- Tools
- Test information
: Specifying which is negative cases and positive cases. - Pyannotate (https://github.com/dropbox/pyannotate)
I highly recommend to make a setting via pyenv and virtualenv instead of local environment.
I assuem the situation that I try to run arbitrary project.
This project has testfile named negative.py
and its content is following form:
# negative.py
class Negative() :
def negative_test1() :
def negative_test2() :
You first set your project like this:
<benchmark name>
L <project>-<id>
L ...
L <test folder name>
L <negative.py>
You first make a test information file such as (~/test_info/*.json)
"<project>-<id>" : {
"all" : [
"--execution-timeout", "300",
"--ignore=<test folder name>/<negative.py>",
"<test folder name>"
"pos" : [
"--execution-timeout", "300",
"-k", "not (<negative_test1> or <negative_test2>)",
"<test folder name>/<negative.py>"
"neg" : [
"--execution-timeout", "300",
"<test folder name>/<negative.py>::<Negative>::<negative_test1>",
"<test folder name>/<negative.py>::<Negative>::<negative_test2>",
Let assume folders consists of like this:
<benchmark name>
L <project>-<id>
L ...
L <test folder name>
L <negative.py>
<test info name>
L <project>.json
First, let move to the project folder:
cd /<benchmark name>/<project>-<id>
and install several pytest libraries and PyAnnotate for the dynamic analysis:
pip install pytest
pip install pytest-timeouts
pip install -e /<pyter path>/pyannotate/.
Then, you can run the dynamic analysis as following code:
python /<pyter path>/my_tool/extract_neg.py --bench=<test info name>
python /<pyter path>/my_tool/extract_pos.py --bench=<test info name>
The result of the dynamic analysis will be saved in /<benchmark name>/<project>-<id>/pyter
You can run our PyTER framework as following code:
python /<pyter path>/my_tool/test_main.py -d "<benchmark name>" -p "<project>" -i "<id>" -c ""