Source code of games for C16 or Cplus4.
Games are programmed in Commodore Basic V3.5
Currently there are two games:
Eremgyujto mano - the program consists of two parts, the first part is rewriting characters and the second is the main game.
Flipper - the program also consists of two parts, the first part is rewriting characters and the second is the main game.
Credits go to Konozsy Laszlo and Kiss Gergely.
Literature: Csupa Szuper Jatek C16 C116 Cplus4 Szamitogepekre, Muszaki Konyvkiado, 1988
The listing was made using OCR scanned listing / txt list correction / import as prg / final correction in VICE emulator
In order to use the games use VICE C16 or Cplus4 emulator, attach the disk image, use DIRECTORY command to list programs and using LOAD command load the first part of the program. Run the first part of the program using RUN command and load the second part with F1 or F2 keys. To run the second part of the program, use RUN command.