An open-source OAuth server to demo OAuth2 workflows for IIIF Authorization use cases.
This app is for demonstration purposes only and is not intended for Production. Proper configuration and password management, TLS connections and more will be required for a production deployment.
The docker compose file in this project runs a PostgreSQL database and an open-source oauth server called Hydra.
Read more about Hydra
curl http://localhost:4445/admin/clients
Build and run docker images
docker compose up -d --build
Ensure the DSN environment variable for Hydra is correctly pointing to the PostgreSQL service. The DSN should match the service name and credentials of the PostgreSQL container.
dsn: postgres://auth:secret@auth-db:5432/auth?sslmode=disable&max_conns=20&max_idle_conns=4
The IIIF OAuth2 Consent App is the User Interface that accepts user input and sends login requests to the OAuth server. Start the OAuth server first and then run the consent app using the instructions in the README.