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andyfeng edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 1 revision


Binder validates and converts parsed graph pattern to query graph which will be used for planner.


  • Map nodeName->queryNode
  • Map relName->queryRel


  • name, label, srcNode, dstNode


  • name, label


  • NodeLabel must exist in catalog
  • RelLabel must exist in catalog
  • Node and Rel cannot use the same name
  • Two rels cannot use the same name
  • If two node use the same name, then infer them as the same node e.g. ...->(b:Person), (b)-...
  • Node cannot have multi label e.g. ...->(b:Person), (b:Student)-...
  • NodeLabel must have outgoing/incoming relLabel as declared in the input
  • Querygraph must be connected
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