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2023 Fall courses
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## 2023 Fall

- [COSE 212: Programming Languages]({{< relref "cose212/2023/" >}})
- AAA 616: Program Analysis

## 2023 Spring

- [COSE 312: Compilers](
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# Programming Languages, 2023 Fall

## Course Information

- Instructor: [Hakjoo Oh]({{< ref "/members/hakjoo-oh" >}})
- TAs: [Minsu Kim]({{< "/members/minsu-kim" >}}), Doyeon Hwang
- Lecture: 09:00-11:45 on Mondays and Wednesday (8 weeks)
- [Syllabus](./syllabus.pdf)

## References

- [프로그래밍 언어의 원리](./pl-book.pdf)
- [Essentials of Programming Languages](
- [Notes on Programming Languages (in Korean)](./pl-book-draft.pdf)

## Slides

- Course Overview: [lec0.pdf](./slides/lec0.pdf)
- (Part 1) Preliminaries
- Inductive Definitions: [lec1.pdf](./slides/lec1.pdf), [lec2.pdf](./slides/lec2.pdf)
- Functional Programming: [lec3.pdf](./slides/lec3.pdf), [lec4.pdf](./slides/lec4.pdf)
- (Part 2) Basic Concepts
- Expressions: [lec5.pdf](./slides/lec5.pdf), [code](./slides/
- Procedures: [lec6.pdf](./slides/lec6.pdf)
- Lexical scoping: [lec7.pdf](./slides/lec7.pdf)
- States: [lec8.pdf](./slides/lec8.pdf)
- Records, Pointers, and garbage collection: [lec9.pdf](./slides/lec9.pdf)
- (Part 3) Advanced Concepts
- Static Type System: [lec10.pdf](./slides/lec10.pdf), [lec11.pdf](./slides/lec11.pdf), [lec12.pdf](./slides/lec12.pdf)
- Automatic Type Inference: [lec13.pdf](./slides/lec13.pdf), [lec14.pdf](./slides/lec14.pdf), [lec15.pdf](./slides/lec15.pdf)
- Polymorphic Type System: [lec16.pdf](./slides/lec16.pdf)
- Lambda Calculus: [lec17.pdf](./slides/lec17.pdf)
- Operational and denotational semantics: [lec18.pdf](./slides/lec18.pdf)
- Course Review: [lec19.pdf](./slides/lec19.pdf)

## Programming Assignment

- Programming exercises: [ocaml-exercises.pdf](./hw/ocaml-exercises.pdf)
- Final Project (interpreter and type checker): [project.pdf](./hw/project.pdf) [template](./hw/
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(* Do not open any module *)

(* Library functions *)

let rec fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
= fun f accu lst ->
match lst with
| [] -> accu
| hd::tl -> fold_left f (f accu hd) tl

let rec map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
= fun f lst ->
match lst with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (f hd)::(map f tl)

(****** Syntax *******)

type program = exp
and exp =
| CONST of int
| VAR of var
| ADD of exp * exp
| SUB of exp * exp
| MUL of exp * exp
| DIV of exp * exp
| EQUAL of exp * exp
| LESS of exp * exp
| NOT of exp
| CONS of exp * exp
| APPEND of exp * exp
| HEAD of exp
| TAIL of exp
| ISNIL of exp
| IF of exp * exp * exp
| LET of var * exp * exp
| LETREC of var * var * exp * exp
| LETMREC of (var * var * exp) * (var * var * exp) * exp
| PROC of var * exp
| CALL of exp * exp
| PRINT of exp
| SEQ of exp * exp
and var = string

(** Example programs **)

let f = proc (x) (x - 11)
in (f (f 77))
let proc1 =
LET ("f", PROC ("x", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 11)),
CALL (VAR "f", CALL (VAR "f", CONST 77)))

((proc (f) (f (f 77))) (proc (x) (x-11)))
let proc2 =
CALL (PROC ("f", CALL (VAR "f", CALL (VAR "f", CONST 77))),
PROC ("x", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 11)))

let x = 1
in let f = proc (y) (x + y)
in let x = 2
in let g = proc (y) (x + y)
in (f 1) + (g 1)
let let1 =
LET ("x", CONST 1,
LET ("f", PROC ("y", ADD (VAR "x", VAR "y")),
LET ("x", CONST 2,
LET ("g", PROC ("y", ADD (VAR "x", VAR "y")),
(ADD (CALL (VAR "f", CONST 1),
CALL (VAR "g", CONST 1)))))))

letrec even(x) = if (x = 0) then true else odd(x-1)
odd(x) = if (x = 0) then false else even(x-1)
in (even 13)
let evenodd =
LETMREC (("even", "x", IF (EQUAL (VAR "x", CONST 0), TRUE, CALL (VAR "odd", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 1)))),
("odd" , "x", IF (EQUAL (VAR "x", CONST 0), FALSE, CALL (VAR "even", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 1)))),
CALL (VAR "odd", CONST 13))

letrec double(x) = if (x = 0) then 0 else (double (x-1) + 2
in (double 6)
let double =
LETREC ("double", "x", IF (EQUAL (VAR "x", CONST 0),
ADD (CALL (VAR "double", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 1)) ,
CONST 2)),
CALL (VAR "double", CONST 6))

letrec factorial(x) =
if (x = 0) then 1
else factorial(x-1) * x
in letrec loop n =
if (n = 0) then ()
else (print (factorial n); loop (n-1))
in (loop 10)
let fact =
LETREC ("factorial", "x",
MUL (CALL (VAR "factorial", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 1)), VAR "x")),
LETREC ("loop", "n",
SEQ (PRINT (CALL (VAR "factorial", VAR "n")),
CALL (VAR "loop", SUB(VAR "n", CONST 1)))),
CALL (VAR "loop", CONST 10)))

in letrec range(n) =
if (n = 1) then (cons 1 nil)
else n::(range (n-1))
in (range 10)
let range =
LETREC ("range", "n",
CONS (VAR "n", CALL (VAR "range", SUB (VAR "n", CONST 1)))),
CALL (VAR "range", CONST 10))

letrec reverse(l) =
if (isnil l) then []
else (reverse (tl l)) @ (cons hd l)
in (reverse (cons (1, cons (2, cons (3, nil)))))
let reverse =
LETREC ("reverse", "l",
APPEND (CALL (VAR "reverse", TAIL (VAR "l")),
CONS (HEAD (VAR "l"), NIL))),
CALL (VAR "reverse",

let reverse2 =
LETREC ("reverse", "l",
APPEND (CALL (VAR "reverse", TAIL (VAR "l")),
CONS (HEAD (VAR "l"), NIL))),
CALL (VAR "reverse",

let zfact =
LET ("fix",
PROC ("f",
CALL (PROC ("x", CALL (VAR "f", PROC ("y", CALL (CALL (VAR "x", VAR "x"), VAR "y")))),
PROC ("x", CALL (VAR "f", PROC ("y", CALL (CALL (VAR "x", VAR "x"), VAR "y")))))),
LET ("f", CALL (VAR "fix",
PROC ("f", PROC ("x",
MUL (CALL (VAR "f", SUB (VAR "x", CONST 1)), VAR "x"))))),
CALL (VAR "f", CONST 10)))

let zrange =
LET ("fix",
PROC ("f",
CALL (PROC ("x", CALL (VAR "f", PROC ("y", CALL (CALL (VAR "x", VAR "x"), VAR "y")))),
PROC ("x", CALL (VAR "f", PROC ("y", CALL (CALL (VAR "x", VAR "x"), VAR "y")))))),

LET ("f", CALL (VAR "fix",
PROC ("range", PROC ("n",
CONS (VAR "n", CALL (VAR "range", SUB (VAR "n", CONST 1))))))),
CALL (VAR "f", CONST 10)))

let poly =
LET ("f", PROC("x", VAR "x"),
IF(CALL (VAR "f", TRUE), CALL (VAR "f", CONST 1), CALL (VAR "f", CONST 2)))

let lst =

(***** Problem 1 *****)

type value =
| Unit
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| List of value list
| Procedure of var * exp * env
| RecProcedure of var * var * exp * env
| MRecProcedure of var * var * exp *
var * var * exp * env
and env = (var * value) list

exception UndefinedSemantics

let rec string_of_value v =
match v with
| Int n -> string_of_int n
| Bool b -> string_of_bool b
| List lst -> "[" ^ fold_left (fun s x -> s ^ ", " ^ x) "" (map string_of_value lst) ^ "]"
| _ -> "(functional value)"

let empty_env = []
let extend_env (x,v) e = (x,v)::e
let rec lookup_env x e =
match e with
| [] -> raise (Failure ("variable " ^ x ^ " is not bound in env"))
| (y,v)::tl -> if x = y then v else lookup_env x tl

let rec eval : exp -> env -> value
=fun exp env ->
match exp with
| PRINT e -> (print_endline (string_of_value (eval e env)); Unit)
| _ -> raise (Failure "Not implemented") (* TODO *)

let runml : program -> value
=fun pgm -> eval pgm empty_env

(***** Problem 2 *****)

type typ =
| TyInt
| TyBool
| TyFun of typ * typ
| TyList of typ
| TyVar of tyvar
and tyvar = string

exception TypeError

(* You can invoke "fresh_tyvar()" to generate a fresh type variable *)
let tyvar_num = ref 0
let fresh_tyvar () = (tyvar_num := !tyvar_num + 1; (TyVar ("t" ^ string_of_int !tyvar_num)))

let typecheck : program -> typ
=fun exp -> raise TypeError (* TODO *)
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1. store this file as a file (e.g. "")
2. type "ocaml" in the shell command line

type pgm = exp
and exp =
| CONST of int
| VAR of string
| ADD of exp * exp
| SUB of exp * exp
| ISZERO of exp
| IF of exp * exp * exp
| LET of string * exp * exp

let x = 1 in
let y = let x = 2
in x + x
in x + y
let pgm1 =
LET ("x", CONST 1,
LET ("y", LET ("x", CONST 2,
ADD (VAR "x", VAR "x")),
(ADD (VAR "x", VAR "y"))))

type value = Int of int | Bool of bool

module Env = struct
type t = (string * value) list
let empty = []
let rec lookup x e =
match e with
| [] -> raise (Failure ("Env: Not found: " ^ x))
| (y,v)::tl ->
if y = x then v else lookup x tl
let update x v e = (x,v)::e

let rec eval : Env.t -> exp -> value
=fun env exp ->
match exp with
| CONST n -> Int n
| VAR x -> Env.lookup x env
| ADD (e1, e2) -> binop env e1 e2 (+)
| SUB (e1, e2) -> binop env e1 e2 (-)
| READ -> Int (read_int ())
| ISZERO e ->
(match eval env e with
| Int 0 -> Bool true
| Int _ -> Bool false
| _ -> raise (Failure "type error"))
| IF (e1,e2,e3) ->
(match eval env e1 with
| Bool true -> eval env e2
| Bool false -> eval env e3
| _ -> raise (Failure "type error"))
| LET (x,e1,e2) ->
let v1 = eval env e1 in
let v = eval (Env.update x v1 env) e2 in

and binop env e1 e2 op =
let v1 = eval env e1 in
let v2 = eval env e2 in
match v1, v2 with
| Int n1, Int n2 -> Int (op n1 n2)
| _ -> raise (Failure ("type error"))

let print_value v =
print_endline (match v with
| Int n -> string_of_int n
| Bool b -> string_of_bool b)

let _ = print_value (eval Env.empty pgm1)
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