of reference characteristics of the collection you are employing.

The goal of collection-views is to provide this functionality with as little overhead as possible.

Why not just use Collections.unmodifiableXXX or Guava?

While collection-views has essentially the same purpose as Collections.unmodifiableXXX or Guava, here are a few reasons collection-views is different.

  • collection-views is designed to be used with lambda. It takes advantage of lambda's types (such as Maybe), and should be comfortable to those already using lambda.

  • collection-views gives you control over when to make copies. Collections.unmodifiableXXX will never make a copy, so you don't have a strong guarantee of immutability. Guava, on the other hand, always initially makes a copy, and that may not be always what you want.

  • collection-views provides the following features currently not available in either:

    • NonEmpty types
    • Transformations such as fmap, take, drop, slice

Why not just use lambda's map, take, drop, etc?

While these functions are useful and will work perfectly well on a collection view, they currently operate on Iterables and return Iterables as a result. collection-views provides equivalents that will yield a more specific type at compile-time. For example, ImmutableNonEmptyVector.fmap will always yield an ImmutableNonEmptyVector, and ImmutableVector.take will always yield an ImmutableVector.

The design of collection-views is guided by the following principles and goals:

Only the essentials

Only the essential read-only operations of underlying collections should be exposed. The consumer of a Vector will only be able to iterate its elements, check its size, or read an element by index. The consumer of a Set will only be able to iterate its elements, check its size, or test for membership. It is not a goal of this library to provide add or update operations.

Immutable to bearer

A collection view should be able to be shared safely without making a defensive copy. There should be no way for the bearer of a collection view to mutate the collection or gain access to a reference to the underlying collection.

Correct by construction

It should be impossible to construct an instance of an interface that does not uphold its guarantees. For example, there is no way to create NonEmptyVector that contains no elements. Therefore, you can be assured at compile-time that if you require a NonEmptyVector, there will be no need to check at run-time if it is non-empty.

Doesn't make copies

Methods should never make a copy of an underlying collection unless explicitly asked to, or if it is necessary to uphold the guarantees of its interface. For example, there is no reason fmap, take, or slice on a Vector should need to make any copies of the collection to uphold the random access guarantee on a Vector.

In contrast, if a Vector is to be constructed from an Iterable that is not known to have a random access guarantee, then in that case a copy will be made so Vector can fulfill this guarantee.

Opt-in to guarantees

If you simply prefer to work with Vectors or Sets and not think about non-emptiness or immutability, you should be able to do so. For example, since NonEmptyVector<A>, ImmutableVector<A>, and ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> are all subtypes of Vector<A>, you can use them anywhere a Vector<A> is called for.

Provide transformations if they don't violate other principles

Although updating and adding to collections is not supported, some transformations can be performed without violating other design principles (e.g. don't make copies). Those that can be done so with low overhead should be provided.

Examples include fmap, take, drop, slice, and reverse on Vectors. Each of these transforms a view of a collection without making copies, or violating any guarantees.

The views yielded by these transformation are new, independent views, and do not affect the original.

Easy to construct on the fly

For convenience, collection views should be easy to create on the fly without the need for a pre-existing collection. Views constructed this way should be first-class and have the same capabilities of all other views.

To install, add the dependency to the latest version to your pom.xml (Maven) or build.gradle (Gradle).

Follow this link to get the dependency info for your preferred build tool: collection-views

Interface Immutable to bearer Guaranteed safe from mutation anywhere Guaranteed non-empty
Vector<A> yes no no
NonEmptyVector<A> yes no yes
ImmutableVector<A> yes yes no
ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> yes yes yes
Set<A> yes no no
NonEmptySet<A> yes no yes
ImmutableSet<A> yes yes no
ImmutableNonEmptySet<A> yes yes yes

A Vector is a finite, ordered view of a collection, with O(1)* random access to its elements. It inherits all methods from FiniteIterable<A> in enhanced-iterables, and will return a new Vector for many of these methods.

The bearer of a Vector has the following capabilities:

  • Random access to any element in the Vector using the get method.
  • Get the size of the Vector in O(1)* using the size method.
  • Safely iterate the Vector or use it anywhere an Iterable is called for. A Vector is always finite.
  • Share the Vector with others safely.
  • Make slices of the Vector using the take, drop or slice methods. These slices are Vectors themselves, and can also be shared with others safely.
  • Map to a new Vector of the same size but a different type using fmap.

The bearer of a Vector cannot:

  • Mutate the contents of the underlying collection or array.
  • Gain access to the reference of the underlying collection or array.

Several static methods are available for creating Vectors, with various levels of guarantees:

Method Returns Makes a copy Caveats
Vector.empty ImmutableVector<A> N/A
Vector.of ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> N/A
Vector.wrap Vector<A> no
Vector.copyFrom ImmutableVector<A> yes may not terminate if input is infinite
Vector.copySliceFrom ImmutableVector<A> yes
Vector.fill ImmutableVector<A> N/A
Vector.lazyFill ImmutableVector<A> N/A
NonEmptyVector.maybeWrap Maybe<NonEmptyVector<A>> no
NonEmptyVector.wrapOrThrow NonEmptyVector<A> no may throw exceptions
NonEmptyVector.maybeCopyFrom Maybe<ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A>> yes may not terminate if input is infinite
NonEmptyVector.copyFromOrThrow ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> yes may throw exceptions
NonEmptyVector.fill ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> N/A
NonEmptyVector.lazyFill ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> N/A

A Vector can be created by wrapping an existing collection or array using one of the Vector.wrap static methods.


  • Does not make a copy of the underlying collection.
  • Will never alter the underlying collection in any way.
  • Will maintain a reference to the collection you wrap.

The underlying collection is protected against mutation from anyone you share the Vector with. However, be aware that anyone else who has a reference to the underlying collection is still able to mutate it.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do not mutate the collection or share the underlying collection with anyone else who might mutate it. If you prefer to avoid this, you can construct an ImmutableVector using copyFrom instead.

A Vector can be created by copying from an Iterable or array using the copyFrom or copySliceFrom methods.


  • Makes a copy of the input if necessary*.
  • Will not alter the input in any way.
  • Will not maintain a reference to the input.

The copying of the input is a one-time cost, but in return you get an ImmutableVector that is guaranteed safe from mutation.

* if the input is an ImmutableVector, no copying will be performed.

Calling Vector.of with one or more elements will return a new ImmutableNonEmptyVector.

Vector.fill and Vector.lazyFill also create ImmutableVectors directly.

The Vector.builder static method will return a new VectorBuilder, which can be used to construct new ImmutableVectors.

The Vector.empty static method will return an ImmutableVector<A> that is empty.

A NonEmptyVector<A> is a Vector<A> that is known at compile-time to contain at least one element. It is not possible to construct a NonEmptyVector that is empty. Since it is also a Vector<A>, it can be used anywhere a Vector<A> is called for. NonEmptyVector<A> is a subtype of NonEmptyIterable<A>, which provides a head method that unconditionally yields the first element.

NonEmptyVector.maybeWrap takes an array or a java.util.List and returns a Maybe<NonEmptyVector<A>>. If the provided collection is not empty, a NonEmptyVector<A> will be created and returned in a Maybe.just, otherwise Maybe.nothing will be returned.

Alternatively, if you know for sure that the collection you are passing is not empty, then you can call NonEmptyVector.wrapOrThrow. This will either return the NonEmptyVector directly, or throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provided collection is empty.

NonEmptyVector.maybeWrap and NonEmptyVector.wrapOrThrow behave similarly to Vector.wrap in that a copy of the underlying collection is never made.

A Vector has the methods toNonEmpty and toNonEmptyOrThrow that will attempt to convert the Vector to a NonEmptyVector at run-time. They will do so without making copies of any underlying collections.

Vector.of always returns a ImmutableNonEmptyVector, so all Vectors constructed this way are compatible with NonEmptyVector.

NonEmptyVector.fill and NonEmptyVector.lazyFill are variations of Vector.fill and Vector.lazyFill that yield ImmutableNonEmptyVectors.

An ImmutableVector<A> is a Vector<A> with the additional guarantee that it is 100% safe from mutation. In other words, no one else holds any references to its underlying collection.

An ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> is a Vector<A> that also has all the guarantees of NonEmptyVector<A> and ImmutableVector<A>. An ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A> can be used anywhere a Vector<A> is called for.

Transformations available on Vectors

While all methods of EnhancedIterable are available on all Vectors, some of them will also return Vectors instead of Iterables. The following transformations are available on all Vectors. All return a new Vector with as specific a type as possible, and don't make copies of the underlying collection:

  • fmap
  • reverse
  • take
  • drop
  • slice
  • takeRight
  • dropRight
  • zipWithIndex

The following transformations are also possible on ImmutableVectors:

  • takeWhile
  • dropWhile

The bearer of a Set has the following capabilities:

  • Get the size of the Set in O(1) using the size method.
  • Test for membership in the Set using the containsmethod.
  • Safely iterate the Set or use it anywhere an Iterable is called for. A Set is always finite.
  • Share the Set with others safely.

The bearer of a Set cannot:

  • Mutate the contents of the underlying collection.
  • Gain access to the reference of the underlying collection.

Several static methods are available for creating Sets, with various levels of guarantees:

Method Returns Makes a copy Caveats
Set.empty ImmutableSet<A> N/A
Set.of ImmutableNonEmptySet<A> N/A
Set.wrap Set<A> no
Set.copyFrom ImmutableSet<A> yes may not terminate if input is infinite
NonEmptySet.maybeWrap Maybe<NonEmptySet<A>> no
NonEmptySet.wrapOrThrow NonEmptySet<A> no may throw exceptions
NonEmptySet.maybeCopyFrom Maybe<ImmutableNonEmptySet<A>> yes may not terminate if input is infinite
NonEmptySet.copyFromOrThrow ImmutableNonEmptySet<A> yes may throw exceptions

A Set can be created by wrapping an existing java.util.Set using the Set.wrap static methods.


  • Does not make a copy of the underlying collection.
  • Will not alter the underlying collection in any way.
  • Will maintain a reference to the collection you wrap.

The underlying collection is protected against mutation from anyone you share the Set with. However, note that anyone who has a reference to the underlying collection is still able to mutate it. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do not mutate the collection or share the underlying collection with anyone else who might mutate it. If you prefer to avoid this, you can construct an ImmutableSet using copyFrom instead.

A Set can be constructed from an Iterable or array using the copyFrom or copySliceFrom methods.


  • Makes a copy of the input if necessary*.
  • Will not alter the input in any way.
  • Will not maintain a reference to the input.

The copying of the input is a one-time cost, but in return you get an ImmutableSet that is guaranteed safe from mutation.

* if the input is an ImmutableSet, no copying will be performed.

Calling Set.of with one or more elements will return a new ImmutableNonEmptySet.

The Set.empty static method will return an ImmutableSet<A> that is empty.

A NonEmptySet<A> is a Set<A> that is known at compile-time to contain at least one element. It is not possible to construct a NonEmptySet that is empty. Since it is also a Set<A>, it can be used anywhere a Set<A> is called for. NonEmptySet<A> is a subtype of NonEmptyIterable<A>, which provides a head method that unconditionally yields an element.

NonEmptyVector.maybeWrap takes an a java.util.Set and returns a Maybe<NonEmptySet<A>>. If the provided collection is not empty, a NonEmptySet<A> will be created and returned in a Maybe.just, otherwise Maybe.nothing will be returned.

Alternatively, if you know for sure that the set you are passing is not empty, then you can call NonEmptySet.wrapOrThrow. This will either return the NonEmptySet directly, or throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provided collection is empty.

NonEmptySet.maybeWrap and NonEmptySet.wrapOrThrow behave similarly to Set.wrap in that a copy of the underlying collection is never made.

A Set has the methods toNonEmpty and toNonEmptyOrThrow that will attempt to convert the Set to a NonEmptySet at run-time. They will do so without making copies of any underlying collections.

Set.of always returns a ImmutableNonEmptySet, so all Sets constructed this way are compatible with NonEmptySet.

An ImmutableSet<A> is a Set<A> with the additional guarantee that it is 100% safe from mutation. In other words, no one else holds any references to its underlying collection.

An ImmutableNonEmptySet<A> is a Set<A> that also has all the guarantees of NonEmptySet<A> and ImmutableSet<A>. An ImmutableNonEmptySet<A> can be used anywhere a Set<A> is called for.


Vectors can wrap arrays or java.util.Lists. The following wraps an Integer array in a Vector. No copy of the array is made:

Integer[] arr = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

Vector<Integer> vector1 = Vector.wrap(arr);

You can also wrap an instance of java.util.List<A>, but for this example we will wrap an array.

System.out.println("vector1 = " + vector1);
    // *** vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

You can get the size of the Vector in O(1) using the size method:

System.out.println("vector1.size() = " + vector1.size());
    // *** vector1.size() = 10

You can safely get an element at any index in O(1) using the get method:

System.out.println("vector1.get(0) = " + vector1.get(0));
    // *** vector1.get(0) = Just 1

System.out.println("vector1.get(9) = " + vector1.get(9));
    // *** vector1.get(9) = Just 10

System.out.println("vector1.get(100) = " + vector1.get(100));
    // *** vector1.get(100) = Nothing

Note that get returns a Maybe<A>. If you pass get an invalid index, it will return Maybe.nothing:

System.out.println("vector1.get(100) = " + vector1.get(100));
    // *** vector1.get(100) = Nothing

get is also guaranteed to never return null. If the underlying collection contains a null at the index requested, get will return Maybe.nothing.

If you want to avoid the overhead of wrapping the result in a Maybe, you can use the unsafeGet method...

System.out.println("vector1.unsafeGet(5) = " + vector1.unsafeGet(5));
// *** vector1.unsafeGet(5) = 6

...but be aware, unsafeGet will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if you provide it an invalid index:

System.out.println("vector1.unsafeGet(1000) = "  + vector1.unsafeGet(1000));
// *** throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

unsafeGet may return null if that is what the underlying collection contains.


You can create slices of another Vector using take, drop, or slice. The results of these methods are also Vectors, and none of them make copies of the original underlying collection.

Vector<Integer> vector2 = vector1.take(5);
System.out.println("vector2 = " + vector2);
    // *** vector2 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Vector<Integer> vector3 = vector1.drop(2);
System.out.println("vector3 = " + vector3);
    // *** vector3 = Vector(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Vector<Integer> vector4 = vector1.slice(3, 7);
System.out.println("vector4 = " + vector4);
    // *** vector4 = Vector(4, 5, 6, 7)


You can map to a new Vector using fmap. This returns a new Vector and leaves the original Vector unaffected. fmap never makes copies, and is stack-safe.

Vector<Integer> vector5 = vector1.fmap(n -> n * 100);

System.out.println("vector5 = " + vector5);
    // *** vector5 = Vector(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000)

Vector<String> vector6 = vector5.fmap(n -> "a" + n + "z");

System.out.println("vector6 = " + vector6);
    // *** vector6 = Vector(a100z, a200z, a300z, a400z, a500z, a600z, a700z, a800z, a900z, a1000z)

No copies are made

The following is to prove that none of the above methods made a copy of the underlying array. (Don't do this!)

arr[3] = 1000;

System.out.println("vector1 = " + vector1);
    // *** vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 1000, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

System.out.println("vector2 = " + vector2);
    // *** vector2 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 1000, 5)

System.out.println("vector3 = " + vector3);
    // *** vector3 = Vector(3, 1000, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

System.out.println("vector4 = " + vector4);
    // *** vector4 = Vector(1000, 5, 6, 7)

System.out.println("vector5 = " + vector5);
    // *** vector5 = Vector(100, 200, 300, 100000, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000)

System.out.println("vector6 = " + vector6);
    // *** vector6 = Vector(a100z, a200z, a300z, a100000z, a500z, a600z, a700z, a800z, a900z, a1000z)

Again, mutation is discouraged; the above was just to prove that no copy was made. We will switch it back:

arr[3] = 4;


If you want to be sure you are complete protected from mutation, you can upgrade to an ImmutableVector:

ImmutableVector<Integer> vector7 = vector1.toImmutable();

System.out.println("vector7 = " + vector7);
    // *** vector7 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Note that toImmutable may make a copy of the underlying collection, but only if it is necessary. Calling toImmutable on a Vector that is already immutable is a no-op.

Now we will show that ImmutableVectors are safe from mutation:

 arr[3] = 1000;

// vector1 was affected:
System.out.println("vector1 = " + vector1);
    // *** vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 1000, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

// vector7 was not:
System.out.println("vector7 = " + vector7);
    // *** vector7 = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

An ImmutableVector<A> can be used anywhere a Vector<A> is called for, but it has the additional compile-time guarantee that it is protected against mutation anywhere (at the cost of a one-time copy).

The methods tail, take, slice, drop and fmap on an ImmutableVector all yield ImmutableVectors for free:

ImmutableVector<Integer> vector8 = vector7.tail();
ImmutableVector<Integer> vector9 = vector7.take(5);
ImmutableVector<Integer> vector10 = vector7.drop(2);
ImmutableVector<Integer> vector11 = vector7.slice(3, 7);
ImmutableVector<Integer> vector12 = vector7.fmap(n -> n * 100);

Creating ImmutableVectors directly

You can construct an ImmutableVector directly using Vector.of:

ImmutableVector<String> vector13 = Vector.of("foo", "bar", "baz");

System.out.println("vector13 = " + vector13);
    // *** vector13 = Vector(foo, bar, baz)


Vector.of actually returns an instance of ImmutableNonEmptyVector<A>, which can be used where any Vector<A>, ImmutableVector<A>, or NonEmptyVector<A> is called for.

 ImmutableNonEmptyVector<String> vector14 = Vector.of("foo", "bar", "baz");

NonEmpty is another guarantee you can provide or require at compile-time. NonEmpty provides a head method that is guaranteed to yield an element:

System.out.println("vector14.head() = " + vector14.head());
    // *** vector14.head() = foo

All NonEmptyVector<A>s can be used anywhere a Vector<A> is called for, so it is a concept you can opt-in to caring about. All the following are legal:

Vector<String> vector15 = vector14;
ImmutableVector<String> vector16 = vector14;
NonEmptyVector<String> vector17 = vector14;

However, if you require a NonEmptyVector, you need to provide one at compile-time.

Vector<String> vector18 = Vector.empty();

// The following line won't compile!
NonEmptyVector<String> vector19 = vector18;

Nor will the following compile, since Vector<String> has not been proven non-empty at compile-time:

Vector<String> vector20 = Vector.wrap(asList("foo", "bar", "baz"));

// The following line won't compile!
NonEmptyVector<String> vector21 = vector20;

If you want to upgrade to a NonEmptyVector at run-time, use the toNonEmpty or toNonEmptyOrThrow methods on a Vector.

Maybe<NonEmptyVector<String>> vector22 = vector21.toNonEmpty();

System.out.println("vector22 = " + vector22);
    // *** vector22 = Just Vector(foo, bar, baz)

Maybe<NonEmptyVector<String>> vector23 = vector21.toNonEmpty();

System.out.println("vector23 = " + vector23);
    // *** vector23 = Nothing


The following are either explicitly non-goals, or trade-offs made in the design of this library:

Adding or updating elements

To support updating, or even adding of elements would require sacrificing other guarantees. Therefore these are not supported.

Even something as simple as adding an element to the end of a Vector is not supported, as this would either require making a copy, sacrificing O(1) random access, or compromising locality of reference.

Protection from nulls

collection-views does not offer full null protection like Guava Immutable Collections, which doesn't allow construction of a collection that contains any nulls.

Though not recommended, you are able to construct Vectors and Sets that contain null elements.

To prevent construction of, say, a Vector that contains no nulls would require examining every element of the collection you are trying to wrap. This goes beyond what can be deemed "low overhead".

Vector does however have a get method which guarantees to never return null, so there is some level of null protection.


It is non-goal to make collection-views compatible with java.util.Collection. If you need to convert to a java.util.Collection, you can easily accomplish this with lambda's toCollection function.

Since Vector and Set are interfaces, you can create your own custom implementations by subtyping them.

By design, no concrete classes in this library are exposed for direct instantiation or extension. However, some useful methods have been made available in VectorHelpers and SetHelpers to which you can delegate to handle some of the administrivia (e.g., equals, toString) in your custom implementation.

Throughout this library, the claim of O(1) means that the number of elements in a collection has no bearing on performance. However, the number of transformations applied to a view (such as mapping and slicing), will. Technically, the complexity is O(k) where k is the number of transformations applied.

FOSSA Status

collection-views is distributed under The MIT License.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2019 Kevin Schuetz

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.