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A package for giving copy capabilities to classes, both local (i.e. in your source code), and foreign (i.e. defined in a third-party library).

Table of Contents


The best way to learn is with examples.


The copyable package defines two interfaces for giving copy-like functionality to Dart classes: Copyable and Copier.

Once you define a class that implements either of the two interfaces, you can copy instances of the class like this:


class Point implements Copyable<Point> {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  final Shape parent;
  Point(this.x, this.y, {this.parent});

  // Implement Copyable interface

Point origin = Point(0, 0);

// Copy
Point origin_copy = origin.copy();

// Copy, overriding some fields
Point x_intercept = origin.copyWith(x: 5);


class PointCopier implements Copier<Point> {
  // Implement Copier interface

PointCopier pointCopier = PointCopier();
Point origin = Point(0, 0);

// Copy
Point origin_copy = pointCopier.copy(origin);

// Copy, overriding some fields
Point x_intercept = pointCopier.copyWith(x: 5);

Whether to use Copyable or Copier is a matter of preference: the Copyable pattern adds copy functionality directly into a class, where as the Copier pattern adds copy functionality indirectly by creating an entirely new class.


Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

  copyable: ^0.0.1

Using the code generation tools requires additional setup.



/// An interface for copying objects.
abstract class Copyable<T> {
  /// Copy the current object.
  @required T copy();

  /// Copy the current object, overriding with non-null properties of
  /// `master` when present.
  @required T copyWith(T master);

  /// Copy the current object, overriding with the given properties.
  @required T copyWithProperties(/* Add named properties here; typically
  these are object fields.*/);


import 'package:copyable/copyable.dart';

class Point implements Copyable<Point> {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  Point parent;


  // Copyable Implementation
  Point copy() => _copy(this);

  Point copyWith(Point master) => _copy(master);

  Point copyWithProperties({
    int x,
    int y,
    Point parent
  }) => _copy(this,
      x: x,
      y: y,
      parent: parent

  static Point _copy(Point master, {
    int x,
    int y,
    Point parent
  }) {
    return Point(
        x : x ?? master?.x,
        y : y ?? master?.y,
        parent : parent ?? master?.parent

Code Generation

If you don't want to manually implement the Copyable interface (I know, it's a lot of boilerplate :/ ), have no fear! Check out the code generation section.



abstract class Copier<T> {
  /// Necessary in order to support chaining of `copy()` calls.
  /// Basically a way to bootstrap a temporary master (from a previous `copy
  /// ()` call), it holds the result of the previous `.copy()` call so that
  /// the user doesn't have to re-wrap the result in a `Copier` instance.
  @required T master;

  /// The default template for copying. This will be the last
  /// fallback for any undefined properties of the object being copied.
  /// Typically just a bare-bones object (i.e. `T()`).
  @required T get defaultMaster;

  // Convenience Methods

  /// Copies the given object `master` and returns a new instance of `Copier<T>`
  /// whose master is the newly copied object.
  @required Copier<T> copy(T master);

  /// Copies the given object `master` and returns it.
  @required T copyAndResolve(T master);

  /// Copies `this.master` with the given parameters only. Returns a new
  /// instance of `Copier<T>` whose master is the newly copied object.
  /// **Note:** Concrete implementations of `Copier<T>` should add optional
  /// named parameters corresponding to the instance properties of `T`.
  @required Copier<T> copyWith(/* {{ Properties here! }} */);

  /// Copies `this.master` with the given parameters only. Returns the newly
  /// copied object.
  /// **Note:** Concrete implementations of `Copier<T>` should add optional
  /// named parameters corresponding to the instance properties of `T`.
  @required T copyWithAndResolve(/* {{ Properties here! }} */);

  /// Returns the result of the most recent copy (i.e. this.master).
  /// Literally the only code in this function should be `return this.master;`
  @required T resolve();


class CircleCopier implements Copier<Circle> {

  Circle master;

  Circle get defaultMaster {
    return Circle(radius: 1);

  dynamic _copy(Circle master,
      {bool resolve = false, int radius, int centerX, int centerY}) {
    master = master ?? this.master;
    Circle newCircle = Circle(
        radius: radius ?? master?.radius ?? defaultMaster.radius,
        centerX: centerX ?? master?.centerX ?? defaultMaster.centerX,
        centerY: centerY ?? master?.centerY ?? defaultMaster.centerY);

    return resolve ? newCircle : CircleCopier(newCircle);

  CircleCopier copy(Circle master) {
    return this._copy(
      resolve: false,
    ) as CircleCopier;

  Circle copyAndResolve(Circle master) {
    return this._copy(
      resolve: true,
    ) as Circle;

  CircleCopier copyWith({int radius, int centerX, int centerY}) {
    return this._copy(this.master,
        resolve: false,
        radius: radius,
        centerX: centerX,
        centerY: centerY) as CircleCopier;

  Circle copyWithAndResolve({int radius, int centerX, int centerY}) {
    return this._copy(this.master,
        resolve: true,
        radius: radius,
        centerX: centerX,
        centerY: centerY) as Circle;

  Circle resolve() {
    return this.master;

Code Generation

If you don't want to manually implement the Copier interface (I know, it's a lot of boilerplate :/ ), have no fear! Check out the code generation section.

Code Generation

Most of the code needed to implement either Copyable or Copier is boilerplate and not fun. Instead, you can generate the respective Copyable or Copier code using build_runner.


Add the following dev dependencies to your pubspec.yaml:

  build_runner: ^1.0.0
  build_verify: ^1.1.0

Make sure to run pub get or flutter packages get.

If you don't already a build.yaml file, create one in your project root directory (wherever pubspec.yaml is). Then, add the following to your build.yaml:

      # TODO: Add builders

There are four different builders you can use to generate copy-code. Each builder corresponds to one of the four use cases described earlier in [link here]:

- Copyable Copier
Local copyable copier
Foreign foreignCopyableLib foreignCopierLib

Once you know which builder(s) you want to use, add them your build.yaml with the pattern copyable|{BUILDER_NAME}:

          - lib/point.dart
          - lib/circle.dart
      # More builders if needed...



  1. Import package:copyable/generator.dart.



  1. Annotate the class you want to generate copy code for with @generate_copyable.
  2. Add the following to the top of your file:
part '$FILE_NAME.g.dart';
  1. Run the builder (see below). This will generate a mixin with the necessary copy-code as a part of file
  2. Add the generated mixin to your original class.



  1. Annotate the class you want to generate copy code for with @GenerateCopier(defaultObjectCode: $DEFAULT).

    In place of $DEFAULT, pass a string of the code to use to instantiate a "default" instance of the class; for example,

    @GenerateCopier(defaultObjectCode: 'Circle(radius: 1')   
  2. Add the following to the top of your file:

part '$FILE_NAME.g.dart';
  1. Run the builder (see below). This will generate a separate class with the necessary copy-code as a part of file.



  1. Create a CopyableMeta instance representing the class you want to generate a copyable version of for.
  2. Create a CopyMetaGenerator instance and pass in the meta object.
  3. Run the builder (see below). This will generate a separate library generated classes.



  1. Create a CopierMeta instance representing the class you want to generate a copyable version of for.
  2. Create a CopyMetaGenerator instance and pass in the meta object.
  3. Run the builder (see below). This will generate a separate library generated classes.


In the directory where your build.yaml is, run the following:

Flutter project

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Non-flutter project

pub run build_runner build