Holds all scripts to create packages and manifest file required for publishing the virtctl binary as a krew package for kubectl.
kubectl virt plugin is a wrapper for virtctl
originating from the KubeVirt project.
KubeVirt is a virtualization add-on to Kubernetes, i.e. it enables to run existing virtual machines on Kubernetes clusters.
virtctl controls virtual machine related operations on your Kubernetes cluster like connecting to the serial and VNC consoles.
See the KubeVirt user guide for details.
For installation and usage of krew (the package manager for kubectl plugins) refer to its manual.
If krew is installed, the virt plugin can be installed:
$ kubectl krew install virt
Output should be:
Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: virt
| virt plugin is a wrapper for virtctl originating from the KubeVirt project. In order to use virtctl you will
| need to have KubeVirt installed on your Kubernetes cluster to use it. See https://kubevirt.io/ for details
| Run
| kubectl virt help
| to get an overview of the available commands
| ...
Installed plugin: virt
Now we check the list of installed krew plugins
$ kubectl plugin list
The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:
After we have installed the virt plugin we can use it:
$ kubectl virt 130 ↵
Available Commands:
console Connect to a console of a virtual machine instance.
expose Expose a virtual machine instance, virtual machine, or virtual machine instance replica set as a new service.
help Help about any command
image-upload Upload a VM image to a PersistentVolumeClaim.
restart Restart a virtual machine.
start Start a virtual machine.
stop Stop a virtual machine.
version Print the client and server version information.
$ kubectl virt version
Client Version: version.Info{GitVersion:"v0.17.2", GitCommit:"58b5f4c64304f75c58ff0915ce70f9ed641d6629", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-06-05T09:34:53Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Note: a prow job periodically executes the below script
To manually prepare a kubectl krew release for a new release
just execute ./scripts/create-latest-release.sh
from the base directory. The script will create packages and store them in a new release in GitHub repo.
$ ./scripts/create-latest-release.sh
Output will be
Downloading binaries:
Creating pull request:
Creating the release will trigger a GitHub action that then will create a PR against the krew-index
Running ./scripts/create-release.sh
with a specific version will generate the release packages and create a release in GitHub.
./scripts/create-release.sh v1.2.0
The triggered GitHub actions will then create a PR as described above.